Adorable is an adjective that cannot be dispensed with: its lexical meaning

How to describe a delicious mom’s apple pie? And a summer day drunk with the sun? Or a suit that perfectly emphasizes a slim figure? Only one adjective comes to mind - delightful. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

The lexical meaning

It is important to understand what this or that word means in Russian. If there are difficulties in determining the lexical meaning, it is better to use an explanatory dictionary.

Ushakov’s dictionary explains that “delightful” is delightful, admirable, unusually good and attractive, which makes a pleasant impression. For example, a magnificent winter landscape.

Amazing winter nature

Examples of use

So that the lexical meaning is not forgotten, it must be supported by examples. With the adjective you can make a "delightful" few sentences.

  1. Where did you buy this amazing jumpsuit?
  2. We tried a delicious carrot cake.
  3. A delightful crown gleamed in the sun.
  4. We were delighted with the delicious banquet.
  5. No one knew where such an amazing artist came from.
  6. The bride put on a wonderful wedding dress.
Amazing Wedding Dress

Synonyms for the word

When the meaning of the word “delicious” is finally clarified, several synonyms can be selected. They fulfill one important role - make speech richer and eliminate repetition. To this adjective you can pick up a number of words that are similar in meaning.

  1. Delightful. Your kindness is simply delightful.
  2. Beautiful. We have never seen such a beautiful wedding dress.
  3. Incomparable. And then an incomparable entertainer appeared on the scene.
  4. Seductive. Having sent the lady a seductive smile, the dandy started to dance.
  5. Dizzy. No one could have guessed that you would achieve such dizzying career heights.
  6. Gold. My mother is a golden man, she bakes the best apple pies.
Delicious Apple Pie

Features of use

It is worth remembering that “delightful” is a word with a clear emotional coloring. It conveys the emotions of the author, his admiration and highest praise.

This adjective is not recommended for use in texts of scientific and official business subjects. It is appropriate in fiction, conversational style.

It makes sense to replace the adjective with a stylistically neutral option: good, optimal, normal. For comparison, you can make two sentences.

  1. You have an amazing hairstyle (the emotions of the author are transmitted).
  2. We completed the optimal number of tasks (just a fact, without emotional coloring).

Now it’s clear when you need to use the adjective “delightful”. Its lexical meaning is clarified, which is fixed by examples. It is important to remember that the word “delicious” is not used in all speech styles.


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