Old proven disease control method: soar feet. Does it help?

Since the days of our great-grandmothers, many popular methods of combating ailments have been invented. For example, plantain should be applied to the cut, in case of swelling or bruising - cabbage leaf, in case of runny nose breathe over boiled potatoes, and in case of cold - soar legs.

soar feet
Oddly enough, even with the terrible modern ecology and the body that has been weakened by it, these methods still remain effective and help, if not radically, then in combination with other methods.

So, for example, after returning home after a long winter walk, do not be lazy to do prophylaxis: take the time to soar your legs every time you feel even a slight malaise. Well, if the disease makes itself felt with a sore throat, cough and runny nose, then this procedure should become simply indispensable and mandatory.

What is the meaning of this therapy? How does it affect the body? The fact is that hot water stimulates blood flow. In this case, blood circulates more in the lower part of the body, that is, in the legs, and outflow occurs in the upper part. Accordingly, if we want to facilitate breathing (the work of the lungs, nasal sinuses and respiratory tract), then feet need to soar without fail.

Contraindications and consequences when ignored

Most people wonder if this procedure has contraindications, despite its harmlessness. For example, is it possible to soar legs in case of temperature or other diseases? Yes, there are contraindications, and ignoring them can lead to undesirable consequences.

For example, you can’t soar your legs:

soar feet at temperature

  • at a temperature, because hot water raises it even more;
  • during pregnancy - this can lead to premature contractions, bleeding;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • with hypertension;
  • just before going out.

How to soar feet

Feet need to soar "wisely." Prepare everything you need for the procedure itself and what you need after it: a basin with high sides (or a bucket), hot water, a kettle with boiling water, mustard powder or mustard (if there is no allergy to these components), a blanket, a towel, warm socks ( better woolen).

soar feet at temperature
You need to soar your feet by lowering not only the feet, but also the ankles (at least partially) into the water. No need to pour boiling water and suffer: start with a temperature of about 37-38 degrees, and as you get used to pour boiling water from the kettle. Before starting the procedure, dilute mustard or powder in the water - this contributes to better tissue warming and improved blood flow. It is believed that you can soar your feet in an infusion of herbs, such as chamomile, mint and sage. It is possible, but it will make your skin and feet softer and nothing more. Such a decoction is useful only when taken orally in the form of tea with honey. But if you have already decided to add these herbs or essential oils from them to boiling water, cover yourself over the basin with your head with a large towel or blanket. Thus, you will also undergo an inhalation procedure, which will improve the healing effect. The duration of this procedure is 10-15 minutes.

After water procedures, you need to dry your feet with a towel and put on prepared warm socks in advance . It is better to spend some time under a blanket with a cup of healthy herbal tea with honey.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34286/

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