Henna hair coloring: how to achieve the desired shade, painting technique

If young girls in most cases do not even think about the quality of their hair, about the problems associated with their loss, and boldly go for various experiments with hairstyles and their colors, then with age, as a rule, you will think a million times before changing your image. These fears are associated with the risk of parting with luxurious hair due to the harmful effects of the chemical ingredients contained in dyes. But what to do when you want change?

On the shelves of stores flaunts a rich selection of hair colors of different price categories in beautiful boxes, with magical shades and promising names. But somewhere on the lower shelves have found their shelter inconspicuous cheap packages of henna for hair. Neither an exciting palette of colors, nor intricate bottles - just a powder.

Many, noticing them, scornfully look away, not expecting any extravaganza of transformation. But in vain! Having learned a small amount of tricks in the art of henna hair coloring, you can create a huge number of unique natural shades without harming the health of the hair.

Useful properties of henna

Henna is prepared from the dried leaves of non-spiked lavsonia collected during flowering. It is traditionally used in India, the Middle East and northern Africa. The dye is also distinguished by origin:

  • Iranian. The best. A variety of shades allows you to create new combinations.
  • Indian.

Plant-based powder is used not only as a decoration for the body. Henna has found widespread use in traditional medicine:

  • The aroma of the substance relieves intense headaches.
  • Henna has excellent antiseptic properties.
  • Accelerates wound healing.
  • Improves potency.

When coloring hair with henna, shine appears, their volume and density increase. Henna is extremely beneficial for the scalp. It improves blood circulation, which leads to intensive nutrition of hair roots, normalizes the secretion of fat, preventing excessive oiliness and seborrhea, and eliminates dandruff.

The natural dye is hypoallergenic, therefore it can be used by pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as children. Even at the same time it will help get rid of some dermatological problems on the skin of the scalp.

To all the advantages, you can add one more advantage - this is an affordable price, which is an average of 25 rubles per bag. Two hairs are more than enough for shoulder hair.

There are more expensive analogues from famous manufacturers of natural cosmetics. For example, Lush company produces ready-made mixes for healing and coloring curls. For the same hair length, one cube will cost about 1000 rubles.

Owners of dry hair can not worry: there are all the additives that will protect from drying, already vulnerable curls.

henna from Lush

The negative effects of staining

All negative responses after henna hair dyeing can be combined into one: I did not like the resulting color. This happens if you admit a violation of the rules of staining, or a low-quality product is caught.

Another nuisance that can happen is that hair prone to dryness can become even drier and even begin to cut. This can be avoided by also following the rules for using the gift of nature.

Staining rules

First of all, you need to understand that the result largely depends on the type, structure and natural color of the hair. So, the thinner and lighter the curls, the more pronounced will be the shade of the hair after henna. The darker the hair, the longer it will take to stand the mixture for a noticeable color change. If previously used chemical dyes, then you should wait at least three weeks. In any case, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, you must first conduct a test on a small strand, and the rest of the hair coloring with henna at home is quite simple. In order not to be upset due to irretrievably spoiled things, before starting the procedure, it is worth putting on something that is not a pity, since the spray can not be avoided, and it is almost impossible to remove stains from henna. The same applies to towels and surrounding surfaces. You will also need gloves, a wide brush and a porcelain bowl for preparing the mixture.

It is recommended to apply a greasy cream to the face along the hairline, as with any staining.

Before the procedure, you need to wash your hair and dry for the best distribution and exposure to henna.

cooking henna

Proper mix preparation

Each has its own perfect recipe. On the one hand, this type of staining is completely unpredictable, and on the other, there are already proven recipes that have been tested by more than one person. For example, henna for hair can be diluted with boiling water or warm water and brought to a boil in a water bath. Most likely, in the second case, the effect of pigments will be more intense.

In order for manipulation to bring even more benefits, various additives are recommended. Oils such as olive, jojoba, avocado will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, moisturizing the skin, and nourishing the roots.

Providing an acidic environment, for example, by adding the juice of lemon or orange, kefir, you can achieve a lighter, brighter honey tint.

Gently stirring, you need to bring the mass to homogeneity, kneading lumps. As soon as the consistency of sour cream is reached, and the mixture has cooled, one yolk can be added for nutrition and viscosity, then proceed to application.


Gloves must be worn. Otherwise, washing your hands will be impossible. We'll have to hide them from others for the next couple of days. In general, dyeing hair with henna has an unpleasant side effect - splashes and crumbs, leaving bright spots.

Using a wide brush, divide the hair into partings and evenly apply the mixture first to the roots, and then spread along the entire length.

At this stage, it is important to take into account the fact that if, at the end, you do not cover your head with film and let it dry, then the shade will turn out to be more brown, and wrapping your head in film and warming with a towel will give you a bright red color.

The exposure time also depends on the desired color. The richer the shade you need, the longer it will take. Minimum are 30 minutes. Sometimes women leave a remedy for exposure for the whole night.

henna for health and beauty of hair

How to rinse?

There are several ways. If you wash off the paint with water without using shampoo, then for several days the coloring henna for hair continues to change the shade of the hair. You can enhance this effect in a solarium or under the sun. In the case of shampoo, you can’t count on it.

In conclusion, it will not be superfluous to rub a few drops of oil in the palms of your hands and apply it on the ends of the hair with gentle touches.


It should be immediately noted that henna hair lightening is impossible. A brightening product called “White Henna” is on sale, but it has a completely chemical composition and has nothing to do with a natural dye. And he got his name precisely because it is also a powder, and the algorithm of actions is similar.

This substance affects the hair and scalp as detrimental as other bleaching chemicals.

henna and basma hair coloring

Henna for dark-haired

All brunettes dream of bright tints and brilliance of their curls. How to dye your hair with henna and get your dreams and health come true as a great bonus? The answer is obvious! You only need to know how to supplement this drug:

  • Strongly brewed coffee or tea. Provide dark chestnut shades.
  • Hot hibiscus or red wine. Will give burgundy shades.
  • Shredded indigo root (basma). Will bring a blue-black tint. In equal proportions with henna will turn out beloved by many "chocolate".
  • Beetroot juice for a purple tint.

Henna for fair-haired

Blondes can also safely experiment with natural dyes:

  • If you combine henna and chopped chamomile pharmacy in equal proportions, pour water and slowly warm, bring to a boil, and then cool and add the yolk of one egg, you get a mixture to create a golden hue.
  • The ingredients in the form of turmeric, calendula, cinnamon are able to diversify golden and honey shades.
  • Judging by the reviews, henna hair coloring using saffron will give the hair a shade of old gold.
beard care

Henna for men

Eastern men do not lag behind women and just as willingly monitor the health and appearance of their hairstyles. Beard care is an even more important part of anti-aging programs. For these men, gray hair and signs of baldness are as unacceptable and unpleasant as for the fair half.

Luxurious hair and beards to a very old age delight their owners, subject to all the rules and features of using natural dye.

It is important to remember that, deciding to take care of the beard, the hair on the head will have to be dyed in the same color, otherwise there is a risk that the color of the beard will be very different, and this looks ridiculous. Too bright colors should be avoided. It is better to prefer natural - chestnut, blond.

Beard hair differs in structure from those on the crown, and the same dye will appear on them with different intensities.

Unlike chemical dyes, the use of red henna for hair in tandem with other additives of natural origin will not lead to burns and the effects of allergies in the form of redness, irritation, and then peeling. Facial skin is very sensitive, therefore you should not neglect elementary tests for reaction.

Gray hair

It is no secret that chemical products paint over gray hair much more efficiently, unlike their natural counterpart. But dyeing gray hair with henna has a cumulative effect. On the other hand, against the main background, lighter red hairs flicker with bright highlights. It looks really beautiful! And the more gray hair, the more amazing this effect.

henna hair coloring

Henna in healing masks for hair and skin

Healing masks use colorless henna. It is made from stalks of lavsonia, which do not have coloring properties. But the healing qualities are beyond praise:

  • Vitamin B promotes conditioning and easy combing.
  • Restores water-fat balance.
  • Penetrating into the hair, forms a barrier for him from aggressive influences.
  • It thickens, restores the structure of the hair shaft, makes it glossy and shiny through carotene.
  • Promotes the awakening of sleeping bulbs.
  • Nourishes onions, moisturizes, cleanses the scalp.
  • It has anti-inflammatory, antifungal effect.

Classic mask

You will need one bag of colorless henna and, as a supplement, you can take any of the medicinal herbs, previously ground. For example, chamomile, rosemary, nettle or calendula will make a wonderful couple. Then the mixture is brewed with boiling water and mixed thoroughly. As an alternative, a decoction of these herbs is used, which henna is bred with. To enhance the nutritional qualities, it is advised to add vegetable oils, such as olive.

The exposure time ranges from 30 minutes or more, depending on desire. The longer, the more pronounced the result.

Wash off using mild shampoo or without it at all. Drying with a hairdryer is contraindicated.

henna hair coloring

Mask for strengthening hair

The mask should include: colorless henna, two yolks, a tablespoon of liquid honey, a tablespoon of black cumin oil, a tablespoon of burdock oil. First, dilute the henna with boiling water, and then turn on the remaining ingredients.

Apply evenly to the roots, and distribute the remaining mixture along the entire length of the hair. Hold for about 1.5 hours, and then rinse with a mild shampoo.

Mask for dry hair against dandruff

It will take colorless henna, a tablespoon of castor oil, a tablespoon of burdock oil and a couple of tablespoons of ripe avocado pulp. Cook the pulp from henna using hot water, and then add the remaining ingredients. Mix thoroughly, let it brew for 15 minutes. Spread the mixture on the hair and cover with a warm towel or scarf over the film. Wait 30 minutes, and you can rinse with natural shampoo.

For many, the issue of hair loss and their deterioration is very relevant. The appearance of gray hair, unfortunately, exacerbates the already deplorable situation. Therefore, the option of acquiring a chemical hair dye disappears automatically.

For those who are desperate, one thing remains: to dye their hair with henna, as the owners of now luxurious curls did. Let it be troublesome, let it take more time, but it's worth it, because every day the effect will be more pronounced.

In general, the beauty of hair is the work of its owners!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34290/

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