Mi-1 helicopter: creation history, specifications, power and description with photo

The creation of aircraft has always been of interest to engineers. Starting with airplanes that could fly to low altitudes, engineers advanced to more compact devices that could fly into the air in small spaces. They have become indispensable in many industries, but before that they have come a long way.

In September 1948, the pioneer of Soviet helicopter engineering was created, which was called the Mi-1. Of course, attempts to create rotorcraft flying machines were even before the war, but their designs had their drawbacks and could not boast of the same controllability.

Mi-1 helicopter turned into a real legend. The creation of this machine has allowed developers to go far ahead. And to this day, it is the technology of 48 years that is the basis for the creation of more powerful modern units. Therefore, it is not surprising that, even in stores with models, toy copies of the Mi-1 1: 144 helicopter and on other scales are very popular.

History of creation

The developer of this unique helicopter was M. L. Mil. Initially, the creator named his brainchild GM-1. Helicopter was developed for many years. Dozens of engineers studied the development of foreign colleagues and the experience of Soviet developers.

Monument to the helicopter

It is worth noting that at that time the USSR was armed with only one helicopter engine, which was developed by A. G. Ivchenko. The power unit could reach speeds of up to 500-550 hp. It was this Mi-1 helicopter engine that became the first and most famous.

Initially, the GM-1 was designed as a communications machine. It was assumed that on board the helicopter will be able to accommodate two passengers and a pilot. At the same time, the helicopter looked very much like the models that can be seen in the air today.

Mi-1 helicopter: description

The machine is equipped with a rotor with a diameter of just over 14 meters and a tail rotor with a diameter of 2.5 m. The blades of the unit are tapered to the end and are attached to the sleeve using hinged joints of vertical and horizontal directions.

Already at that time, the design of the Mi-1 helicopter implied the presence of friction dampers. They are designed to damp vibrations that are created during the operation of the blades. Moreover, the latter elements require special attention.

Blade Design Features

These items are some of the most important. The blades are distinguished by a mixed design. It contains steel telescopic pipes, wooden stringers and ribs. The casing is made of thick plywood.

The Mi-1 helicopter is equipped with blades with a variable cyclic pitch. It varies depending on the position of the swash plate, which is located under the sleeve.

Also, the developer faced the issue of eliminating the stability loss of the mechanism. Miles decided to use a special gimbal in the blade control roller.


The hull of the aircraft can be divided into front, central and rear parts. The frontal zone consists of a welded truss to which the frame of the helicopterโ€™s cockpit itself is connected (including duralumin casing).

The middle part of the aircraft is a glazed cabin, which can accommodate a pilot and several passengers for whom there is a sofa for two seats (located behind the seat of the person who controls the aircraft). Behind it is the engine compartment, in which the motor is installed, the main gearbox is a two-stage type, a brake, a combined clutch. Also in the rear, behind the cab, a gas tank of 240 liters is installed. If necessary (in case a longer flight was expected), another tank with gasoline could be installed.

Also in the rear of the fuselage is a tail boom made of solid metal. There is also a transmission shaft and an intermediate gear type. At the very end, a three-blade tail rotor is installed.

How did the tests go?

The first experimental aircraft were produced at the air base in Kiev. However, after the release of the experimental model, the developers faced the challenge of testing it. For this, the Mi-1 helicopter, it was decided to transfer the instance to another airfield, located in Zakharkovo.

September 20 of the same year, the first flight was made on this aircraft. In this case, the helicopter was able to freeze in the air on a binding. After another 10 days, the GM-1 made its first full-fledged flight and developed a speed of first up to 50, and then up to 100 km / h.

However, not everything went so smoothly. For example, the first two helicopters could not cope with the task and were lost. The first prototype crashed in the late fall of 1948. During the flight, the lubrication of the control mechanisms froze. Because of this, the pilot had to urgently leave the device. At that moment, the pilot K. Baikalov controlled the helicopter. He survived. The next accident occurred in the spring of 1949. Since welding was carried out poorly, the propeller shaft of the helicopter simply fell apart. At that moment, the machine was also driven by Baikalov. Unfortunately, the pilot did not have time to leave the unit and died.

Despite the fact that two experimental models were unable to prove their suitability and rather skeptical attitude of some models, the development continued. Therefore, in the summer of 1949, a third machine was created with a modified tail shaft. Engineers eliminated the need for welding, which would require increased attention and workmanship. A new type of lubricant for control mechanisms has also been developed. The new fluid was resistant to low temperatures.

Rescue model

Miles decided to limit the flight altitude of the unit to 3 thousand meters. In the fall of the same year, the first tests began, which were successfully completed by November.

Finalization of the model

Despite the rather successful tests, the military had some comments on the device. First of all, they wanted to improve management techniques so that piloting was easier. It was also required to lower the level of vibration and simplify ground operation.

In 1950, taking into account all the comments, the GM-1 was finalized and passed a new series of tests, including an emergency landing in the event that the machine is in autorotation mode. After that, the helicopter was transferred to the military. They conducted even more tests. The car was tested for the possibility of landing in mountainous terrain.

In 1950, the state decided to create a series of prototypes of 15 GM-1 vehicles, which for the first time were to receive their final name Mi-1. As many note, at that time the importance of the aircraft was underestimated not only by the military, but also in the national economy. Therefore, the "first-born" Mil Mi-1 helicopter entered the large-scale production with a delay. However, the situation changed radically when the experimental model was shown to I.V. Stalin. He was also informed that rotorcraft technology is also being developed in the United States. Therefore, it was decided that it was time to start mass production of the Mi-1 airborne transport helicopter, the photo of which demonstrates that it is the basis of most modern models.

The first production models

Transport aviation pilots underwent retraining in Serpukhov and gradually mastered new aircraft. The state has planned the mass launch of the Mi-1 helicopter and introduce it into transport aviation. However, the apparatus became more widespread in motorized rifle divisions, which were later transformed into squadrons. After repeated tests in Serpukhov, the military had almost no complaints about the helicopter. However, there were comments regarding the operation of the service features of the units on the ground.

Scope of use

Mi-1 helicopter

In the photo, the Mi-1 helicopter (image above) looks like a war machine, and it was really widely used for a variety of purposes. For example, he entered the armament of courier services. The aircraft was used in reconnaissance and for border patrols, rescue operations and sanitary operations.

For the first time in combat, the Mi-1 helicopter took part in 1956, when the so-called Hungarian events took place. Later, military vehicles were used in Czechoslovakia for the same purposes.

However, few people know that it was originally planned to use a helicopter to train pilots piloting precisely screw machines. Therefore, MI-1 also entered military schools.

Also, the helicopter was used in the economic sector. MI-1 was successfully used to transport people, parcels and other small cargoes. Using aircraft of this type, chemical processing of farms was carried out. Also, helicopters were used for whale reconnaissance, verification of forests and much more. Since 1954, MI-1 appeared in Civil Aviation. Gradually, the helicopter began to be used for peaceful purposes around the world.

Attitude to an aircraft abroad

The MI-1 model had excellent flight qualities. Moreover, as many as 27 world records were set on this machine, which for that time was an amazing result. For example, in 1959, pilot F.I. Belushkin managed to climb an aircraft to a height of 6,700 meters. A little later, the MI-1 helicopter speed record was set. Pilot V.V. Vinitsky was able to disperse the car to 210 km / h.

Helicopter model

It should be noted that in all its characteristics, this model has never been inferior to Western counterparts. Foreign pilots who were given the opportunity to control this unit noted that this model is a breakthrough in the field of helicopter engineering. Thanks to this, the Mi-1 gained worldwide popularity and began to enter service in many countries.

For example, the aircraft was widely recognized in China. There, the Mi-1 helicopter was used in many police operations. In Egypt, the car took part in conflicts with the Israeli side.

Since 1955, the production of the Mi-1 was transferred to Poland, where mass production of the model began. The foreign unit was called SM-1. By and large, it was with this model that helicopter construction began in this country. Until 1965, more than 1,680 helicopters left the assembly lines. Most of them were sent back to the USSR.

Subsequent Development

Of course, after such success, the improvement of the helicopter continued. Engineers emphasized the improved design, as well as the reliability of the aircraft. Against this background, by 1956, the spars of the helicopter blades were replaced by integral elements made of durable steel pipes.

A year later, the helicopter was equipped with already pressed spars. However, at that time the country's metallurgy was not at such a high level as it is now, so the specialists did not have sufficient experience in pressing long profiles. Therefore, it was necessary to develop a new technology for creating more reliable elements.

Subsequently, the Mi-1 and Mi-2 helicopters (new versions were assembled in Poland from parts sent from the USSR in 1965) were equipped with more advanced controls. The system has become more complete and combined all the necessary nodes. Also, the helicopter acquired a controlled stabilizer, external suspension and anti-icing systems.

Subsequent upgrades became more convenient. For example, it became possible to transport four passengers at once. A double sofa was also located behind the pilot. But two more additional seats appeared, which were located next to the pilot. Specifications have been improved. The helicopter was equipped with more voluminous gas tanks of 600 liters. Thanks to all this, the machine got the opportunity to make longer flights and climb to a great height. The problems of servicing the device on the ground and in severe weather conditions were solved.

Highly specialized modifications of helicopters also appeared. For example, there are models that are equipped with a wider door, which helps to install a stretcher with victims inside the cabin. Therefore, with the power of the aircraft, it became possible to carry out rescue operations. It is noteworthy that some were skeptical that stretchers and other equipment would not adversely affect the functionality of the helicopter. However, during the tests no problems arose. By their functionality, the upgraded models are in no way inferior to the first Mi-1 in terms of their technical characteristics and other indicators.

Interesting facts about the Mi-2 helicopter

It is worth noting that this aircraft is still a very popular and truly legendary model. And today, the Mi-1, Mi-2 and helicopters of a more modern type based on the GM-1 are successfully used to patrol borders with the possibility of using loudspeakers.

Helicopter in Poland

During the disaster that happened in Chernobyl in 1986, these aircraft were used in attempts to eliminate the consequences of the accident.

Since 1978, the model of this helicopter takes part in all world championships. Those who are fond of helicopter sports have repeatedly met the mention of this legendary model.

In 2006, Mi-series helicopters were sent to Iraq. There they were used not for military operations, but as equipment that was designed to help agricultural owners. Due to its characteristics, helicopters of this series are capable of spraying pesticides in more than 28,000 hectares in a few weeks. For the same purposes, they were used in Russia.

Mi-2 cab

Private collectors are ready to give crazy amounts of money to get these aircraft. Children are happy to assemble models of Mi-1 72: 1 helicopters and on other scales. Also, monuments were erected to these aircraft. For example, beautiful pedestals can be found in Moscow, the Northern capital, Kurgan, Vorkuta and many other cities. This once again confirms that the Mi-1 was a real breakthrough in helicopter manufacturing.

It is noteworthy that this helicopter aroused great interest not only in the military and in agriculture. Mi-2 became even interested in directors of the highest grossing Soviet films. For example, this helicopter appeared in the film "Mimino", "Crew" and many others. In one of the most popular TV series "Truckers" you can also see this particular aircraft. It is also often shown in foreign films. Thus, even with its appearance, this unit is of great interest to people who have nothing to do with helicopter engineering.

Mi-2 helicopter


Mi-series helicopters, which have come a long way since 1948, have become true legends. Dozens of countries took up their production, which appreciated the development of Soviet engineers. Until now, modern helicopter engineering technologies are based precisely on the achievements of the Mil. Therefore, we can say that this aircraft has gained worldwide fame.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34293/

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