Electrotechnological staff - what kind of workers?

The number of specialists and managers at enterprises operating electrical installations includes those responsible for electrical safety. The remaining employees report on safety and health measures. If the company has a main electrician, then he is the responsible person.

electrotechnological staff is

This employee and his deputy are appointed after performing a test of knowledge and experience. Workers are assigned a tolerance group: in an installation with a voltage of more than 1000 V - V, up to 1000 V - IV. Also, enterprises have electrotechnological personnel. These are those workers who carry out activities related to electrical safety.

Responsibilities of a Responsible Employee

Responsible employee develops, maintains documentation on issues related to the rules of operation of installations. He performs security to carry out activities of various kinds. He also controls the timeliness of equipment inspections, the availability of fire extinguishing and protection equipment.

what personnel is related to electrotechnological

Employee Categories

All employees are divided into electrical and electrotechnological personnel. These are the employees through whom the whole process goes. A separate category includes those workers whose activities are not related to the operation of installations.

If work is carried out in which there is a risk of electric shock, then 1 gram is approved. electrical safety. This information is recorded in a special journal. However, they are not provided with a certificate. Assigned 1 gr. after the briefing, which ends with an oral survey. Inspections are carried out every year. Electrical safety groups of electrotechnical, electrotechnological personnel allow performing a certain type of work.

Personnel Responsibilities

Electrotechnological personnel - these are employees who differ in a number of features. They perform electrical energy management. Their activity, for example, relates to electric welding, electrolysis.

electrotechnological staff electrical safety group

What personnel is related to electrotechnological? These are workers who carry out activities with portable power tools, electric hand-held machines, and lamps. What other personnel are related to electrotechnological? These are employees, not related to the energy department of the enterprise, having 2 gr. and higher. Their rights and obligations are approximately the same as those of electrical personnel.


Electrotechnological personnel is a team consisting of the following employees:

  • administrative and technical: managers and specialists performing operational maintenance, commissioning, repair work;
  • operational: specialists carry out maintenance and management of installations, as well as training jobs, personnel access;
  • operational and repair: maintenance of installations;
  • repair: provide maintenance, installation, commissioning of equipment.

Principles of Learning

Before carrying out the work, they are trained in electrical engineering personnel. These procedures involve briefings, which may vary by category. Before carrying out their activities, appropriate preparation is in place in their place. This norm is also valid for a break from 1 year.

knowledge testing of electrotechnological personnel

Be sure to be instructed electrotechnological staff. An electrical safety group is assigned after an appropriate check. The following activities are required:

  • primary, introductory, repeated, target and unscheduled briefings;
  • preparation for the profession - the internship lasts 2-14 shifts;
  • verification of norms and rules for protection, safety regulations;
  • special training;
  • control training.

Specialists must have vocational education for the high-quality implementation of their activities. Over time, it is necessary to undergo retraining.

Knowledge check

Mandatory knowledge testing of electrotechnological personnel. It is primary when employment occurs. Another reason for her organization is a break in certification for more than 3 years. Inspections are carried out periodically. If these activities are carried out once a year, then their tasks include:

  • organization and maintenance of electrical units;
  • installation, commissioning, repair.

Administrative and technical specialists performing inspection of installations are checked every 3 years. An extraordinary event is held in the event of the action of new standards, the operation of new equipment, when moving to a new position. Procedures are also needed at the request of regulatory authorities.

electrical safety groups of electrotechnical electrotechnological personnel

Testing of knowledge is carried out by a commission, which is created on the basis of an order from management. It should be at least 5 people. The chairman should have a 5th group. A responsible employee can replace it. During the knowledge test, there must be at least 3 members of the commission. Moreover, the chairman must be required, but his deputy is allowed to work.

When the audit is completed, employees are assigned a group of electrotechnological personnel. This is marked on the certificate. Only after that the employee is allowed to fulfill his duties. He must follow all instructions, otherwise responsibility is provided for violations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34305/

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