Is cornerstone true or myth?

Perhaps the phrase “cornerstone” has been heard by many, but not many understand what it is all about. Only one thing is quite obvious - this is not something physical, rather metaphorical, devoid of a bodily membrane, but at the same time endowed with a deep meaning. Let’s try and we will figure out what kind of stone it is and where it came from.

When this expression first appeared

Usually, when pronouncing the "cornerstone", it sounds somehow unambiguous and as if without any basis, and even more specificity. No one knows for sure when this phrase was first heard, but there is every reason to believe that this happened at the dawn of human civilization.

the cornerstone is

There is an unreasonable opinion that this was voiced long before the invention of the first, simplest forms of writing, and millennia passed from mouth to mouth until it was finally recorded.

It is difficult to say, having already been converted to writing, has it changed the meaning of the verbal inherent in it initially? And in general, as it seemed in ancient times an important concept, did the phrase “cornerstone” have at least a logical meaning? Undoubtedly!

Oral and written references: Torah and Old Testament

Now it is known for certain that even before the writing of the Torah and, possibly, long before the exodus, Jews widely used this phrase in the oral tradition. It concerned a legend, which was later reflected in the Torah, and later in the holy book for two world religions, Judaism and Christianity, the Old Testament.

It was said in it about the creation of the world and all things, and it all began with an abandoned Almighty stone, plunged into the sea that reigned around Chaos. Partially speaking on the surface, with a peak that became Mount Moriah, this stone was the only piece of land where life was born.

Thus, it turns out that the cornerstone is the foundation of the universe on which everything stands and from which everything originates, without which creation would be impossible.

Finding a Spiritual Beginning: The Bible

If we turn to the Bible, which is often referred to, voicing the concept of the cornerstone, then we get a slightly different meaning of this expression. This refers to the parable of negligent builders who erected a building and, while laying the foundation, stumbled upon a large boulder, which had previously been hidden ground. Having decided that it would interfere with their work, the masons spent a lot of time and effort on getting a boulder out of the ground and taking it away from the construction site. But when they did this, it turned out that this stone, the only one in the whole district suitable in all respects for the foundation of the house. And not only that, it was originally located exactly in the place where the corner of the future structure was planned.

cornerstone meaning

What does the phrase “cornerstone” mean ? The meaning of phraseologism, expressed in one word, is the "foundation". It is understood that everything is always in place, however, the meaning here is even deeper.

Foundation in construction

Some argue that there is nothing sacred in this expression, and the cornerstone is exactly what is explicitly said. That is, it is a stone that is laid in the foundation of the entire structure.

the cornerstone is the meaning of phraseology in one word

Since ancient times, builders have known that a massive and durable stone, laid in the corner of the foundation, is the main element of the entire structure, because it supports the entire building, being a bearing. This technique was used by all ancient architects from the time of the construction of the great pyramids, as well as by Greek and Roman builders who erected beautiful buildings that have survived to this day.

And now, nothing has changed in this regard, and during construction, as before, large building blocks are laid in the corner of the foundation. As in the case with the metaphorical meaning, here the cornerstone is the foundation of everything, everything begins with it and rests on it, only not in a figurative, but in the most direct sense.

Cornerstone in the literal and figurative sense

For the phrase “cornerstone”, the meaning of the expression can be only one - the basis, and no matter what: the universe, faith, architectural style - this does not have such a fundamental meaning.

This phrase sounds always differently applicable to various situations, but always this very stone has no physical and material basis, but certainly there is a certain meaning in this expression.

In some cases, no less profound philosophical implication or even something that cannot be explained in ordinary words is embedded in these words.

cornerstone meaning expression

Now the cornerstone is the basic laws, regulations, theories, axioms in many fields of science, for example, such a stone is called the periodic table and much more. But most importantly, from the moment this phrase was first sounded, and to this day it remains relevant, although many do not understand its meaning.


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