Instructions for Valerian tablets. The main properties of the drug

Not one generation of people is familiar with a sedative - valerian. She perfectly copes with insomnia and migraine, as well as with vegetovascular dystonia. The most convenient form of the drug are tablets. Moreover, they are no less effective than tincture. Both forms of the drug contain active biological components that effectively affect the central nervous system. It is not necessary to take valerian in courses. Its effectiveness is manifested in the case of a single dose.

valerian pill instruction

Description of the medication

The instruction of Valerian tablets indicates its belonging to the pharmacological group of sedatives. This medication is an excellent antidepressant. It is made from natural plant materials. The composition of the drug includes resins, essential oils, a number of components called valepotriates, as well as valerianic acid and alkaloids. Each tablet contains two hundred milligrams of finely ground rhizome of valerian, which is brought to a powder state. A dense extract of a medicinal plant may also contain this dosage form.

Beneficial effect

The instruction of valerian tablets indicates the pharmacological effect of the drug. When ingested, the active substances contained in it act on the brain. Due to this effect, the expansion of blood vessels and a decrease in the frequency of heartbeat occur. Taking valerian tablets suppresses the activity of the central nervous system. As a result, sleep is normalized.

valerian tablets instructions for use

The instruction of valerian tablets also indicates their effect on the digestive system of the body. At the same time, the movement of bile is accelerated, and the production of juice in the stomach improves. It should be borne in mind that taking a single dose of tablets will produce only a sedative effect. The therapeutic effect is achieved during treatment with a course. Valerian tablets are recommended to be taken with a special nervous load, if there are problems with sleep. The drug helps to alleviate the condition of the patient with migraine attacks. A herbal remedy is also recommended for pathologies of the digestive organs and heart, which proceed in a mild form.


Who is Valerian recommended? Tablets, instructions for use which indicate their area of ​​use, are recommended for periodic headaches, overexcitation and sleep disturbances. Thus, the drug is indicated for neurasthenia, tachycardia and menopause.

valerian bulgarian tablets instruction


The instruction of Valerian tablets informs the buyer about the contraindications of the drug. The main one is the individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug. It is not recommended to take valerian for hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, as well as for women in the first three months of the pregnancy period.

Undesirable consequences

When taking pills, side effects may also occur. These include lethargy, drowsiness, and lethargy. Allergic reactions sometimes occur. Long-term use of the drug can cause constipation. During the treatment course, one should refrain from work, the implementation of which requires an increased concentration of attention.

Alternative remedy

In the pharmacy network, Bulgarian valerian in tablets is sold. The instruction for this drug indicates its ability not to cause drowsiness or addiction with prolonged use. It does not dull attention and produces a greater calming effect on the nervous system compared to conventional valerian.


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