Treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches: reviews, features of the conduct, indications, contraindications and recommendations of doctors

Hirudotherapy refers to the methods of alternative medicine. With its help, you can get rid of diseases such as angina pectoris, prostatitis, arthritis, arthrosis, varicose veins and others. Especially well-proven treatment with leech hemorrhoids. The reviews of patients who have experienced this method of therapy confirm the high effectiveness of hirudotherapy and its complete safety.

The benefits of hirudotherapy

The benefits of hirudotherapy

This method was practiced in ancient times. The healing properties of leeches were known to Hippocrates. A long-forgotten technique nowadays has gained a second wind. Today, treatment with leeches is again becoming fashionable and popular. What is the essence of hirudotherapy?

During a bite, the parasite releases its saliva into the bloodstream, which contains a mass of biologically active substances. In addition, saliva has a component that prevents blood coagulation. That is why very often after a bite of a leech, the blood has to be stopped using a bandage. Due to this property, blood is rejuvenated, and blood vessels become less prone to blood clots. Thus, the risk of atherosclerosis and hypertension is markedly reduced.

Treatment for hemorrhoids with leeches (hirudotherapy) has a significant advantage. With its action, leech saliva, resembling acetylsalicylic acid, dilutes blood and prevents the formation of hemorrhoidal sacs.

But unlike β€œAspirin,” the saliva of the parasite can dissolve a blood clot, which cannot be said about the drug.

The principle of leeches

Leech on the patient's body

A leech is a ringed worm from the search class. They live exclusively in fresh water, but only medical leeches grown in laboratories are used to treat people. After the worm is used, it is killed. In this way, sterility among parasites is maintained. The leech has a huge number of tiny teeth located on both jaws. During a bite, she massages a patch of skin, which increases blood flow. Patients who have experienced hirudotherapy say that the bite of the parasite is quite soft. Some compare it with a slight tingling.

Causes of hemorrhoids and its treatment

Signs of hemorrhoids

The reasons for this rather unpleasant disease are: a sedentary lifestyle, hard physical work, pregnancy, anal sex and frequent constipation. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, candles, ointments and tablets are used. And also there are many alternative medicine tools that help to cope with this disease. The main thing in the treatment of hemorrhoids is not to start the disease. Otherwise, everything may end in surgery. Running hemorrhoids threatens not only with open bleeding, but also with the appearance of hemorrhoids, deep cracks and, in the worst case, tumorous diseases.

Leech hemorrhoid treatment

A photo of the leech is presented below.

How to use a leech

Hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids is extremely useful. Leeches perform the following functions:

  • The inflammatory process is removed, since the saliva of these parasites has a bactericidal property.
  • They thin the blood and prevent it from stagnating. Thanks to this property, edema passes and nodes in the veins resolve.
  • Hirudotherapy improves the health of all the pelvic organs.
  • It should be borne in mind that leeches are used exclusively for external disease. In the case of internal hemorrhoids, they are useless.

After the first session, there is a noticeable improvement. Swelling passes, veins decrease, and the pain disappears.

How to put leeches

For the procedure, the doctor should have the following items: ammonia, hot water, ordinary medical alcohol and glucose in solution. And also a test tube in which parasites will be contained after the session.

Before the procedure, empty the stomach and thoroughly wash the anus. Then proceed directly to hirudotherapy. The patient lies on his stomach as convenient as possible, as the procedure will last at least 40 minutes. A leech is placed on the coccyx and in the anus. The parasite can be applied directly to cracks and hemorrhoids. When treating hemorrhoids, leech points are on their own. You should not be afraid of pain, since a leech simultaneously with a bite injects an anesthetic substance. Judging by the reviews, the treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches is comfortable and easy.

Precautionary measures

Parasite use

Sometimes the parasite creeps deep into the anus. After the worm drinks blood, it will crawl out on its own. To disconnect the leech ahead of time, a cotton swab in iodine or alcohol is moistened and brought to the parasites. It is advisable not to remove the leech ahead of time, but to give it the opportunity to complete its work.

The course of treatment is 12 sessions, which are carried out no more than once a week. In one session, as a rule, up to six leeches are used.

You can not carry out this procedure on your own or with the help of lay people. In fact, hirudotherapy is not such a simple method of treatment as it seems at first glance. Sometimes there may be complications in the form of bleeding, and due to the fact that the blood liquefies greatly, and it can be difficult to stop. Therefore, treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches at home is practically not carried out. Near the patient must be a professional who knows how to act in such situations.

If hemorrhoids has an initial stage of the disease, it is enough to use three or four leeches in one session. The positive effect of the treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches occurs after the second session, that is, after 2 weeks of treatment. According to patients, already after the first procedure, bleeding stops and swelling passes, and after the second hemorrhoid cones begin to resolve.

Doctors Recommendations

Hemorrhoid treatment

In order for hirudotherapy to give a good result, some rules and recommendations of specialists should be considered:

  • It is impossible to take preparations with acetylsalicylic acid ("Aspirin" or "Citramon") on the eve of the session. This substance dilutes blood, which can cause bleeding.
  • It is advisable to do exercises for the anus three days before hirudotherapy. To do this, several times a day strain and relax the muscles of the anus.
  • When treating hemorrhoids with leeches, the staging point is determined by a specialist. You can not independently move parasites or interfere with them.
  • After going to the toilet, make sure to wash with warm and then cool water. Thus, the hardening of blood vessels and stimulation of the muscles of the anus.
  • On the day of the procedure it is forbidden to use aromatic products, as well as smoke and drink alcohol.

After hirudotherapy, it is extremely undesirable to swim for two days. Bites are recommended to be lubricated with anti-itching products and to speed healing.

Wounds resulting from parasite bites should be treated with caution. They can bleed at any moment and therefore they cannot be combed or torn.

To whom it is contraindicated

Leech bite

There is a category of people who are extremely undesirable to use leeches. These include:

  • pregnant women;
  • people with anemia;
  • low pressure patients.

Separately, it should be noted people prone to allergies. They may have rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching or other negative reactions. Such patients are not treated for leech hemorrhoids.

User reviews

According to Internet users who have tried hirudotherapy, this treatment is extremely effective. Of the shortcomings, they distinguish only that after a bite of a leech, scars can remain. Otherwise, this method of treatment causes only positive emotions. Pain with a bite of a leech is not felt at all. According to patients, it is more like a slight tingling. Leeches sometimes creep out and look for the right place themselves. Sometimes they creep deep into the anus and remain there for a while. For beginners, this can cause panic. Do not be afraid of this behavior of the parasite, since the leech will certainly come out after it is full.

After the first session, significant improvements are noticeable. First of all, bleeding stops, which almost no longer occurs. Thanks to saliva, cracks begin to heal, and the nodes are reduced significantly. Which ultimately leads to their complete resorption. Judging by the reviews, the treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches takes place without consequences.

Among the side effects, patients note itching, which usually begins to manifest itself the day after the procedure. According to patients, the itch is quite unpleasant and much more intense than the mosquito.

A hirudotherapy session is quite expensive. One leech costs about 100 rubles, and in total for one session up to 10 pieces are required.


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