Hot scissors: reviews, description.

Beautiful, long, well-groomed and shiny hair is the dream of most women, but it is quite difficult to implement it. This is due to both natural and man-made factors. About them a little later, however, I want to note that as a result, the hair is split at the ends and along the entire length, the hair becomes dull and loses its beauty. The ends have to be trimmed, and sometimes not only the ends. So it turns out that hair regrowth is complicated, and the result is not very pleasing to a woman. An alternative to regular trim is a hot haircut.

On the one hand, this is a recent invention, in Russia it is only about 10 years old. However, the technology itself has been known since ancient times. There is evidence that Cleopatra herself cut her hair with scissors heated over a fire. It was this story that inspired one entrepreneurial Swiss to recreate this technology. In his performance, the scissors are heated by electricity. Moreover, only work surfaces are heated, which allows to protect the master. So there were hot scissors. Reviews on this procedure are already there. Although it is relatively new.

To understand how it all works, you need to at least roughly imagine what hair is. If you look through a microscope, you will see a thick hair shaft, covered with protective scales, in the manner of fish scales. They protect the hair, maintain the necessary amount of water and minerals in it. They form a kind of capsule at the end of the hair. This is the structure of healthy hair. However, many factors - from an aggressive environment to normal combing - damage the hair, flakes flake, puff, the hair becomes like a brush, the capsule that closes the hair is broken. In this form, the protective shell, of course, can no longer cope with its work, the hair grows dull and splits.

Now it’s time to figure out why a regular haircut does not cope with this problem. The fact is that the working surface of such scissors is far from always quite smooth and thin, and as a result, the cut hair is even more fluffy, and the cut hair is cut off very quickly again.

What is the difference in cutting hair with hot scissors? The fact is that under the influence of heat, the plates on the hair are soldered, at the end of the hair a new protective capsule is formed. It is because of this that the hair after this procedure looks healthy, grows faster, the hair is split less and generally become strong and healthy. As a rule, the result is visible after the first procedure, but in order to fix this condition, you need to constantly cut it with them. Firstly, cutting with ordinary scissors, as mentioned above, damages the hair, and secondly, other factors are enough.

Despite its β€œyouth”, the service is gaining popularity, many salons acquire the installation of hot scissors. Online reviews about this procedure appear every day. Now it’s easier to find a salon that offers the desired service. However, it is worth noting that it is very important to choose an experienced and skilled mater, as the success of the procedure depends on this. That is why you should not chase excessive cheapness, because if they ask for much less money than in other salons, then perhaps the master did not go through training, or they bought fake hot scissors. Reviews in which women write that the procedure did not help them, or even worse, ruined their hair, are often associated with the fact that they fell on a bad master. However, due to the structural features of the hair structure, some women do not see the effect even if they are lucky with the master. But there are not many of them.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that everyone, especially the owners of long hair, should try hot scissors. Reviews on the Internet and friends who have passed this procedure will only confirm this conclusion.


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