How to remove the authenticity of Windows 7, or fight with copies

Today, fewer and fewer people prefer to buy licensed operating systems. This pleasure is very expensive. But how frustrating it becomes when a license does not pass the system check. And then the question arises: "How to remove the authenticity of Windows 7?".

how to remove the authenticity of windows 7

Where do the problems come from

So, before you talk about how to deal with the authenticity of the system, you need to understand where the problems can come from. Let's talk about how Windows 7 authentication can fail.

For starters, these are pirated versions of operating systems and their so-called "repacks." Very often, such affordable packages make users think about how to remove the authenticity of Windows 7. Therefore, if you have chosen the "illegal" way to reinstall the next "Windows", make sure that your arsenal includes means for activating operating systems.

The second and main reason that the system does not pass multiple checks is computer viruses. Agree, it’s rather unpleasant when you buy licensed Windows, and it “flies” after a while and produces such a “miracle”. But there is a more tricky reason why a similar situation may arise.

windows 7 authentication


With the development of operating systems, the ways to protect them from intruders intending to cash in on copies were updated. Therefore, Microsoft created an update that verifies the authenticity of Windows 7. Implementing it in the system has become easier than ever - an update center for the operating system has appeared, which can download and install add-ons without the user's knowledge.

As soon as this "program" gets into the user's operating system, then Windows 7 is checked for authenticity. If it does not succeed, then the first time you restart your computer, an annoying message will appear on your desktop saying that your Windows is not genuine a copy. This whole thing looks intimidating - a black background instead of a splash screen, white letters in the lower right corner of the monitor ... Not the best option for work. But this problem can be fought. So, we are starting to resolve the issue of how to remove the authenticity of Windows 7.

Folk method

windows 7 authentication update

Let's start with the most famous and popular way.

This is the activation of the system using special cracking activators. The most popular among them is by Daz. Using it is extremely easy. All you need to do is download it online. Activators do not require installation, which greatly simplifies the process.

Find a specialized program, and then upload it to your hard drive. We recommend that you disable the anti-virus system - it is very likely that it will begin to "swear" at the downloaded file, mistaking it for a virus (indeed, a third-party hacking program is a virus for the system). After that, open what you downloaded.

You will see an activation window. Usually, in order to disable authentication, you need to set your computer’s settings (if they haven’t been set automatically), then "unzip" several files available to you (just click on the buttons, the program will put them "in their place") and wait for the output Successful installation messages. At the very end, just reboot the system. Everything, you can safely use Windows further.

Dancing with a tambourine, or clean the registry

Of course, there are other ways to bypass Windows authentication. For example, those who are more or less versed in the registry can try the following method. It is based on the removal of some system entries.

how to authenticate windows 7

Open the control panel using the Start menu. There, find "System and Security", go to "Administration". Now you need to open the "Local Security System". By the way, you can speed up this process using the command line. To do this, run the following function: secpol.msc.

Now find "Software Restriction Policies." Here, open the "Additional rules" and right-click on any empty space and select "Create a hash rule." A window will open where you will need to click on "Browse" and select C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Wat \ WatAdminSvc.exe. For it, in the security level, set it to "Forbidden" and click OK. Now do the same, but with C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Wat \ WatUX.exe. Done? All that remains is to restart the computer and enjoy its own achievements.

Uninstall Update

So, in order to fully answer the question of how to disable the authenticity of Windows 7, remember why you can still run into such troubles. In order to quickly save yourself from the eternal checks of your operating system for authenticity, you just need to delete the very update file that Microsoft created.

Go to the "Start", from there follow the "Control Panel" and boldly go to Windows Update. Now find there "Installed Updates" and find there the file "KB971033". This is the very update that provides system authentication. Next, just delete it.

how to disable windows 7 authentication

All that remains now is to delete a few more files that do not allow you to get rid of the checks. In the Windows-System32 folder, locate files with the C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 extension. Now just restart your computer. In order to get rid of the black screen, use the activator.


Today we talked about how to remove the authenticity of Windows 7 without too much work. As you can see, if you approach the issue wisely, then even such an important thing as checks of the operating system can be circumvented. With all this, it will not require any costs from you.

By the way, in order not to run into checks once again, when installing the operating system, turn off automatic checking and installing Windows updates. If you want, choose everything you need on your own - this will help to avoid unwanted failures. Now you know how to authenticate Windows 7 without too much work.


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