161 region - what is it? What is he like?

161 region is the code number of the Rostov region corresponding to its car code. Another automotive area code is 61. That is, this (161) region is listed under this number.

What is 161 regions

Rostov Region belongs to the Southern Federal District. It is also part of the North Caucasus Economic Region. The flag of the region is a red-yellow-blue tricolor. Rostov region belongs to the Moscow time zone.

161 regions this

Regional and administrative divisions

The regions adjacent to the Rostov Region are: Kalmykia (08 region) - in the east and southeast, Volgograd region (34 region) - in the east and northeast, Voronezh region (36 region) - in the north, Lugansk and Donetsk regions - in in the west, Krasnodar Territory (23 and 93 region) - in the south, Stavropol Territory (26 region) - in the southeast. Lugansk and Donetsk regions officially belong to the territory of Ukraine, while being a zone of territorial intra-Ukrainian conflict.

Which city in region 161 is the capital? The administrative center of this region of the Rostov region is the city of Rostov-on-Don. Rostov Region includes 55 administrative-territorial entities, including 12 urban districts and 43 municipal districts. As well as 18 urban settlements and 390 - rural. In the region, only 1 city - Rostov-on-Don - has a population of more than 1 million people. The second largest is the city of Taganrog. The region crosses from north to south one of the largest routes in Russia: M23 Don.

161 region of Russia

Geography 161 regions of Russia

The region is located in the southern half of the East European Plain, partially entering the territory of the North Caucasus region. 161 regions occupy an area equal to 100.8 thousand km 2 , which corresponds to 0.6 percent of the total area of ​​the Russian Federation. The region extends 470 km from north to south, and 455 km from west to east.

The population of the region is about 4 million people, and the share of urban residents is about 68 percent. The ethnic composition is dominated by Russians - more than 90% of the population. A small fraction of the population is made up of Armenians and Ukrainians, while the share of other nationalities is insignificant.

161 region is what

The population until the mid-90s mainly increased, but then began to decline steadily, but at a low speed. The population decline may be due to the massive closure of mines and other enterprises, both in the 90s and in the 2000s, which led to an increase in unemployment in previously prosperous provincial cities. In Rostov and the regions adjacent to it, the economic situation is much better.

Natural conditions

The territory of the Rostov Region (it is 161 Russian regions) belongs to the zone of typical steppes, in the north of the region close to the forest-steppe, and in the southeast close to semi-deserts. The dry temperate continental climate is typical for almost the entire territory of the region. Most dry climate is characteristic of its eastern half and central regions. An increase in precipitation is noted in the Millerovo region (in the summer months), in the center line zone of the elevation of the Donetsk Ridge (also mainly in summer), in the south and in the north of the region. In Rostov-on-Don, the annual precipitation is about 600 mm, which is significantly more than in several other areas of the Rostov region.

161 region is which region of Russia

For the entire Rostov region, hot, dry summers and not very cold, moderately snowy (and in the east lightly snowy) winters are typical. Due to global warming, a decrease in summer precipitation is observed, which increases aridization and leads to losses in the region's agriculture.

The main part of the region is plowed up. Secondary steppe communities that have arisen on the site of abandoned pastures and farmland are also widespread. In the beams and river valleys, the so-called bayrack forests are typical, in which oak usually dominates, but other species are also found. Pine forests are widespread near large rivers.

The relief of the region is flat, and in some places elevated. The largest rivers of the region are the Don and Donets (the right tributary of the Don). For both, a tendency toward shallowing is typical, which is associated with the drying of the climate in the region.

In the field of minerals, coal is of greatest importance, and, as a rule, this is anthracite. Coal deposits are concentrated in the zone of the Donetsk Ridge (western and central parts of the region). There are substantial reserves of natural gas and building materials.

Economy 161 regions

The largest sectors of the regional economy are agriculture, the production of machinery for agricultural and technical needs, automobile production, the food industry and coal mining.

The most significant enterprise in the region is the Novocherkassk plant for the production of electric locomotives. There are also more than a dozen other significant enterprises for the region.

The largest facility in the energy sector is Novocherkasskaya GRES. In addition to it, 4 more thermal stations operate in the region. A large hydroelectric power station, the Tsimlyansk Hydroelectric Power Station, operates in the Don. There is also one nuclear power plant - Rostov NPP in Volgodonsk.

Agriculture in the region is well developed. It is dominated by the cultivation of grain and sunflower, for which the region is one of the leaders in Russia. Of lesser, but significant importance are livestock, fish farming, growing orchards and vineyards. Climate change negatively affects agricultural indicators, making it in some places unprofitable.

region 161 which city


The article answered the question: 161 regions - which region of Russia is this. We tried to give a comprehensive description of this region, without particularly going into details.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34334/

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