Tablet - what is it and what is it for

Remember the old movie in which a student uses a radio device to pass the exam? Pretty bad experience. The result was an unsatisfactory assessment of discipline. Plus, the professor put the student in a ridiculous position. But if tablets existed at that time, the exam would probably have passed successfully. Such a device is easy to hide. Mini

tablet what is it
versions allow you to bring them to the audience even in a large pocket. But of course, this is not their only purpose. So tablet - what is it? Its history begins in the mid-twentieth century. If you watch some American films, you can see heroes with devices reminiscent of modern tablet computers in episodes. But the first real version appeared only at the end of the twentieth century. And there was this tablet - an electronic secretary. Of course, Apple introduced him. The beginning of the twenty-first century is a time of rapid development of small and convenient computers. Each of them is either multifunctional or highly specialized.

Tablet - what is it?

It will be easier to talk about these gadgets if they are conditionally divided into several groups.

  1. Tablet pc. It can be attributed to a variety of laptops. Their birth
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    dated November 2002. This was served by the presentation of the Microsoft Tablet PC platform. These are the first computers that the manufacturer equipped with a touch screen that responds to fingers or a stylus. At the same time, working on the tablet was possible both with the mouse and keyboard, and without them. Another feature of these PCs was different: they are equipped with a full-fledged operating system.
  2. 2010 is the time of the advent of the compact version of the tablet computer. It was he who first began to possess a more familiar screen size: from 7 to 11 inches. This gadget is controlled by multi-touch gestures. This is the first tablet that can be typed using the on-screen keyboard. Which does not exclude the use of a familiar keyboard using the Bluetooth interface. The name of this computer is State PC. It was developed by Microsoft Corporation with leading laptop manufacturers. The advantages include the ability to work on such a tablet with all the usual programs and applications in full (non-mobile) versions. Such tablets have a minus - their prices are quite high. Other disadvantages are: large weight, low energy efficiency. But back to the question: "Tablet - what is it?"

3. E-books are highly specialized mini computers. Intended for placing and displaying text information in electronic form. The biggest plus of these tablets is their long battery life . But they lose their popularity due to low functionality.

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4. The last paragraph in the answer to the question: "Tablets, what is it?" - there will be a presentation, probably, of the most popular type - an Internet tablet. Such a device combines the characteristics of a smartphone and laptop. Have a screen up to 11 inches. The main difference from other types is the constant access to the network via either Wi-Fi or cellular. The tablets are controlled with your fingers. On an Internet PC, as a rule, they install mobile versions of operating systems. Applications and programs are developed specialized, which somewhat limits the functionality.

In one article, it’s rather difficult to answer the question: “Tablet - what is it?” - since almost all global manufacturers of mobile devices today produce similar products. The most popular and famous, of course, the leaders - "Samsung", "Apple". The competition in this market is quite high. Manufacturers strive to overtake each other in many ways, producing the most unusual models. So, for example, Samsung launched a table-tablet, the 40-inch screen of which resembles a TV more.


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