Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin and his wellness system. Patient Reviews

How many of us have not heard of the famous healing system developed by the doctor Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich? His recommendations on self-regulation of the internal environment of a person are attracted by their competence and timeliness. It does not unfoundedly advocate a healthy lifestyle, but reinforces it with a personal example of active and productive longevity.

Pages of an amazing history of service to science

“Master of Science and Practice”, “Person of Russia” - these titles are deservedly held by the talented Russian Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich. The biography of a brilliant scientist is closely connected with the victories of Russian space science and practice.

ivan pavlovich nemyvakin

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich (year of birth - 1928, July 7) was born in Kyrgyzstan. Even in his youth, he felt a call for healing and already in 1951 he successfully completed his studies at the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute. After graduation, he is drafted into the army and serves as an aviation doctor in the Far East for eight years. In 1958 he achieved the title of the best aviation doctor of the USSR.

Space doctor

Such a reputation opens the door for him to the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine, which Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin became an employee in 1959. His biography as a space doctor begins precisely from this moment.

From 1959 to 1964 he participated in the creation of a unique set of equipment for recording and evaluating the medical parameters of astronauts in flight and transmitting them via telemetry channels to Earth.

From 1964 to 1989, Ivan Pavlovich led the creation of a space hospital, practically creating an innovative direction in space medicine. Over the years of research and innovative work, he has accumulated vast experience and a substantial body of knowledge about the capabilities of the human body in the most extreme conditions.

Nyumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich biography

In 1990, upon completion of work in astronautics, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin was a full and honorary member of the European and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, laureate of the State Prize, and honored inventor of the Russian Federation.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is deservedly awarded the prestigious award "Profession - Life". He was awarded the title "Master of Science and Practice." He is a knight of the Order of Mercy.

From space problems to earthly problems

Since 1990, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin retired, and his extraordinary mind serves the problems of folk healing. He developed his own wellness system, wrote more than 60 books. In 1990, he initiated the creation of the Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine Specialists and, to date, is a member of its Presidium and runs the private clinic “Treatment and Prevention Center”.

Health formula

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - creator of the theory of endoecology of the body. According to the scientist, before treating a person, it should be decided what is health. His many years of research work led him to the following conclusions:

- the human body is a single bioenergy and bioinformation system that has strong internal relationships and is capable of self-regulation and self-healing;

- there is no disease as such, there is an imbalance in metabolic processes provoked by an acid-base imbalance.

Numyvakin Ivan Pavlovich Wellness System

According to the profound conviction of Professor Neumyvakin I.P., the reserve of internal strength of the biosystem of the human body is inexhaustible, in any case, it always exceeds the strength of the external negative impact.

The source of any human disease is slagging of his body, a violation of the immune response and bioenergy imbalance that arose against the background of acid-base imbalance. By eliminating all these triggering factors, any disease can be defeated without medication, said Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. The wellness system of the professor is based on this.

Professor Neumyvakin I.P. argues that any biosystem of the human body throughout its life should have a pH of between 7.4 ± 0.15. A decrease in the indicator indicates acidosis, an increase - about alkalosis. The following endofactors violate the acid-base balance:

- fluid intake during and after meals;

- reception of carbonated drinks;

- predominantly protein diet.

Ex-factors that shift the pH balance are:

- electromagnetic radiation;

- Genetically modified foods;

- pharmacological preparations;

- negative information flow.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin insists: if the pH balance is not restored to the physiological norm, it is impossible to overcome the disease. The professor’s books clearly explain how to restore it.

neumyvakin ivan pavlovich reviews

The Wellness System of Professor Neumyvakin

In 1995, the State Duma proposed a program for consideration, the author of which was Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich. The wellness system underlying the program included several technologies:

- detoxification;

- antioxidation;

- restoration of acid-base balance;

- restoration of the biofield structure.

Neumyvakin detoxification

Detoxification in the system of Dr. Neumyvakin is the cleaning of the body of toxins by normalizing digestion and physiological starvation.

The first postulate of healthy digestion is a fractional meal, that is, the amount of food eaten at 1 time should not exceed the volume of the stomach itself (up to 700 ml). The food must be chewed carefully until the taste of the ingredients in the dish ceases to be felt.

It is contraindicated to drink before meals, drink dishes with water during and after meals. The liquid will dilute the gastric juice, reduce the concentration of digestive enzymes, thereby reducing the efficiency of digestion of food. As a result, the processes of decay and fermentation will inevitably occur in the intestine, which will be accompanied by the release of a significant amount of metabolic products: hydrogen sulfide, methane, etc., causing intoxication of the body.

The following rule: after seven o’clock in the evening you can eat only a little sour-milk products, fruits or vegetables.

Nyumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich year of birth

It is necessary to periodically hold fasting days: 1-2-day fasting on the water. You need to drink only clean water.

Necessarily: the ratio of carbohydrates and proteins in cooked dishes must certainly be 3: 1. Protein and carbohydrate foods should not be combined. Patients should not eat protein foods until they recover as acid-forming. Elderly people should completely exclude them from their diet.

Hydrogen peroxide - oxygen donor

This substance is a strong natural antioxidant produced by the cells of the immune system in the small intestine. It is a donor of atomic oxygen, so necessary for the body. Hydrogen peroxide is able to normalize reduced redox processes.

It is recommended to take hydrogen peroxide daily. Add 10-15 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to each glass of water drunk before meals.

Healing soda

To restore the pH balance, baking soda is used. It is a means of ensuring the oxidation of under-oxidized metabolic products.

It is necessary to consume sodium bicarbonate daily on an empty stomach. Enough 1 / 2-1 teaspoon in a glass of water or milk half an hour before meals. Baking soda is the most effective means of normalizing the pH balance.

doctor nemyvakin ivan pavlovich

Uvd rescue

The photosynthesis of cells in the human body is based on a very specific spectrum of UV radiation. For various reasons, this spectrum is not enough in the sunlight.

The research team of Professor Neumyvakin created devices for quantum irradiation. The most famous are Helios-1 and Helios-2.

Quantum therapy in the healing system of Neumyvakin stimulates metabolic processes and increases the biopotential of natural mechanisms of self-regulation and self-defense.

To maintain the body in good shape it is necessary to do physical exercises daily. Be sure to take a tonic contrast shower.

Compliance with these simple, cost-effective rules will provide the body with everything necessary for its self-regulation and self-healing, believes our brilliant compatriot Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich. He devoted much effort to popularizing knowledge about human health, and held countless lectures and training seminars. He wrote and published more than 60 books with a total circulation of about 5,000,000 copies scattered around the world. They bring people hope for recovery without medication.

Patient Reviews

Thousands of letters received by Professor Neumyvakin are filled with warm words of gratitude. The Internet is replete with stories of patients following the system about their recovery. People with sincere surprise write about what they got as a result: normalization of pressure, the disappearance of headaches, heartburn, pain in the joints.

A huge amount of evidence of the normalization of a neurological condition. At the same time, people report increased physical activity and stamina. Ladies share the disappearance of ailments and pain on women's days.

Older people report significant improvements in health. It has become easier for them to work mentally and physically, their analyzes are normalizing. They gain hope.

All over the world, people got a new, healthy life after they followed the recommendations of the wellness system developed by Professor Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich. Reviews from patients and scientists around the world about his system are extremely superlative. For the development and popularization of the wellness system, he was awarded the Order of Mercy - the highest award of the famous international academy “Mercy”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34350/

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