Types of communication sentences in the text. Means and types of communication between text sentences

With the concept of "text", each of us comes across regularly. However, not everyone can give a clear definition of this seemingly simple concept.
In the lessons of the Russian language, we have heard more than once that the text is a few sentences sealed by semantic and grammatical connection.

In this article we will find the answer to the question “What are the types and means of communication of sentences in the text?”. We will refresh theoretical knowledge and consider illustrative examples.

Types of communication proposals in the text

What are the types of communication sentences in the text?

Let us turn to the grammar rules of the Russian language. In modern science, there are the following types of sentences in the text: chain, parallel.

The most common way to combine phrases is the first. Chain (its other names: sequential, linear) communication is widely used in texts of any type of speech. This is explained by the fact that the linear type does not conflict with the usual way of thinking. With the help of a chain connection, the speaker has the opportunity to express himself sequentially, gradually developing the thought.

Features of the chain type connection

Means of communication of sentences in the text

For a chain type of connection characteristic:

  • replacement of adjectives, nouns, numerals, used in the first sentence, pronouns in the next;
  • use of synonymous words and phrases;
  • lexical and syntactic repetitions;
  • pronouns;
  • unions and allied words.

In order to easily determine the types of communication sentences in the text, it is necessary to parse a few examples:

  1. Once I became seriously ill. Fever tormented me for several days. Completely exhausted by the disease, I called a doctor. He arrived in the evening, examined me and prescribed treatment.
  2. In the far, far kingdom, a beautiful princess lived. Her hair was golden as the sun. And his face is white as fresh milk. The girl was more beautiful than the first spring flower.

Both texts are a prime example of linear communication. Each sentence is connected to the next with the help of synonyms, union words, pronouns, lexical repetitions.

Parallel communication

What are the types of communication sentences in the text

As we know, there are two common ways to combine sentences in the text. Let's get to know the second one.

In a parallel (centralized) way of communication, sentences in the text are independent of each other. Each phrase is considered independent in its content. But it can also be part of a listing, juxtaposition or opposition.

Parallel communication is most often used in descriptive and narrative texts. This is due to the fact that the centralized type is perfect for a one-time story about several phenomena, objects, events.

For proposals using a parallel form of communication, the following are characteristic:

  • the same structure of construction (the same order of statement of words);
  • the use of verbs of the same form in each phrase.

Let's look at some example sentences with a parallel connection type. Such practice will help you cope with tasks from the category: "Define the types of communication sentences in the text."

  1. It was a beautiful summer day. The sun illuminated the dusty road with warm rays. Bright flares cheerfully ran along the green foliage. Somewhere in the distance, birds were singing thinly.
  2. Barbara was riding in an old bus to work. The weather was gloomy. It rained without stopping for several hours. And the girl already began to seem as if he would never end. But suddenly the clouds dispersed, and a modest ray of sun appeared.

The examples presented relate to two types of speech: description and narration. Offers in both are independent. They are not a direct continuation of each other.

The phrases are similar in the model of their construction: first comes the subject, then the predicate. In addition to the characteristic parallel structure, in each example we used verbs in the singular or plural form of the past tense.

Are there other types of relationship sentences in the text?

Types and means of communication proposals in the text

In some Internet sources, the third type of combination of independent phrases in the text is highlighted - accession. In this type of communication, part of the statement becomes independent, concretizing and supplementing the basic information.

This type can be recognized by the use of its compositional and joining unions: even, mainly, moreover, in the first place, in particular, for example, first of all.

Consider a few suggestions:

  1. All objects in the room, especially clothes and books, were scattered scattered about.
  2. Everyone in the house was extremely embarrassed, especially my uncle.

The example of these phrases shows that the part of the statement, which is responsible for detailing the main idea, becomes separate, independent. However, it does not turn into an independent proposal.

From the works of famous Russian linguists L. V. Shcherba, V. V. Vinogradov, one can learn that joining works only within a phrase and does not apply to the types of connection between sentences in the text.

Combination of types of communication

Types of communication sentences in the text: chain, parallel

It should be remembered that parallel and chain types of connections can occur not only one by one. Quite often, voluminous texts with various types of communication come across.

Depending on what the author wants to say, he uses a certain type of combination of sentences in the text. For example, he will choose a parallel method to describe nature. And for the story of how the day went, it’s chain.

Means of communication. What are they like?

We learned what types of sentences are in the text. Revealed their characteristic features and learned to recognize. Now let's move on to the second part of our plan.

The means of communicating sentences in the text are divided into three large groups: lexical, morphological, syntactic. We will get to know each of them and consider examples for a better understanding of the topic.

Lexical means of communication

Texts with various types of communication

This group in modern Russian language includes:

  1. Lexical repetitions of words or phrases. This technique is used quite often, as it gives the text special expressiveness. Example: “A boy picked up a book for home reading in the library. The book was very exciting. ”
  2. Coexisting words in adjacent sentences. For example: “Spring day was so beautiful! No wonder spring is called the most beautiful time of the year. ”
  3. Synonyms Often found in fiction and journalistic texts. They make speech more expressive, colorful. For example: “His novel was well received by critics. The work was also appreciated by loyal readers. ”
  4. Antonyms (including contextual). To give an example: “He had many friends. Foes are an order of magnitude smaller. ”
  5. Descriptive turns replacing one of the words of the previous sentence: “He looked into the sky. The blue dome impressed the youth with its immensity. ”

Morphological means of communication

Means and types of communication between text sentences

Consider what morphological means of communication sentences in the text we can meet:

  1. Third-person personal pronouns: “I have been waiting for my best friend for an hour. She, as always, was late. "
  2. Demonstrative pronouns. For example: “I really like the red dress. It seems that in such a dress it is impossible to go unnoticed. "
  3. Pronouns To give an example: “Alexander simply needed to pretend that he was in a great mood. So he behaved. "
  4. Particles, unions. Let's look at an example: “Everyone really liked mom's soup. Only the brother, as always, refused to eat the first dish. ”
  5. Respect for the unity of the form and tense of verbs. For example: “We decided to have a romantic dinner. Cooked a delicious dessert. Set the table. Lighted the candles. "
  6. Adjectives and adverbs used in the form of a comparative degree: “The day was just wonderful. It seemed that it’s never better. ”
  7. Adverbs with the meaning of time, place. Example: “Today he looked wonderful. Not at all like five years ago. ”

Syntax Communications

The syntax group includes:

  1. Introductory words and constructions. For example: “Firstly, he was too young. Secondly, too stupid. "
  2. Incomplete offers. For example: “Today was disgusting weather. Due to heavy rain. ”
  3. Syntactic parallelism (using the same construction to build adjacent sentences). Example: “One must be wise. You have to be responsible. ”
  4. Parcellation (dividing a sentence into several parts for greater expressiveness). Consider an example: “To be successful, you must become responsible, purposeful. We need to change our approach to business. ”
  5. A combination of direct and reverse word order: “I will wait for you to return. You will return, and we will live happily. ”
  6. The use of sentence-scrapers starting with “let's move on to the next part”, “this has already been mentioned above,” “as noted earlier.”

We learned what are the means and types of communication between sentences of the text. And consolidated theoretical knowledge, analyzing examples.

Now, having stumbled upon the task “Determine what types and means of communication are encountered in the text ”, you can easily cope with it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3436/

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