Vladimir Savinov: biography and achievements of the poet

Vladimir Savinov is the author of poems that enable adults to return to their childhood. The guys, having familiarized themselves with the work of the poet, realize that they understand their problems.

Vladimir Savinov: biography

On April 1, 1952, a talented poet was born into the family of a Leningrad teacher and officer. During his youth and childhood, Vladimir Borisovich Savinov was replaced by more than one military camp in the Murmansk, Pskov, Leningrad regions, Karelia and Estonia. The writer graduated from high school in the Ivanovo region in the city of Kineshma, and then became a student at the Electrotechnical Institute in Leningrad. Since July 1975, Vladimir Savinov began working as an engineer at the radio parts factory in Pskov. In 1978, he became an employee of the Special Design Bureau, where he still works, holding the post of head of the software sector.

Vladimir Savinov

The first poems of Vladimir Borisovich were published in the collective annual collection of the Association of Writers of Pskov in 2002, in which he entered into this period. The poet immediately began to take an active part in community events, speaking at numerous meetings and events. Four years later, his first personal book with poems entitled “Our Parallels” was published, and in 2007 the publication “Bird cherry boiled in the Pskov Region”.

Personal life

Tatyana Nikolaevna, the wife of the writer, in 1976 she began to teach the solfeggio to children at the music school named after M.P. Mussorgsky. Now she holds the position of head of the theoretical department of this educational institution. The woman taught musical literacy to many small residents of Pskov.

Vladimir and Tatyana have two adult daughters, an eight-year-old grandson and an eleven-year-old granddaughter.

Writer for children

Savinov Vladimir composes talented, thoughtful storylines that fill the children and even their parents with enthusiasm. It is not for nothing that the poet from Pskov is called a children's writer, for which there is a full reason.

His poems are lines filled with joy, unbiased childish sincerity. Sometimes the works of Vladimir Borisovich turn into instructive and funny scenes in which there are no moralizing that children do not like so much.

Vladimir Savinov poet

Reading verses of the Pskov writer helps children to feel the written and understand the idea of ​​the author. They are often used for consideration in the family circle and further discussion with children.

It is very important that the poet uses words filled with light, kindness and purity to express his literary fantasies. A serious, but at the same time crafty intonation, arouses in young readers the desire to develop themselves as a creative person.

Writer Achievements

Vladimir Savinov is a poet who is not a member of the Writers 'Union, although he is actively involved in the activities of the Writers' Union in Pskov. He has six literary publications that date back to 2006-2015.

Vladimir Savinov biography

Vladimir Borisovich became the laureate of such events:

  • Prizes for literature from the administration of the Pskov region in 2010.
  • Competition at the international level, dedicated to the memory of Igor Grigoryev in 2014. In 2015, the poet became his winner.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34365/

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