We reveal secrets: what halva is made of.

What is halva made of? Probably, not everyone thought about the answer to this question. What for? And so very tasty! And if it’s tasty, then there’s no need to puzzle over the problem of what halva is made of. And still…

It is difficult to say what halva consists of. This product can have many cooking options, but two components of the traditional halva remain unchanged: nuts, crushed to a paste, and sugar. And then everything is simple: sunflower halva is made from sunflower seeds, sesame - from sesame, peanut - from peanuts and so on. All of these options differ from each other not only in taste, but also in fat content, satiety, and even benefit for our body. Yes, halva is really very useful. We leave aside difficult chewing and a huge number of calories (by the way, the latter cannot be considered an absolute drawback, because halva fats are vegetable, which means they are easily digestible and well processed by the body). Another undoubted advantage of halva is the ease of storage. Indeed, the delicacy does not need either cold or sealed packaging. However, I was not able to personally store halva for a long time - somehow it quickly disappears from the locker. And you?

If you understand well what halva is made of, then you can understand why it is so useful. For example, sunflower halva has useful properties of sunflower - which means that it has a lot of vitamins B1 and F1. Namely, these vitamins have a beneficial effect on both the appearance of a person and the state of his vessels. In general, those who consume sunflower halva receive a boost of vitality, energy and protect blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Sesame halva, in addition to all of the above, helps to get rid of migraines, is good as a prophylaxis of osteoporosis, and even helps to fight the development of intestinal cancer. And peanut halva makes our cells renew faster - which means we look younger and fresher. The thing is that for the manufacture of goodies use cold-pressed oil - and it is also known as a medical tool. And it would be nice, you see, to get a prescription for halva treatment, right?

After analyzing what halva is made of, scientists came to the conclusion that it can be called the most savory treat. Halvah sugar content is only 30%, while traditional sweets and cakes contain about 80% sugar. Halva is even recommended for older people, since it contains a lot of elements that are most useful for the body. But overdoing the use of sweets is not recommended - especially for those who easily gain weight. In addition to sugar, halva contains high-calorie proteins and fats, which makes it 2 times the calorie content of jam.

And now it’s a surprise for researchers who have little understanding of what halva is made of, but you must certainly try out a new recipe yourself. This is Azerbaijani halva and, of course, it differs significantly from Iranian (traditional), but is good in taste and easy to prepare at home. So, first we cook on low heat a syrup from half a glass of water and a half glasses of sugar. Two glasses of flour are lightly dried in a pan, add 300 g of melted butter and salt. Can be used as a seasoning for turmeric. The resulting mass must be fried over a fire until a dark color (slightly reddish) is obtained. The mass must be stirred all the time - otherwise the components will burn to the pan. Yes, by the way, it is best to use teflon cookware and a wooden spoon. When the flour takes a dark shade, it is necessary to pour the finished syrup into it. Everything also needs to be stirred, and when all the components are connected, you need to stir the mass for another three minutes and immediately place them on plates. Sprinkle with cinnamon and treat all loved ones.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34366/

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