Glue for commercial linoleum on concrete floor

The most used flooring material is linoleum. This trend is not even affected by the fact that now the construction industry offers many alternative materials. If you install it correctly, then the floor for a long time will have a neat and well-groomed appearance, without requiring special efforts to maintain it.

Linoleum is attached in various ways, but the most used is gluing the material to a concrete base. The popularity of this coating is high both in home repair work and in industry. This article discusses what kind of glue is needed for commercial linoleum, how to use it, and how to properly install linoleum.

adhesive for commercial linoleum

Why do I need to fix linoleum on the floor

Such a coating is not a solid material, therefore it is subject to various deformations, which lead to:

  • humidity difference in the room;
  • temperature jumps;
  • moving heavy items such as furniture;
  • increased constant load on part of the floor.

As a result of such impacts, linoleum floats, waves and delaminations form on it, at the joints, the coating can peel off. All this significantly reduces the service life of the floors. And the appearance becomes sloppy. This leads to new costs for the replacement of flooring.

Methods of fixing linoleum on a concrete floor

There are three ways:

  • Fixing both partially and over the entire surface using mastic or special compounds. For example, you can use glue for commercial Norme color profi linoleum, the consumption of which must be calculated in advance.
  • The method, called dry, is used for rooms with an area of ​​up to twenty square meters. As a rule, an integral piece of coating is used. With this fastening, it is better to lay classic wooden skirting boards, since plastic ones are soft in structure and can not always compress the panel well.
  • Linoleum can be glued using double-sided tape used in construction. This method is suitable for inaccessible places and even joints. The method is simple and quick, but it has a drawback: after a while, the sticky part of the adhesive tape tends to dry out, ceasing to fulfill its functions. As a result, this causes the edges to wrap up.

What to consider

In order to choose the right coating and adhesive for commercial linoleum and calculate their amount, it is necessary to take into account such factors:

  • the area of ​​the floor on which the panel will be laid - with an increase in the area of ​​the coating, the risk that it will be deformed as a result of physical and climatic influences increases;
  • it is necessary to determine those places in the room that have an increased operational load - they will have to be glued with special care;
  • it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the shape of the floor - for its laying, individual coating fragments will be required, which will entail an increased consumption of linoleum and glue;
  • if the canvas is laid in small areas - in the kitchen or hallway, then it can be fixed by the dry method when the linoleum is not glued to the concrete base, but fixed with skirting boards around the perimeter.

Currently, manufacturers offer a wide range of linoleum coatings and adhesive materials. For comparison, just a few years ago, PVA glue was used to glue the material to almost any base, including concrete. It is quite simple to use and does not require special skills. Modern compositions, which include Homacol adhesive for commercial linoleum, are adapted and used with certain types and types of coatings. Therefore, before using them, you must familiarize yourself with the description and instructions.

glue for commercial linoleum tarquette

Preparation for work

Absolutely right are those who believe that a well-prepared concrete base will make it possible to get a securely fixed coating that will last a long time.

Therefore, the protruding places and depressions are first aligned. If there are small cracks with crumbling concrete, they are scraped and closed. You can even the surface with a self-leveling mixture. In the event that the floor is very uneven or heaps in one direction, a new concrete screed is the best solution. The smoother the base, the better the adhesive for commercial linoleum will lie on the concrete floor.

adhesive for commercial linoleum norme color profi

Before starting work, it is imperative to clean the floor of dust and dirt.

Preparation of linoleum coating

You can not lay the canvas immediately after purchase or long storage. Before laying, the coating should be acclimatized in the room where it will be used. In the summer, linoleum rolls out for about a week, during which the material will straighten. And in winter, the roll in its original form is left for a couple of days, which prevents cracking during promotion. And then the coating spreads out at room temperature until it becomes even.

homacol glue for commercial linoleum

Among other materials for work, you need a special composition. The consumption of glue for commercial linoleum needs to be calculated ahead of time, taking into account the stock so that it does not accidentally end at the height of work.

When the preparation is finished, the canvas is cut according to the dimensions of the room. This process must be approached with great responsibility, in order to prevent a large overspending of material as a result of improper cut. Everything needs to be thought out in advance.

Types of adhesives

Glue for commercial linoleum is divided into two varieties:

  • reactionary;
  • dispersion.

The reaction types of glue contain polyurethane and epoxy resin. Such a tool quickly and firmly connects to a concrete base and the underside of linoleum, which creates a very strong connection. These coatings are characterized by durability, moisture resistance and resistance to all kinds of loads.

glue consumption for linoleum commercial

The dispersion type of adhesive contains basically water with the addition of vinyl, latex and acrylic additives. By the strength of the connection with concrete, such an adhesive for commercial linoleum is comparable to the previous material, with the only difference being that it cannot be used at low temperatures.

Dispersion adhesive qualities

It is worth noting such properties of this composition:

  • odorless, which is of great importance in the process of work;
  • when applying does not demand a big expense, it is economic;
  • no toxic impurities;
  • safe for animals and humans;
  • differs in good glue characteristics.

A negative property is the loss of quality at low temperatures.

The best use for this glue is the fastening of coatings based on foamed polyurethane, fabric and felt.

You should also know that dispersion compositions are divided into:

  • universal mixtures, for example, adhesive for commercial Homakoll 248 linoleum, which are used with any kind of canvas;
  • acrylate: glues a homogeneous and heterogeneous type of coating, laid in rooms of high and moderate traffic;
  • bustilate, which is designed to work with linoleum based on felt;
  • gumilaks: it contains rubber, therefore it perfectly sticks to natural material;
  • bituminous mastic is suitable for coating on the basis of fabric.

Using dispersion glue

A good representative of this group of adhesives is glue for commercial Norme color profi linoleum.

Such glue is applied with a notched trowel to the surface of the concrete floor, on which the canvas will be glued, with a layer of half a centimeter. Linoleum is superimposed on top and, using a special roller, ironed in the direction from the middle to the edge. Excess glue is removed with a cloth. Leave to dry for a couple of days.

adhesive for commercial linoleum homakoll 248

The approximate consumption of glue, depending on the variety, ranges from two hundred to seven hundred grams per square meter of treated area. For an accurate calculation of the amount of adhesive, you must follow the instructions.

The quality of the reaction mixtures

Such glue for commercial linoleum is used as cold welding. After applying it, the surface of the web is melted, turning the joints into a solid strip.

Glue has several disadvantages:

  • is the owner of a pungent pungent odor;
  • has explosion and fire hazard properties;
  • when using, it is necessary to have a mask and gloves, as well as an open window for ventilation.

Cold welding is divided into the following types:

  • A-type - suitable for all types of coatings, used for gluing a new canvas, liquid.
  • C-type - glues diverging old joints up to four millimeters wide, solid.
  • T-type - designed to work with PVC linoleum with a polyester or felt base, elastic, applied using a T-shaped nozzle.

The use of the reaction composition

The representative of this group of materials is adhesive for commercial Tarkett linoleum.

adhesive for commercial linoleum 14kg

To achieve inconspicuous seams, it is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the joints and their evenness. This can be realized by going through the perimeter of seventy centimeters, and waiting for the complete drying of each area. Exposure to the glued area is allowed only after an hour.

Drops that have fallen on the canvas are carefully scraped off with a knife after they have completely dried.

The consumption of this type of adhesive material is approximately sixty milliliters per twenty-five linear meters of seam. For large rooms, you can successfully use glue for commercial linoleum in 14kg packaging, which will be more economical than using boxes of lower weight.

How to stick linoleum

The technology of the flooring coating includes several stages:

  • adhesive preparation;
  • it is necessary to bend half of the linoleum spread out;
  • the freed concrete is covered with an adhesive that is applied with a roller or spatula;
  • the bent part of linoleum is placed on top of the glue and is evenly pressed along the entire surface with a roller to expel air bubbles from the inside.

If the coating is laid out in several parts, then they are lapped. In this case, the edges should be well lubricated with glue. After both layers are cut under the ruler, which ensures a perfectly even joint. Then you need to bend the edges again, grease with adhesive and roll up with a roller. In conclusion, the joint is processed using cold welding.

If the calculations are carried out correctly and the work sequence is followed, the result is an attractive, durable coating.


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