“Topical” is about the current agenda

Many sonorous expressions have long been woven into Russian speech. They help with a succinct phrase to express the speaker’s thought, his attitude to what is happening. But at the same time, phrases and derivatives from them remain incomprehensible to contemporaries. Perhaps this happens due to borrowing from Church Slavonic. As with the concept of "topical." This definition, which is relevant to this day, often appears on the pages of the media, breaks out among native speakers. But what exactly does it mean and how did it take shape?

All according to the book?

And the adjective arose from the combination of "spite of the day." Some kind of calendar period when the car did not start, doused with mud and fired from work? Not at all! They imply a quote “dominates the days of his wickedness”, which was the result of the translation of the Bible into Russian. Nowadays, the phrase would be translated as "enough for every day of his care." If in a simple way: high workload, the need to work from dawn to dusk, think about relatives and the future.

In the original form of the phrase “topical” - these are urgent problems. Everything that worries a particular person and society. It causes keen interest and does not release attention. In the framework of jargon and youth slang:

  • informational occasion;
  • hype.
Topical problems: every day new!

How in life?

Often the definition penetrates into the speech of representatives of the older generation and scares young people. Who wants to interact with something “evil”? But not everything is as scary as it might seem. Just teachers and parents want to attract teenagers. And this is what “topical” means:

  • key information at the moment;
  • an essential phenomenon affecting life here and now;
  • important fact.

If you forget about such a mandatory thing, you can easily find yourself in an awkward situation. For example, on the eve of exams, visiting tutors and studying textbooks is a burning issue.

Journalists, media personalities prefer to raise topics in order to keep the interest of the audience, increase the circulation of the publication and the demand among readers, listeners and spectators. Oddly enough, in a 21st-century society, where information has turned into self-worth, “topical” is the main characteristic when choosing a question for discussion. Of course, if you dream of popularity.

The media select topics from thousands of topical

Is it appropriate to speak?

The word is correlated with the book style, but you can hear it everywhere. It sounds vintage, with a flair of sublime poetry. Immediately gives the speaker a weight. When a marker is needed to indicate erudition and well-readiness, it is “topical”. One of the beautiful concepts, it remains relevant for many centuries and helps to identify in the discussion a pain point of life in society for further work with them. Feel free to add to the lexicon!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34369/

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