Name for the site: choice, subject, correct combination, original and popular names, tips and examples

It turns out that the first lines in the search engines can be earned not only due to the high-quality and "popular" content, but also the sonorous name. For a site, the name is a business card. At first glance, coming up with a domain name is easier than a steamed turnip, but there it was. Long “gibberish” and unpronounceable combinations of consonants alone, as well as “repeaters” will definitely not work, and also significantly reduce the ratings. A few helpful suggestions will help you create a “tasty” and attractive name for your new website.

Mouse and keyboard

The domain zone - as the foundation for the home

Before you start creating with a thematic name of the website, you must first decide on the area in which the fresh web product will be registered. In simple words, this is the letter combination located at the very end of the site name: ru, com, net, su, org, biz, info, by and other popular syllables that can easily be inserted into both Russian and English-language search engines. It is too often to add keywords, to subtilize or fix a page with an ending from the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet is not necessary. This will complicate the search for a fresh web site. When resorting to theft of ideas from foreign sites, you may come across a "double-edged sword": on the positive side, there are no problems with registering a project, and on the negative side, there is confusion with the writing of domain zones and getting on the pages of competitors.

Brevity is the soul of wit

The harmonious short name used in the original name of the site is the right way to a large number of audiences. It is much easier to say a simple word of 2, 3 or 4 letters than to rack your brains with a long, unpronounceable set of sounds. Using numbers also needs to be careful. It is better to dwell on the semantic playing out of such numbers, the main thing is not to overdo it. Short naming is often used to create a brand project, and their cost is the highest.

Address bar

Abbreviation - also looks

In order not to build “trains” from long phrases, you can beautifully cut two words matching the topic and create a chic name from them. Examples of free domain names :

  • (house for a cat, cat's house) - the name will serve as an interesting option for a site dedicated to cats or selling goods for pets;
  • (honey paradise) - an interesting solution for the page dedicated to honey;
  • - a playful name for the portal of alcohol topics.

Examples of busy domain names:

  • autotuni - the name of the service about cars and tuning;
  • infoglaz ("information eye") - the name of the project, where you can learn about everything.
Address bar

And the ear is nice, and people go

In order for all search engines to display a fresh web site, it is more reasonable to select Russian names for the site using the Latin alphabet, while avoiding hissing sounds, as well as "c" and "f", which can make writing difficult. If the nickname includes a Russian-language word, for a clear transliteration you can use a similar type of letters, for example, the English-language “X” can be used as Russian “ha”. At the extreme moment, if you really wanted to include the sound "h" in the word, you can replace it with the number 4. A harmonious sequence of letters will significantly increase the rating, which in the opposite direction will make a set of an unpronounceable "consonant" combination. Here are examples of catchy names of sites with successful domain names that have already existed for more than a year with domain zones "ru":

  • 2uxa, which is easily pronounced as “two ears” or “two” - a platform dedicated to finding free download of MP3 music, videos and images to your phone;
  • 101kote ("101 kote") - at the time of creating the name of the page about cats, the authors successfully beat the name of the film "101 Dalmatians";
  • Povar, it’s just read "Cook" - a site for recipes for every taste;
  • Stihi ("Poems") - an online space for poets;
  • Datki ("Datki") - this is the name of the site where you can find a congratulation suitable for an important date;
  • Cruiz ("Cruise") - it’s easy to guess that we are talking about travel.
  • 1001sovety ("1001 councils") - the web space devoted to secrets of female beauty and fashion trends. Here, the authors of the online magazine decided to "play" with the oriental name "1001 Nights";
  • lubimyjdom ("Beloved home") is the attractive site name for interior design.
Computer mouse and keyboard

Whether in the trend

If the site’s content includes fashionable topics that are widely heard, then why not come up with an appropriate name. Many existing pages are named after a brand or a long-published glossy magazine. Examples of site names:

  • Cosmo ("Cosmo") - the abbreviated name of the popular fashion magazine "Cosmopolitan";
  • Svadbuzz - the creators of the family social network have found an original approach to merging the word wedding with the newfangled syllable "buzz";
  • the familiar Russian word "image" has acquired the modern English synonym for "bow", which is so often used by users of the glamorous network "Instagram": they did not get confused on the site with the name "wlooks", which literally can be translated "in the image";
  • Womanclub ("Vuman Club") - a web magazine for women;
  • modnail - a stylish service name about manicure;
  • Hitcrazy ("Hit Crazy", "Crazy Hit", "" Crazy Hit ") '- the name of the site for downloading music and watching videos;
  • modishlady is a stylish site for women.

My your understand

It’s great if the creator of the Internet project speaks foreign languages, in particular English. Proceeding from this, the translated name for the site can become a winning “trick”. In addition to English, you can take other languages ​​that use the Latin alphabet as a basis. If there are difficulties with translations, online dictionaries will come to the rescue, where you can find a bright, relevant topic:

  • Teamo ("Teamo") - translated from Spanish means "I love you." (such a sensual name was invented for a dating site);
  • onelady ("first lady") - service about beauty and style;
  • womansmyle ("woman's smile") is a positive name for the popular online store of women's clothing (it’s hard to find a woman who is indifferent to shopping).

Shopping therapy

The most popular today are purchases made without leaving your home, through online stores. In order to earn high ratings, it is not enough to be limited only to goods, you need to create an attractive "sign", otherwise, with an incomprehensible name, the site will literally "grow with moss", despite the wide range of products. And nobody wants to work at a loss:

  • Price (Price) - the borrowed English phrase “price list” immediately suggests itself, and not in vain. This is how the territory of a popular online store in Russia with universal goods sounds.
  • A bulletin board for the purchase of clothes with the playful and sonorous name "tangle."
  • A universal name was invented for the Ukrainian Internet boutique Brand

Brand Yourself

If inspiration occasionally visits your head, and thoughts about which site name is better to come up with do not come, the best option is to use your first and last name. This original way will perfectly fit into a personal blog, promotion of creative work or business. This unique method was used by the photographer Rimma Murzilina, naming her Internet space, using the abbreviation from her first name and last name “”. Here are some more interesting examples of well-known websites created:

  • "Mon —";
  • "Anabel27".

Idea's generator

In the same case, when the edge is the task of how to make the site name highly rated, special applications and online programs can come to the rescue, with which you can pick up a sonorous nickname for your online project. The catch lies in the inconsistency of the name with the theme of the finished Internet product. However, if one hangs and fumbles there, one can dig up treasures of interesting ideas. Names sound beautifully with combinations of vowels "a la Spain", "io" or "ai" at the end of a word. It is reasonable to do without “tricked” borrowings, where there are combinations of “zh”, “ts”, “ph”, to avoid the sound “sch” “sch”. Many web pages contain dashes, but for a beautiful name design this sign can create difficulties in writing the address.

Game of association

The correct approach to the implementation of ideas is associative thinking. To do this, take a piece of paper and write on it those words that are related to the theme of the website. Then select associations with these words using suitable prefixes and suffixes. No need to be afraid to experiment and contribute some optimism and espression to it. Strict names are relevant only in case of serious content: jurisprudence, funeral services, religion. Examples of interesting real-time institution names:

  • "Good cat" - the name of the store of goods for animals;
  • "Million Scarlet Roses" - a sign at the flower trade pavilion;
  • "BBC" - taxi service;
  • "Papyrus" - a store of goods for creativity;
  • "Corkscrew" - a store of alcoholic beverages for every taste;
  • "Matrix" - a computer equipment store;
  • "" is the name of a travel agency. "

Examples of existing pages:

  • "" '- a site on a wedding theme;
  • "" - retail space for travel enthusiasts;
  • "" - all about the interior;
  • - a service for car fans;
  • "" - a platform about the design of a fashionable interior;
  • "" - a service for wedding purchases.
Office table

Castle mouth

Even such a small happiness as a personal web project loves silence. To brag to friends and ask forum users for advice before registering the original site name is more expensive. There will always be an envious "pig" that can appropriate and have time to fix a name earlier.

Uniqueness check

Before registering your online brainchild, you need to check whether the name is free so as not to run into a showdown about the attribution of copyright. This can be done with the help of special online resources that issue all occupied and "untouched" domains. If the invented name is occupied in the “ru” zone, the “com” and “no” zones are popular, in extreme cases, the Belarusian “buy” zone is suitable. The international domain spaces like Club, Info, Org, Biz, and so on are now in fashion. It’s better not to peck at the free “”, because people often treat such pages with distrust, as they get the impression that the site was created “on the knee”.

Laptop on the table

I want a change

Sometimes there are situations when the name of the Internet site is not clear, does not bring fruitful results, or the domain expires soon. How to change the name of the site or the main name of the web page, tell a few simple ways. Let us analyze them in more detail.

Before you start replacing the full name of the site, you must get rid of it in advance and register a fresh one. Or bind the acquired domain to an existing web project using the settings menu. However, these changes will not take effect unless you change the title of the page itself in the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. In the "Site Management" option, find the "Rename" column.
  3. Click on the link address and change the contents of the desired cells.
  4. Everything must be saved.
Computer keys

Buy a new domain through Ukoz

The principle of action:

  1. On the computer, go to the control panel and find the "Domain Management" section.
  2. Attach the acquired name using a specific key on the pop-up window, and wait until everything changes.

Change the name of the web page in the WordPress platform

We do everything sequentially:

  1. In the new browser window, type the name of your new site plus add the phrase: / wp-admin to it. A page with the name "Akhtung" written in Latin letters should appear.
  2. Click on the link indicated in the page, hitting the admin panel this way.
  3. On the left, in the "Parameters" section, select the "General" column.
  4. Next, click on the option "Site Title" and change the old name to the desired one.
  5. In all lines where necessary, make changes and save.
  6. To check the name saving, go to the home page and move the mouse arrow to the top line of the menu bar.
  7. In the pop-up list, click the line "Go to the site."
  8. If the new name is not displayed, on the project home page click the right mouse button and select the "Source Code" line.
  9. At the top of the opened field with codes, move the cursor to the Latin "Title" and type in a new name.

So that you do not have to take into account the troubles with the new name of the site, it's easier to immediately name it not narrowly. If, for example, the online store focuses solely on selling shoes and all the “lotions for her”, and then “throws” all kinds of clothes plus accessories, then such a trading project is unreasonable to call a “shoe”, and use a universal name like existing "Ozone", "LaModa", "Jum", "".


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