If there is troubled water in the aquarium, what should I do?

Many pet lovers purchase aquarium fish. Unlike kittens, they are unpretentious and easy to care for. Of course, over time, the owner wants to acquire a normal aquarium and recreate a real underwater world there. Striving for improvement and gradually increasing their demands, people often do not notice how the ecosystem gets out of its control. Fish can get sick, algae can turn yellow and die, and after starting the aquarium, the water is cloudy, although it is too early to change it.

in the aquarium, the water became cloudy

Turbid water can be the result of many factors and processes that do not occur correctly in a given ecosystem. Main reasons:

  • improper flooding and raising of soil from the bottom;
  • reproduction of putrefactive bacteria;
  • bad water;
  • low-quality aquarium;
  • improper cleaning of the aquarium;
    muddy water in the aquarium what to do
  • improper water filtration;
  • poorly siphoned soil.

Let's take a closer look at all the options, since the survival of your home water ecosystem directly depends on this. So, a familiar situation is muddy water in an aquarium. What to do and how to fight?

1. If you pour water with a strong pressure, then it can raise particles of soil from the bottom, and thus become dirty. If you let the water stand for a couple of hours, this effect will pass - there will be a subsidence of sand and soil.

2. The development of putrefactive bacteria is another reason for such a thing as turbid water in the aquarium. What to do in this situation? Bacteria appear and break down food residues, fish excrement, dead algae, if the ecosystem is not properly established. Their number can be controlled if the fish are fed correctly (so that there is no food left after a meal at the bottom or on the surface of the water), cleaning in time, siphoning the soil.

3. Poor fluid purification can also be an explanation of why muddy water in the aquarium. What to do? In such a situation, steps must be taken to cleanse the liquid you are pouring. To begin with, the poor quality of water (the presence of chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria) can provoke the mass death of fish and algae. To avoid environmental disasters in the aquarium, the following steps should be taken to clean the liquid:

- collecting water from the tap, it must be defended for two days - this will allow heavy particles to sink to the bottom of the tank;

- before the water gets into the aquarium, it must be passed through the filter. In this case, pour the liquid from the tank very slowly, and do not filter the remaining liter of slurry at all, since it contains a high concentration of harmful substances;

- Pure filtered filtered water into the aquarium should be slowly.

If you adhere to these rules, then the fish will be alive and well. You can also buy purified water directly for this purpose.

4. Poor quality aquarium. There are times when all possible causes are eliminated, and the water continues to deteriorate. The reason for this may be the mismatch of the glue that holds the glass together with the standards. So, if the adhesive base contains water-soluble elements or dangerous chemical compounds, this may explain why the water in the aquarium became cloudy. In this case, you need another tank for fish. You will have to buy a new aquarium, better made of whole glass, where there are no joints that will have to be glued together.

after starting the aquarium, the water is cloudy

5. If the aquarium is poorly cleaned - the soil rarely siphons, there are no snails and catfish that clean the glass, there is no water filter - the result is obvious: muddy water in the aquarium. What to do and how to avoid similar problems in the future? You just need to eliminate these shortcomings, and the ecosystem will improve. Also monitor the number of fish: if there are too many, you will have to clean more often.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34388/

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