Protection for windows from children. Safe windows

Modern windows have an aesthetic appearance and are easy to use. Opening the sash occurs without difficulty, with a light movement. However, can such qualities be called an indisputable advantage when it comes to the safety of children? Only after you see your baby on the windowsill, you understand how dangerous such windows are without installing special devices.

Child safety

Very often, parents independently invent ways to safety and protect the window opening from children. The most famous and common option is the removal of the handle. However, it should be noted that this method is not the most convenient, and there have been recorded cases when the window itself opened during a strong wind.

A mosquito net as protection for windows from children is also far from the best option, since its fastenings are not very reliable.

Limiters of the β€œcomb” type are installed on the window in such a way as to allow the sash to open no more than 15 cm. However, their method of attachment is impractical, and over time they disappear, so this method cannot be called reliable.

On the wooden windows, of course, you can fasten the door metal chain. This option can really protect the child, but only if he does not know how to remove it.

The option is not very aesthetic, but practical - bulky pots with indoor flowers or large stacks of books.

Modern manufacturers of window fittings offer improved types of devices whose main function is to protect plastic windows from children. Consider them.

protection for windows from children

Security grilles. Alternative window protection for children

Since ancient times, grilles are installed on the windows, especially on the first and last floors. Their main task is protection against penetration. Of course, their appearance is not very presentable and aesthetic. But strength and reliability are the main qualities.

Currently, this method of security is used as an alternative protection for plastic windows from children who, looking out into the street, can easily fall out.

The advantage of this method is the absence of restrictions for ventilation, additional support for the mosquito net, the absence of interference when washing windows.

Window handle with lock and keys

Special overhead handles, also used as protection against opening windows by children, have a lock and a set of keys. Buying them is not difficult: they are sold in any hardware store. To install them, simply unscrew the old handle and put a new one in the same place with two screws.

The essence of the work of such handles is as follows: after closing the window, you must turn the key and thereby lock the opening mechanism. After that, the key must be removed and put in the place where the child can not get it.

This method is reliable enough, however, with the loss of all keys, even adults will not be able to open the window; you will have to completely replace the entire mechanism. There is another drawback: when changing the position of the sash, it will be necessary to constantly close the handle with a key, which can cause some inconvenience.

protection of plastic windows from children

Children's castle on the window

In order to completely eliminate the possibility of forgetfulness, modern manufacturers recommend purchasing special locks-locks on plastic windows. Protection against children with the help of such a device is as follows: the lock is installed at the very bottom of the sash and locked with a key. The lock allows you to freely open the window to the ventilation mode, and when rotated, it will not allow you to move even by 1 cm. With such locks, keys will only be needed if it is time to wash the windows.

Of course, such a device is more expensive than pens, but it fully pays for itself. The lock can be installed on any type of plastic windows, the installation will take approximately 15 minutes.

plastic windows child protection

Internal steel lock

The steel internal blocker is installed on PVC windows. Child protection is its main function. Such a device allows you to freely put the window into the airing mode, and it will not allow more than 15 cm to open the window sash. Such a lock is installed in the inside of the frame and is completely invisible from the outside.

In order to unlock the window, an adult will need no more than a minute, but a child, with the condition that he did not see how this operation is performed, will not be able to do this.

The cost of such a mechanism is quite acceptable. Recommended for installation on windows that do not have a tilt-and-turn function.

protection against opening windows by children

Double-glazed windows security

One of the important conditions for window safety is the quality of the glass used. Even with good locks, you cannot be completely sure of safety. Indeed, simple glass itself is quite fragile, and a child can break it with some object. The best option will be the use of tempered glass units . It is quite difficult to break it, and given the fact that the glass in the plastic windows is firmly glued with sealant, it is almost impossible even with a strong blow.

As an option, to strengthen the double-glazed windows, you can use a special anti-vandal film, especially when it comes to the balcony block.

Opening limiter for a window with a steel cable

This device is in fairly wide demand and has established itself as a reliable protection for windows from children. It can be installed not only on window frames, but also on transoms or doors. The limiter prevents various objects and objects from falling out and entering the housing.

The essence of the operation of such a device is that the window can only be opened to the width that the cable length allows.

The limiter is attached by two ends to different sashes of the window frame. A lock is installed on one side. If it is closed, the lock can only be removed with the key.

The kit also includes a steel cable that can withstand loads of up to 500 kg. This design can be installed both vertically and horizontally. Thanks to the different colors, the device will fit perfectly into the interior of any room.

pvc windows child protection

So, as they grow up, children begin to give parents a lot of trouble, and the main task of adults is to protect them as much as possible and not let them risk their lives. Properly installed locks are a reliable and practical protection for windows from children, so do not neglect this opportunity.


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