The best cities of the Moscow region. Rating of the cities of the Moscow region

The Moscow region, which is informally called the Moscow Region, is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Central Federal District. What is its administrative center? In fact, this is the city of Moscow, however, some public authorities of this subject are located not only in the capital of Russia, but also in the city of Krasnogorsk.

On a geographical map, the Moscow region can be found in the basin of the Oka and Volga, Klyazma and Moscow rivers. The location of the Moscow Region is the central part of the East European Plain.

the best cities of the Moscow region
In the north and northwest, the region borders on Tverskaya. In the east and northeast, it adjoins Vladimirskaya. Overcoming the southern borders of the Moscow Region, you can get to the Tula region, and the western ones to Smolensk. South-west of the Moscow region is Kaluga, and south-east - Ryazan. In the north of the Moscow Region it borders on the Yaroslavl region. But this site is very small.

The date of formation of the Moscow region is January 14, 1929. Prior to this (since 1708), this territory was a province.

The region got its name from the capital of Russia. However, the main city of our country is a separate subject of the Russian Federation, not included in the Moscow Region.

Cities beyond the Moscow Ring Road

According to the survey, many Russians consider Moscow a city that enables a person to fully realize their abilities. Of course, in the capital there are many architectural monuments, museums, temples and historical places. However, the conditions of hard rhythm do not leave her residents time to visit them. Well, when the weekend comes and a short vacation falls, Muscovites tend to leave traffic jams and city bustle. On excursions in the capital itself, you can see, as a rule, guests from all over Russia and from foreign countries.

Muscovites and tourists can wave and enjoy visiting beautiful and interesting historical places in the cities of the Moscow Region. At the same time, trips to the region will save money by presenting a pleasant pastime.

There is a certain list, including the best cities of the Moscow Region, with whom it is recommended to get to know better. It is interesting to those who choose a tourist route for themselves. Those who decided to purchase real estate closer to the metropolis can also get acquainted with this list. What is his rating of the most worthy neighborhoods of the capital?

Favorable environmental situation

The cleanest cities of the Moscow Region are located in the northwestern and western regions of the region. They are located at a considerable distance from the Moscow Ring Road (from 50 to 100 km).
According to the data for 2015, the rating of the best cities of the Moscow Region in environmental conditions is headed by Odintsovo. This settlement can rightfully be proud of its landscape and biological diversity, giving it the ability to restore its own ecosystem.

The ecological well-being of Odintsovo lies in the abundance of nearby forests, where a large number of resorts are located. Residents of the capital and the Moscow region seek here to improve their health with the help of sulphate-magnesium-calcium water, which gives restoring and healing properties.

Mr. stupino
In second place in the list of "Best cities of the Moscow region in environmental conditions" is Korolev. This is a large scientific and production center of the region, the purity of the atmosphere of which is supported by numerous parks, squares and green spaces. Most of the territory of the city was given by his administration to summer cottage construction. This made it possible to significantly increase the already existing landscaping complex.

The third in the top "Best cities of the Moscow region in environmental conditions" is Domodedovo. This settlement is surrounded on all sides by a forest-park zone that cleans the air. On the territory of Domodedovo there is a health resort "Bor" and a sanatorium "Moscow suburbs". A significant part of the city’s land is given to holiday homes. This settlement is attractive for its original hilly landscape, as well as pine forest and forest strip.

In the last places of the ranking are cities with less than one hundred thousand inhabitants. Zvezdny and Reutov, Losino-Petrovsky and Chernogolovka are considered environmentally friendly. G. Fryazino, Yubileiny, Klimovsk and Roshal complete the list.

The city of Istra is not yet the leader in our ranking. At the highest steps of the list of the most environmentally friendly settlements, Naro-Fominsk and Dmitrov are not standing. Not included in this list is the city of Klin. However, they still deserve some attention. A modern environmentally friendly infrastructure is being introduced in these cities, and programs aimed at purifying the atmosphere are constantly being applied. Thanks to this, there is a high probability of seeing these cities in the top of the most environmentally friendly in the near future.

Take the city of Klin for example. Its environmental situation is worsened by the chemical plant operating here. In addition, in the vicinity of the city there is a landfill on which waste of hazard class 4 is stored. However, today the chemical plant is placed in a tight framework for its production activities. Specialists of the enterprise, as well as its management study environmental sciences at special courses open in the city. Two programs are taught here, namely:

- proper handling of hazardous and hazardous waste;
- environmental protection and management of the use of natural resources.

Where in the Moscow Region is the air most polluted?

The city of Noginsk, Moscow Region, is the territory where the most polluting industries are located. There are such enterprises in Mytishchi and Sergiev-Posad, in Orekhovo-Zuevo and Voskresensk, in Elektrostal and Egorievsk. According to 2012 data, the most polluted air was in Mytishchi and Serpukhov. The city of Kolomna, being the most industrial settlement of the Moscow Region, also causes concern for environmentalists.

old kupavna
Atmospheric pollution in the area of ​​the Pirogovsky reservoir is promoted by a dump of radiation waste located in the Zhostovo quarry . Not happy with the situation and the city of Staraya Kupavna. In the territory of this settlement, the Isotope enterprise operates. And if earlier the city of Staraya Kupavna was a wonderful vacation spot for those who decided to spend time away from the hustle and bustle of the capital's streets, today the ecology of this territory is affected by the industrial zone erected here.

One of the negative factors is also the close proximity of Staraya Kupavna from Moscow and its proximity to the busy highway through which cars and trucks move.

Rating of cities by population

There is an estimate of the Federal State Statistics Service, which found out the number of residents of the Moscow Region as of January 1, 2016. The population of this largest and most densely populated region of Russia is 7.3 million people.

The largest cities of the Moscow Region are Balashikha (260 thousand), Khimki (232 thousand) and Podolsk (223 thousand). In total, the list of Rosstat contains 20 settlements, the population of which exceeds 100 thousand people. In the last, twentieth place is the city of Noginsk, Moscow Region. It has 102 thousand inhabitants. Another 28 cities have a population of 30 to 100 thousand people. The largest of them is Dolgoprudny (98 thousand). On the same list are Mr. Fryazino and Mr. Klin, Mr. Istra and many others. Closes the list of similar cities Mozhaysk. 30 thousand people live in it.

Tourist routes

The best cities of the Moscow Region were chosen not only by residents of the capital, but also by its guests for their travels. Despite the fact that the region is relatively young, many settlements on its territory appeared in the 12-14 centuries. The tourist routes of history buffs certainly pass through the oldest of them. It is here that you can admire magnificent estates, look at architectural monuments and just wander around places dear to the Russian heart. Still preserved Kremlin walls and temples, monasteries, earthen ramparts and ancient fortifications are attractive to tourists.


This is the oldest city located in the suburbs. Without a doubt, he can safely lead the rating of the oldest cities in the region. The first mention of Volokolamsk in the annals dates back to 1135, that is, 12 years earlier than Moscow. Until the 18th century this settlement had a different name. A trade route passed through it, along which merchants transported goods from Novgorod to Ryazan and Moscow lands. The current Volokolamsk was then called Wolok. And this is no coincidence. Here, Novgorodians dragged vessels carrying goods in order to get from the Lama River to Voloshnia.

Anyone who is interested in the cities of the Moscow region that are worth seeing should definitely visit Volokolamsk. The oldest building, which was in the old days within the walls of the erected Kremlin, has been preserved here. This is the building of the Resurrection White Stone Cathedral, which is an architectural monument of the 15th century. Unfortunately, the Kremlin itself was built of wood, so its walls and towers were not preserved.

Noginsk city, Moscow region
Not far from Volokolamsk is the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery. It was also erected in the 15th century. Of the entire architectural ensemble, today you can admire the Epiphany and Peter and Paul Churches, the Assumption Cathedral and the ruins of a unique bell tower. The walls with towers surrounding the monastery have also been preserved here. This building was erected in the 17th century.

Today Volokolamsk is a clean and green city. In addition, it is the center for holding international festivals of military-patriotic cinema, which have been held since 2004 under the name "Volokolamsk border." In the vicinity of the city there is a museum and a memorial "28 Panfilov Heroes".


In the annals of 1177, the border fortress located on the border of the Moscow and Ryazan principalities was first mentioned. This building is nothing but the current city of Kolomna. The settlement was founded several decades earlier than its first mention, and therefore can rightfully be in second place in the ranking of the most ancient cities of the Moscow Region.

In former times, Russian troops traditionally gathered in Kolomna, heading for military campaigns against the Tatar-Mongols. It was the richest city after Moscow. It is also interesting that Kolomna, located between the three rivers - Moscow, Kolomenka and Oka, which was beneficial to merchants, was a constant cause of the struggle between the princes of fragmented Russia, and in the middle of the 15th century. for a while it was recognized as the capital of Muscovy.

city ​​wedge
Among the historical sites that can be visited in the city is the partially preserved Kolomna Kremlin. This building, erected in the 16th century, is a monument of the defensive architecture of Ancient Russia. At one time, it was thanks to the Kremlin that the enemies could not take the settlement by attack. Guests of the city can also admire the most famous tower of this building - Marinkin. According to legend, it was in her in 1614 that the great prisoner Marina Mnishek was imprisoned.

Locals call their city ​​near Moscow Suzdal. Today it is one of the most attractive tourist centers for guests, where a huge number of fashionable modern projects are carried out.


There are also other ancient cities of the Moscow region, which are worth seeing for tourists. One of them is Zvenigorod, founded in the middle of the 12th century. Its main attraction is the Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery. This monastery was founded by Saint Sava in the 14th century. It was erected on Mount Storozhe.

Today, on the territory of the monastery you can admire one of the oldest temples left on Moscow land - the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin (15th century). To this day, in Zvenigorod, ancient fortress walls with towers located on them and the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with the chambers of his wife Maria Miloslavskaya have been preserved. On the territory of the monastery, tourists can see fraternal buildings equipped with cells.


The beginning of this city was laid in the 15th century. It was during this period on the bank of the river. Oka near Kashira was built Holy Trinity Belolesky Monastery. This building at one time became a reliable defense during the defense of the borders of the Moscow state from raids by the Mongol-Tatars.

Over time, several settlements formed around the monastery, among which was the village of Stupinskaya. In the 18th century the lands located in its vicinity belonged to representatives of the court nobility. The Sheremetyevs and Volkonsky, Orlovs and Buturlins built their estates on these lands. Today, the preserved buildings are wonderful monuments of Russian architecture.

In the 19th century the current Stupinsky district began to be built up by industrial enterprises. One of them was the largest in the Moscow region, a print-production factory owned by the Ermakov brothers.

Kolomna city
In the 20th century. in the current city of Stupino built a railway station. A branch from Moscow passed through this settlement. And only on September 14, 1939 all the villages around the station were united. According to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, instead of fragmented settlements, a city of regional subordination arose.

Today, Stupino is a modern, comfortable and clean village. Tourists are happy to visit not only this city, but also its surroundings. After all, here is the famous Prioksky reserve, and the real decoration of the landscape are numerous ponds. Near the city (7 km) flows the river. Oka. Stupinsky district is loved not only by tourists. The Russians are waiting for numerous rest houses, pensions and motels.


This town can claim one of the first places in the ranking of the most beautiful settlements of the Moscow Region. Those who value the grandeur and interesting landscape of rolling hills will agree with this.

For tourists, the city of Istra is interesting for its New Jerusalem Monastery, which is located near the Resurrection Cathedral. This is a magnificent monument of architecture that leaves a lasting impression. Initially, the builders of the monastery decided to build a structure similar to the Jerusalem Temple. However, the resulting ensemble has become even more magnificent.

A half hour drive from the city is the Siloam spring, whose history is associated with the monastery. Tourists who are interested in old Russian architecture are happy to visit the village of Snegiri. On its territory is the ancient temple of St. Seraphim of Sarov.


This small village on the river. Sturgeon, whose population is only 5 thousand inhabitants, is often called a museum city. The first mention of it is in the annals of 1146. Then, according to historians, the settlement was burned by nomads. It was only in 1225 that the chronicles again mentioned this settlement, which was rebuilt, and even brought here a miraculous icon from Korsun - St. Nicholas.

In 1237, the city was burned down by the troops of Batu, and after restoration it received the following name: Novogorodok on Sturgeon. To protect him from enemies, he was turned into a fortress by building a Kremlin. And only in the 17th century. This settlement got its current name - the city of Zaraysk. Its Kremlin is the only defensive structure of its kind in the Moscow region. Within its walls there are very few buildings, the main of which are two temples. The first of them is St. Nicholas Cathedral. It was erected in 1681. To date, the cathedral, built on the model of ancient Russian churches, can be viewed only from the outside. Inside it is empty.

Much later (at the beginning of the 20th century), the Cathedral of John the Baptist was erected on the territory of the Zaraisk Kremlin . This building was conceived in a neoclassical style and today is an active church.

Istra city

In addition to the cathedrals on the territory of the Kremlin there is a building of public places, erected in the 18th century. Today it houses a Sunday school. The Kremlin also has the Baptismal Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

The city of Zaraysk is interesting for history buffs by the estate of the writer F.M. Dostoevsky and the home of sculptor A.S. Golubkina. Walking along the streets of this settlement, you can see that there are many monuments erected in honor of famous people. These are the monuments of D.M. Pozharsky, F.M. Dostoevsky, K.A. Meretsky.

The most ancient on Zarai land is the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Tourists visiting the town must go into it to bow to the miraculous icon of the Saint.


The first settlements in this area appeared in the 15th century. It was a village that received its main development after the abolition of serfdom. The impetus for economic development was given by the railway laid here at this time.

By the end of the 19th century A zemstvo school was opened in the village, which became the first local educational institution. In the 20th century. the surrounding land was used as a landfill. It tested tanks, cars, as well as a variety of construction equipment.

The city of Kubinka (Moscow region) received its current status only in 2004. And today, this settlement is known for such important objects for the country as the Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics of Space Forces and part of the airborne troops.

What is worth seeing in this area for tourists? The main attraction of the city is the Central Museum of Armored Arms and Equipment of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. It is one of the largest in the world. Its exhibits are armored vehicles of various historical periods and types. This museum is a kind of town, in the streets of which are tanks, armored personnel carriers, etc.

Popular with tourists is the Aviation Technology Display Center. Fans of antiquity are happy to visit the Vasilyevskoye estate, as well as temples and chapels located on the territory of the city - monuments of Russian architecture of various eras.


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