Sola Monova: biography, personal life, poems

Sola Monova is one of the most popular contemporary poets. Bright personality with innovative thinking. With her shocking poems, she just blew up the Internet. Today, by the number of subscribers, she is the most popular poetess of Runet. The number of followers is already more than a million. And if some of her poems seem too harsh and even delusional, others are sure - this is the perfect mix of sarcasm and wisdom. So, Sola Monova, the biography, family and work of the popular contemporary poetess are in the center of our attention.

Biography of Julia Solomonova
sola monova biography

Sola Monova was born in Vladivostok in 1979. Already at the age of 6, she wrote nursery rhymes soaked in black humor. The poetess herself admits that she chose the path of art thanks to her father. From his filing, they drew, sang, wrote poetry from early childhood. The latter she did best. Sola (real name - Julia Valeryevna Solomonova) says that the strangest dream is the most sincere. And it should be performed by every woman. But it’s very strange to want to be a poet ...

It seems that half of her life she was engaged in her own education. In 1996, she graduated from an English school in her hometown. Then she graduated from the Far Eastern State Academy of Arts (2003). Specialty - theater director. In 2004, the future Sola Monova, whose biography we are considering, received another diploma in the field of production management.

The soul of the poet

By the age of 27, Sola was broadcasting a TV show that was popular in Vladivostok. She was recognized on the streets. As the poetess herself admits: "I was dressed in luxurious clothes, and I was the director of my own studio." But Sola felt she was missing something important.

Therefore, at 27, the poetess threw everything - luxurious clothes, a wonderful career and hometown. The girl went to Moscow, began to study at VGIK. Settled in the hostel, like an ordinary student. It was during study that her roommate registered her on a social network. And one day Julia decided to put poetry on her page. By the way, none of Moscow friends knew that she was a talented poetess. Sola says that then her poems received a lot of positive feedback. And when the number of subscribers exceeded 200, her husband advised her to publish her own book. But then this thought did not arouse enthusiasm among the young poetess.

In 2011, she graduated from VGIK and the studio of directing Solovyov and Rubinchik. And in 2012, she received a diploma from the Hollywood film school and even shot a movie in 911 called "911" in Hollywood.

The personal life of the poetess

sola monova verses

As Sola herself admits, she met her husband at a poetry contest. But their relationship began many years later when they met at her friend's bachelorette party. At that time, Nikolai Morozov, the husband of Sola Monova, was a deputy of the State Duma in Vladivostok. Today he is in business.

Our heroine tells little about her husband. She does not upload his photos on social networks. He says that between two loving people there is always a conflict. But they learned to understand and value each other. Nikolai does not forbid her to pursue a poetic career. But it forbids writing obscene verses. But Sola has a group on VKontakte dedicated to them! These verses are sharp and informative. And, it should be noted, they have their fans.

From her husband Julia gave birth to two children - Nina and Ivan. The children of Sola Monova are still very small: a nine-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son. Julia jokes that her mother-in-law is waiting with horror when the granddaughter, at the request of the teacher, recites her mother’s verse ... and he turns out to be obscene.

sola monova husband

"The light is intentionally extinguished,
Under the cover of darkness
I will fall asleep without pillows
Between two children ... "

For a long time, the poetess lived in Miami, but today is rare in America. Her professional plans are related to the Russian capital. Sola performs quite often, touring Russia with concerts. She says that these concerts are more of a hobby for her than a way of earning. She feels that she is in demand as a poet. That they love and appreciate her.

About poems and age

sola monova books

Most often, Julia writes about love. Her early poems are more lyrical, they have less murderous sarcasm. The poetess is sure that her poems change with her herself. At 16, she went in winter without a hat to be beautiful. And now she always wears a hat in the cold, because the main thing is warmth, not beauty. “Now I am,” says Sola during the interview, “my mother and wife. And at 16 I was ready for any adventure. At 38 I am not a traveler. I am a hotbed."

"And we will walk on the foliage in November,
Throwing businesses and cars.
I like all this bullshit about rib
God created man. "

About inspiration

Writing poetry for Sola Monova is a kind of revelation that suddenly comes to her. The poetess admits that she has a fairly high technique and can rhyme anything. But no technique will provide the ability to write truly soulful, light, soulful poems. This is a door that opens suddenly. It is necessary to quit all things and write down what has come to mind, otherwise it will not be possible to recreate this process later. And the "come to mind" can be anything - lyrical, sarcastic or even obscene. And after writing the verse, what worried, bothered, hurt there - finally lets go. “For me, writing poetry,” says the poet, “is a kind of meditation, during which I disconnect from everything outside.”

Sola also notes that when she experiences only positive emotions, her poems receive much more positive feedback.

sola monova children

About love and happiness

Sola Monova prefers not to tell a lot about her personal life. He says that he allows himself to feel happy for 5 minutes once a week. But at the same time, she does not consider herself unhappy. Depression, the poet is sure, is far-fetched. This is the daily pressure of society and the stereotypes that it imposes. If you get rid of stereotypes, you can become much happier. You need to enjoy every day and everything that you do. Despite 3 higher educations, Sola believes that she still has a lot to learn in her life.

For Julia, love is the ability to forgive and find a compromise. However, love comes only with age, under the arm with experience and pain. Sola says: "I believe in sacrificial love, such as Dostoevsky wrote about. But no one should know about your sacrifice, otherwise it is not a sacrifice." And again the feelings of the poetess are splashed on paper with sarcastic verses:

"I had an unequal battle at night:
You, and around - the Arabs.
I feel, dear, trouble with you -
I feel there are women around! "

About directing

sola monova personal life

By profession, Sola is a director. She claims that it is this education that helps her during concerts. Therefore, she has no acting talent. Julia has already shot several films. She is the winner of some international awards. These works did not receive much fame, but found their fans. But while Sola is not going to return to directing. She says that this profession requires life experience, which she has not yet received in full. In addition, the director must be completely immersed in the story that he is shooting. While she can not afford to concentrate only on this work.

"Murderous Sarcasm"

Poems by Sola Monova treat girls from depression with a killer dose of sarcasm. Many of her poems are really very harsh, somewhere even rude. But at the same time they really treat a sore heart. Laughing at the next creation of Sola, you begin to believe that betraying your beloved (now former) is not such a big tragedy. And it is worth a lot.

"She stopped loving him in convulsions.
She is very strong - she can do everything.
Sheep are sad on girl’s panties -
Nobody counts them in their minds now ... "

But the poetess writes other verses - warm, cozy, saturated with sadness and something a little magical. In each of them there is a piece of a love biography of Sola Monova.

"He probably is somewhere,
Far away where there is no me
Stroking red dog hair
By a fading fire. "

That is why Sola is so popular. Each girl finds in her verses something for herself.

Books of Solova Monova

Julia Valereva Solomonova

She says that after the first book went on sale, she was pleasantly surprised by its immense popularity. Neither the author nor the publishers expected such a stir. Today, the books of Sola Monova are very popular among her readers. And if her “Left Book” is saturated with sarcasm and obscene language, then “Right Book” is an ideal combination of wisdom and lyrics. Also on sale is the "Pink Book", "Dandelion has white blood" (in honor of the verse of the same name), "Complaint Book". One can even guess at the latter, as the poetess claims. Whether forecasts come true is not recognized.

Today, her books can be bought at concerts or ordered online. Cost - from 500 to 2500 rubles.


So, today we discussed the biography of Sola Monova, a popular poetess not only in Russia, but also abroad. Her poems are so different - funny, rude, sad, obscene. But they are unusual and original, they cannot be repeated.


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