Good exercises for biceps with a barbell, on the horizontal bar, with dumbbells

Beautiful, muscular arms are the pride of every athlete. Many men spend a huge amount of time and effort to build muscle, achieve a beautiful profile, increase the physical strength of biceps and triceps. The effectiveness and success of training is assessed by the size and shape of the muscles that the athlete acquired as a result of hard training.

Despite the efforts made, for some athletes to build muscle in their hands becomes a real problem. It takes a lot of time and effort to search for effective training programs that will help you work out your biceps in a complex with other muscles, achieve maximum volume, a beautiful profile, and the result leaves much to be desired. Are there good biceps exercises that can help you achieve great results with a minimum of effort? How to pump up your arms?

Good biceps exercises

Biceps is one of the most prominent muscles in the human arm, which serves to flex and extend the upper limbs. It consists of a short and long muscle head. Biceps is constantly in sight, serves as confirmation of the athlete's physical strength. In a relaxed form, this well-developed muscle stands out beautifully on the athlete’s arm, and in a tense state turns into a tight, relief ball. That is why both beginners and experienced athletes devote a lot of time to working out the relief and increasing the volume of this muscle.

good biceps exercises

The best biceps exercises help to build muscle, using its natural functionality - flexion or extension in the elbow joint. Various weighting agents are used for training, gradually, with the development of the athlete’s physical strength, increasing the weight load. Exercises aimed at increasing the volume of muscle mass are performed with a maximum amplitude of flexion or extension of the arm. Incomplete bending helps to achieve a clear outline and work out the relief of the muscles.

To pump up your hands, you need to add biceps and triceps exercises to the main program of your workouts. Performing a complex aimed at the development of this muscle group several times a week, in a short time you will achieve an increase in muscle mass and a beautiful relief. You can do biceps exercises at home or in the gym. For training, you will need a horizontal bar, barbell and dumbbells with removable pancakes to gradually increase the intensity of the load on the muscles. Consider the most effective exercises that leading athletes of the world use to work out biceps.

Standing barbell lift

A good exercise for biceps is lifting the barbell while standing. This element is a classic for working out the muscles of the hands; it is part of the basic set of strength sports training. Lifting the bar perfectly loads the biceps, gives a good increase in muscle mass.

Technique of execution:

  • stand - hold the bar by the bar with both hands at the level of the hips, legs shoulder-width apart, the back is straightened, the knees are slightly bent, the elbows are pressed close to the body, the shoulders are lowered;
  • inspiration - slowly lift the projectile to the chest, bending the arms in the elbow joints;
  • exhale - slowly return to the original stance.

good biceps exercise

Exercise is performed in 4-5 approaches, with a break for rest no more than 45 seconds. Determine the weight load and the number of times one set based on your current physical form. Use various grip techniques to maximize the effectiveness of the workout: with a wide, the main load falls on the long head of the muscle, with a narrow - on the short. Performing this good exercise for biceps, keep your body motionless, strictly upright. Swinging, you transfer physical activity from the muscles of the arms to the muscles of the chest and back, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the workout.

Scott Bench Barbell Lifting

Bench Larry Scott, a famous bodybuilder, helps to increase the effectiveness of exercises for biceps with a barbell. This training option will allow you to purposefully work on the lower and middle part of the muscle, isolating the rest of the muscles from the load. Before exercise, you need to adjust the height of the palm rest to fit your height.

Technique of execution:

  • starting position - we sit on the seat, the back is straight, we put our hands with the barbell on the stand, we place our elbows shoulder-width apart;
  • inhale - slowly raise the projectile to your shoulders, bending your elbows;
  • exhale - slowly return to the starting position, without straightening your arms completely.

biceps exercises at home

We carry out 4-5 approaches, on rest no more than 45 seconds. Such good biceps exercises are recommended using the curved bar of the EZ bar. This will reduce the load on the hands and wrists, avoiding possible injuries. Determine the weight of the projectile, the number of lifts at a time, based on your current training. Gradually increase the intensity of the load and the number of approaches to accelerate the set of muscle mass. During the exercise, monitor the position of the body: keep your back straight, do not lay your chest on the stand, do not sway. This will allow you to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.

Biceps barbell pull

Good biceps exercises such as torsion bar pulls can double the muscle load compared to regular projectile lifts. This effective element of training additionally loads the muscles of the back and chest. Performing this exercise on a regular basis, you will qualitatively increase not only the biceps, but also the main muscles of the upper body.


  • initial position - we tear off the bar from the floor, lean forward, hold the body parallel to the floor, the back is straight, we do not bend the lower back;
  • inhale - pull the shell to the chest;
  • exhale - lower, without straightening to the end of the hands.

barbell biceps exercises

It is recommended to start with three approaches with a short short rest. To increase the effectiveness of your workout, use a variety of grip techniques: wide / narrow, forward / reverse. This will allow you to work out the maximum amount of muscle with just one exercise. The weight of the bar, the number of approaches is determined individually. Carefully monitor the position of the body during the exercise: keep your back straight, do not strain your lower back and do not bend.

Romanian traction for biceps

One of the best exercises for building mass and physical strength is traction on straight legs. This element involves 3/4 of the muscles of the whole body. By adding these exercises to the biceps, hips and back to the program, you will make your muscle mass work to the limit, thereby stimulating the growth of muscle volume.

Technique of execution:

  • starting position - we get up close to the barbell, tilt the body, grab the bar with both hands, legs are slightly bent at the knees, the back is straight;
  • inhale - raise the projectile to the level of the hips;
  • exhale - lower to the floor.

hip biceps exercises

We do from 4 to 5 approaches, to rest no more than 20 seconds. The weight of the bar, the number of repetitions in one set is determined based on the current physical fitness. During the exercise, we monitor the position of the body: we keep our back as straight as possible, we do not bend our elbows and knees. We tear off the bar from the floor by lifting the body up, and not using the strength of the muscles of the hands. We try to keep the bar as close to our knees as possible. Complex exercises for biceps, hips and back, such as traction with straight legs, give a good study of the muscles of almost the entire body.

Bending arms with dumbbells while standing

Workouts with a barbell complement well various exercises for biceps with dumbbells. At home, it is effective to carry out such elements as often as possible, using shells with removable pancakes. With the help of dumbbells, you have the opportunity to work out those parts of the biceps that are not involved during training with the barbell.


  • stand - we take dumbbells, stand straight, back is straightened, legs shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms along the body, wrists outward;
  • inhale - slowly raise the shells to the shoulders, bending the arms at the elbows;
  • way out - slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

biceps and triceps exercises

We recommend that you complete this exercise from 3 to 5 sets; rest between sets is no more than 30 seconds. Carefully monitor the position of the body: the back is straightened, the lower back does not bend, the elbows are pressed to the body. During training, we keep the body straight, do not sway. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, it is recommended that when lifting the dumbbells, perform a slight twist of the hands so that the little finger is higher than the thumb.

Lifting Dumbbell Biceps While Sitting

Good biceps exercises with dumbbells at home are concentrated projectile lifting in a sitting position. Since this element is insulating, it is recommended to perform it in the middle of a workout, after working with the barbell. With a high intensity of the load, this exercise perfectly increases the volume of muscle mass of the biceps, giving it a beautiful shape in the form of a peak.

Technique of execution:

  • starting position - we take the dumbbell in the right hand, sit on the edge of the bench, spread our legs wide, rest our elbow on the inside of the right thigh, rest our free hand on the left knee;
  • inspiration - slowly raise the working limb to the shoulder, bending at the elbow joint;
  • exhale - slowly return the hand to its original position, without straightening the elbow to the end.

biceps exercises with dumbbells at home

The number of approaches, time to rest, working weight, choose based on your physical form, gradually increasing the intensity of the load. Pay close attention to the position of the body during training: keep your back straight, do not swing, lift weight only due to the resistance of the biceps. For the development of physical strength and the development of the relief it is recommended to perform this exercise, practicing a large number of repetitions with small dumbbells.

Biceps Workout with Dumbbells on an Incline Bench

Such good biceps exercises as training with dumbbells on an inclined bench (angle of 45-60 degrees) help to work out the muscles of the hands. Including this element is recommended for athletes with spinal injuries, since it completely isolates the upper musculature of the body from the load.


  • starting position - take dumbbells, sit on a bench, press your back tightly on an inclined surface, arms along the body;
  • inspiration - we lift the shells to the shoulders, bending the arms in the elbow joint;
  • exhale - slowly lower.

dumbbell exercise at home

We do up to 5 approaches, the time for rest is not more than 45 seconds. Select the weight of the dumbbells, the number of repetitions of one set individually. Watch the position of the body and arms: we press the straight back firmly to the surface of the bench, do not bend the lower back, keep our elbows pressed to the body. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, use different techniques for lifting dumbbells: direct, inverse, with twisting, hammer. This will allow you to work out not only the biceps, but also other muscles of the hands.

Exercising biceps on the horizontal bar

Exercise for biceps on the horizontal bar is an effective element of strength training, which allows you to qualitatively pump the muscle mass of the body. Using sports elements on the crossbar, you can achieve a good muscular torso relief, develop physical strength, endurance and flexibility.


  • starting position - hang on the horizontal bar, knees bent, legs crossed;
  • exhale - pull up so that the chin is above the bar;
  • inhale - go down.

horizontal biceps exercises

Perform an exercise in 4-5 sets, the rest time is not more than 30 seconds. At the initial stages, all muscle work is carried out using your body weight, then use foot weights to increase the load. The most serious study of biceps is achieved as a result of pull-ups with a direct or reverse narrow grip. Other options for exercise load the muscles of the back, chest and shoulders to a greater extent . Training on the horizontal bar helps to perfectly work out the muscles of the torso, develops coordination, strength, endurance.


When doing these good biceps exercises at home or in the gym, do not forget to do a small workout for all muscle groups before training. This will allow you to prepare the muscles for an intense load, to avoid possible injuries and muscle breaks. After classes, be sure to spend a short stretch, which will increase the flexibility of joints and tendons.

When training biceps, be sure to pay attention to the technique of each element. Try not to raise the maximum weight, but to do the exercise correctly. Do each movement in a slow rhythm, clearly controlling the work of the biceps and other muscles. Such an approach will help you to increase the training efficiency several times, work out the muscles qualitatively and achieve a good result.


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