Products of the company "Consul": mattresses. Customer reviews

A full rest, restoring strength, can be achieved only by a healthy sleep, which can be easily ensured by products for the “Consul” bed (mattresses). Customer reviews note that they are made of quality material, and sleeping on them is convenient and comfortable.

About Consul Holding

For several years, the Consul holding has been steadily operating in the Russian market. It produces the highest quality sleep products. It has a huge assortment of orthopedic products. As a rule, the products last for a long time and have a stylish modern design.

Only high-class specialists are engaged in the development of Consul sleep products (mattresses). Reviews say that this product has an antibacterial and anti-allergenic filler, the effect of which is felt immediately.

About one million users a year choose sleep products. Regardless of product category, it combines superior quality and innovative design.

The company does not stand still and is constantly evolving. Today, there are more than 100 branches throughout the country. The quality of the products complies with the State Standard of the Russian Federation and is confirmed by international certificates.


consul mattresses reviews

The Consul concern offers its customers a wide range of products, which consists of high-quality material, soft and soft-to-touch covers, and also has a rather large price range.

The “Consul Classic” mattress (reviews note that this product is medium hard, helps to wake up in a good mood and relax overnight) there are three types:

  • from a spring with natural fillers;
  • spring products with layers that do not cause allergies;
  • springless option.

The stiffness of spring mattresses is directly related to the filling of product interlayers. Coconut gives them rigidity, while latex and polyurethane foam give them softness. Their combination allows for universal stiffness.

The most popular products with coconut coir include mattresses "Guidon", "Feon", "Sonnet", "Ilion". They differ among themselves by the thickness of the layer.

The most popular latex-filled product is Elisha. It is soft and repeats all the contours of the body of a sleeping person. The Saltan Consul mattress (reviews say it provides a comfortable and complete sleep) consists not only of latex, but also of a layer of coconut raw materials. It has an average degree of rigidity and high elasticity. The combination of natural fillers with polyurethane foam is observed in the Temir, Cleon and Zephyr models.

The company manufactures products with hypoallergenic fillers (“Elysium”), with a struttofiber (“Licinius”, “Melmot”, “Ratmir”, “Dadon”), as well as mattresses with a memorial form (“Orpheus”, “Bayun”, “Lel”) .

Of the springless products, the most popular are the Filon, Cornelius, Vatal, Juvenal and Damis models.

The assortment of the company is huge, and it is divided according to parameters, purpose (child, adult, elderly person), its structure, content and price.

How should I choose Consul products?

mattress consul customer reviews

A full night's rest is inextricably linked to a comfortable and properly selected mattress. The product should be selected based on personal parameters: height, weight and activity during sleep. It is necessary to measure your height in a horizontal position before buying the “Consul” mattress. Mattresses, reviews of which are mostly positive, have a chic cover that creates a feeling of sleep in an expensive hotel.

The width of the mattress is selected based on the parameters of the bed and night activity. If a person in a dream tosses and turns, sleeps restlessly, then a wider product should be preferred. Mattresses "Consul" can withstand body weight up to 150 kg.

When choosing a product, one should take into account the degree of its rigidity. Soft models are suitable for older people, people with a sore back and a sensitive dream. Moderate rigidity is ideal for adults and teens. The hard version has pronounced anatomical qualities and is indispensable for people with diseases of the spine, suitable for small children and newborns.

Also, the products vary in frame. Bonnel springs withstand up to 180 kg / m 2 , reliably fix the position of the back during sleep. Complex "Multipack" adapts to the relief of the body. The Duet system is suitable for spouses with a big difference in weight. Preserves all the properties of the mattress even after prolonged use. The company's assortment also includes springless models. The entire design of the “Consul” mattresses is securely fastened around the perimeter.

Even in the manufacture of products for sleep, innovative technologies are used. This is the Anti-Snoring system, which automatically changes the position of the head, as soon as a person starts snoring, the Ever Dry technology, which independently switches on the heating and drying mode, as well as the Purotex complex, which prevents the development of pathogenic microbes and ticks.

Products from the Consul company (mattresses) - reviews of some people note the untimely delivery of goods when ordering through the online store - are ideal for people suffering from allergies and asthma.

Five best-selling models: rating

company consul mattresses reviews

The company’s analytics department, based on product sales, compiled a list of the five most popular models. It includes the following modifications:

  • Mattress "Saltan" combines layers of coconut fiber and latex. It has an average degree of rigidity, elastic, dense. Helps to relax during sleep and relax comfortably. The stock price is 13500 rubles.
  • The Rogday model withstands colossal weight loads. The latex layer provides a sufficient degree of softness and comfort. The cost of 9500 rubles.
  • The Copenhagen product is intended for children and teenagers. It has an average degree of rigidity. Prevents the development of scoliosis in children. Can be purchased for 9000 rubles.
  • Mattress "Consul Elite". Customer reviews note the convenience and comfort during sleep. The average stiffness of the product reliably supports the spine, relaxes the muscles. The product has orthopedic properties. It costs about 12,500 rubles.
  • The Multi Ross model contains natural fillers (latex, coconut), a cover impregnated with silver ions, and Multipack springs. Rest on such a mattress is convenient, comfortable and healthy. The price varies around 27,000 rubles.

These are the best products of the company, which have no analogues, and their popularity only increases every year.

About mattress fillers

mattress sultan consul reviews

Mattresses “Consul” (customer reviews note that the products of this brand are free from flaws) are of unsurpassed quality, and their effect is concentrated in the field of orthopedics for night rest. All materials for the manufacture of products are carefully selected and guarantee a complete sleep. Most cases are impregnated with silver ions, which extend their life. The following materials are the fillers for sleeping products:

  • latex;
  • coconut coir;
  • latex coconut;
  • coconut fiber;
  • eco coconut;
  • ecolatex;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • viscoelastic foam;
  • viscose;
  • strutofiber in pure form and with the addition of coconut and jute;
  • horse hair ;
  • cannabis;
  • latex wool;
  • hard felt;
  • cotton.

These fillers make the product flexible, dense, resilient and of high quality. Provide orthopedic properties, restful sleep and maintain health. These qualities are fully consistent with the consul elite latex coconut mattress. Reviews note that it gives complete relaxation to the spine and relaxes the body.

Properties of orthopedic mattresses

mattress consul elite reviews

The “Consul Elite Cocos” mattress (reviews confirm that the product fully justifies its cost and is able to withstand a large difference in weight between spouses), like other products of this brand, has such properties as:

  • Sleep improvement. A person falls asleep almost immediately, sleeps soundly, without waking up.
  • Rigidity. Mattresses of the Consul company (reviews note that the products are perfectly suitable for people with a sore back) do not bend, and a person does not feel his partner sitting down or getting out of bed.
  • Anatomical properties. All products are carefully thought out and take the shape of the human body during sleep.
  • Massage. The inner surface of the mattress affects the body of the sleeping person.
  • Getting rid of snoring. Correct body position during sleep prevents the occurrence of snoring and contributes to its disappearance.
  • Natural fillers. A positive effect on the human body, extend the life of the product.

All these qualities make the “Consul” mattresses indispensable for every person.

Positive sides

There is a significant reduction in pain in the back, spine and neck after using orthopedic products, consumers who leave feedback. The mattress “Elite Latex Consul”, like other sleep products of this brand, fixes the correct position of the spine, which is important for people with osteochondrosis, which is accompanied by frequent exacerbations. Products help to reduce headaches, eliminate discomfort in the limbs, they stop numb and numb. It makes it possible to take a comfortable pose in a dream. Prevents scoliosis and corrects it. Provides a calm and complete sleep, even without a pillow.

Cons of goods

As a result of the regular use of products, a number of minuses were formed, which are expressed in the appearance of dents and various pits on the surface of the mattress even with short-term operation of the goods. There is a quick wiping of the mattress in the area where the person is most often located, and the occurrence of an unpleasant creak. In some cases, the cover was torn, and the filler crawled out. There may be a bad smell like furniture glue or rotted hay.

Where can I get a mattress?

mattress consul elite coconut reviews

Products for sleep "Consul" can be purchased on the official website of the company, in online stores, company salons of large cities. They are often offered to buy furniture salons with the bed. These products are found in large hypermarkets.


The pricing policy of the company ranges from 4,000 to 160,000 rubles. All mattresses of the Consul brand are divided into four categories:

  • Economy - up to 10,000 rubles.
  • Standard - 10000-25000 rubles.
  • Premium - 25000-40000 rubles.
  • VIP - over 40,000 rubles.

Very often, a company holds various promotions where some premium models can be bought at half price.

Consumer Reviews

reviews mattress elite latex consul

When buying Consul mattresses, most of the customers remain satisfied. These people note a decrease in pain symptoms in the back, spine, and neck after sleep. Customers praised the company's products, including the Consul Classic mattress. Reviews note that on it you will find a full and comfortable sleep. It contributes to fast falling asleep and good rest. Customers really liked the covers - both knitted and jacquard. They celebrate their softness, nice and modern design.

A small part of users complain about the penetration of the mattress in the places where a person is constantly located, the fast wear of the lining and the smell, which disappears within a week. Some people advocate for the poor service of the company. They claim that they brought a product folded in half, wrinkled and unsuitable for sleep. Moreover, the company for a long time and with reluctance eliminated all its flaws.


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