Hair mask “Compliment” with pepper: reviews, composition, features

In the struggle for beautiful long hair, the girls are ready for anything. They spend tremendous effort and money to achieve results. But expectations are not always met. We present to your attention a budgetary tool that has a large number of positive reviews - a compliment hair mask with pepper 3 in 1. We will find out below what consumers liked it so much.


The hair mask Compliment Naturalis 3 in 1 with pepper is produced by the Russian cosmetic company TimekS, the main specialization of which is cosmetics and perfumes. The main feature of the products of this company is a combination of high quality and low prices.


hair mask compliment with pepper

The mask is hard not to notice on the store shelf. It is sold in a 500 ml black plastic jar. The label shows hot pepper, which accurately reflects the essence of the product and makes it clear what to expect when using it. After all, everyone knows that pepper is an excellent tool with which you can quickly grow long curls.


Compliment Naturalis hair mask with pepper is designed to accelerate hair growth. What the manufacturer promises:

  • strengthening hair;
  • loss prevention;
  • growth acceleration;
  • the awakening of sleeping hair follicles and, as a result, the appearance of new hairs.

All this thanks to a specially selected complex of natural substances developed by specialists.


hot pepper

What is included in the mask and provides it with high efficiency:

  1. Capsaicin - extract of capsicum fruits (Capsicum Frutescens Extract) - the main active substance that has an irritating effect on the scalp and thereby stimulates the processes occurring in the epidermis, including hair growth.
  2. Vanilla Butyl Ethers (Vanillyl Butyl Ether) - Warming agent. It has a long warming effect and at the same time practically does not irritate the skin. It is used in products where stimulation of processes occurring deep in the dermis due to heat is necessary. Also reduces the sensitivity of pain receptors.
  3. Hydrolyzed keratin is a natural keratin extracted from sheep’s wool. Using chemical reactions, its molecules are split into small particles, due to which they penetrate perfectly into the hair and restore it from the inside, making it smooth and shiny.
  4. Dexpanthenol (D-Panthenol) - provitamin B5. Penetrates into the hair and scalp, healing them.

The mask covers the hair shaft with the thinnest film, which is a protection against the effects of external environmental factors, desiccation, brittleness. It can be safely used for dyed hair, since it does not contribute to the washing away of color. In addition, there are no silicones in the composition that weight the hair and often cause them to fall out.

How to apply?

Mask Compliment Naturalis 3 in 1 with pepper must be applied to wet hair and scalp. Keep at least 10 minutes. Frequency of use - 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months.

Precautionary measures

Capsaicin is very irritating to the skin, so when using a mask, you must observe the following precautions:

  • do not use for skin lesions;
  • avoid contact with mucous membranes, especially in the eyes (in case of contact, rinse with water);
  • conduct allergotest before use.


hair mask with pepper

The compliment hair mask with 3 in 1 pepper is very popular with girls due to its high efficiency. And this despite all the inconveniences that may be encountered in the process of its use.


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