Mask for soft hair: homemade recipes, formulations, effectiveness, reviews

The problem of hard, dry and brittle hair worries many people. It is believed that this is due to water hardness, poor ecology, poor-quality care products, frequent use of hair cosmetics, coloring, curling or an unbalanced diet and human diet. Now many hair masks have been developed for their softness and silkiness. They can be purchased in stores or made yourself in a home environment.

Moisturizing mask

Top tips for using haircut products

Masks for soft hair, in particular, made with your own hands, usually do not require any special costs or strict rules. However, there are a couple of points that you should pay attention to if you have already decided on the use of such funds.

  • Most products are applied to clean, slightly wet hairs.
  • After the time required for the action, the mask is washed off with warm water and a special tool, less often without its use.
  • Procedures should be done regularly to maintain the effect. Most often, it is advised to apply no more than once or twice a week for a couple of months.
  • After applying the mask for softness, it is advisable not to use a blow dryer.
  • Before choosing a care product, you need to carefully read its components in order to avoid allergic reactions to the composition.
  • You can also alternate your chosen care option in the form of masks. But do not apply them several at once for several days! If you do not follow this recommendation, you can get exactly the opposite of the desired result.
  • A mixture of components needs to be done for one application. For each subsequent only fresh products should be used.
  • The mask is applied warm. It is advisable to keep it warm with polyethylene, as well as towels or caps. It is applied by rubbing into the skin and spreading along the entire length of the strands, including the roots and tips.
  • Most of the funds are kept for two hours.
Mask for hair care

What are the masks for soft hair at home?

The variety of options is very large. The most popular are masks, the basis of which are yolk of chicken egg, burdock oil, kefir, banana, lemon and onion, beer. It is recommended to keep for about two hours under polyethylene or cling film and a towel for a greater effect.

  1. The mask on kefir. Warm kefir must be mixed with egg yolk and oil and rub along the entire length, starting from the roots and after 2 hours, remove with shampoo. For effectiveness, the mask is done once a week for two to three months.
  2. On the egg yolks. Mix a glass of warm water with whipped yolks and apply to the hair for one hour. Wash off with shampoo and warm water. There should not be hot water, otherwise the yolk is very difficult to wash from the strands.
  3. Mask for soft hair, based on oil and honey. Stir and apply on the head. After an hour and a half, remove with shampoo. It will take more than one wash to completely remove.
  4. Care with yogurt and banana. Bring the banana to the consistency of mashed potatoes, mix with two tablespoons of yogurt. Apply to hair for one hour, then rinse with warm liquid using shampoo.
  5. Lemon-onion mixture. You need to chop the onion to a semi-liquid substance and pour in the lemon juice. After 15 minutes, remove with shampoo.
  6. Beer hair mask for softness and silkiness. It is advised to use light beer. Keep for half an hour, after rinsing with not very hot water.
Mask with banana and yogurt

Masks for softness and moisturizing hair

To help curls dried out from frequent styling and poor ecology, you need to do procedures at least once a week for greater hair humidity. The most popular are:

  1. On kefir or yogurt.
  2. Masochka on sour cream. It takes twenty grams of fat sour cream and two yolks. It is applied for half an hour, as much as possible, after which it is washed off with shampoo.
  3. Honey moisturizing. It is proposed to make a mask with honey and onions. To do this, you need a tablespoon of onion juice, a tablespoon of melted honey and oil. Apply for an hour, then remove with shampoo. In addition to additional moisture, this mask for soft hair, cooked at home, helps restore strands that are damaged.
  4. Moisturizing with aloe. The mask is useful both in its pure form, and with the addition of onions, sour cream and oil. Use it for one hour and rinse.
  5. For oily hair, use an oatmeal mask. It is necessary to brew oatmeal, mix the finished product with one tablespoon of honey and oil or glycerin. It is applied for two quarters of an hour or one hour. It is very well washed off with a shampoo.
  6. Also, a bread mask has proven itself. For her, you will need two glasses of warm water and 1/8 part of rye bread. Instead of water, you can use kefir or decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, string or nettle. Apply the mask for one hour, then remove without using shampoo.
  7. Curd cream mixture. For this mask, for soft hair, you need to mix two tablespoons of cottage cheese and sour cream and beat the egg. Keep about half an hour and rinse with shampoo.
Egg mask

Masks for hair shine

In addition to the softness of the hair, an indicator of their health is shine. The main tools to help restore and / or maintain a healthy glow are honey, yeast, eggs, gelatin and fermented milk products. To maintain the effect, regular use of masks for shine and softness of hair is recommended.

  • Gelatin is considered more effective. It is necessary to brew gelatin in the amount of ten grams in three tablespoons of boiling water and after twenty minutes to distribute over slightly wet hair. Wash off with shampoo after an hour. Such a mask, as it were, laminates the hair.
  • A mixture of kefir and chicken eggs is also good. It must be applied over its entire length, insulated, and removed an hour later.
  • Sour cream and lemon. Two tablespoons of sour cream are mixed with one tablespoon of lemon juice. The principle of application is the same as the previous mask.
  • Mayonnaise recovery. It is recommended to use mayonnaise of its own use, since the store product contains components and dyes that, on the contrary, can further damage the structure of hair follicles. To get the desired consistency, you need to mix: chicken yolk, half a teaspoon of mustard, butter, half a glass and one spoon of lemon juice. Remove from the head one hour after application.
  • Cucumber freshness. Grate the cucumber, squeeze the juice, add a pinch of salt and protein of one egg. Distribute on wet hair for half an hour or an hour and remove with warm water.
  • Watermelon mask. Mash a few slices of watermelon to the state of gruel and squeeze the juice. Apply to wet locks for twenty minutes, then remove with warm liquid.
Hair care

Masks for hair based on vitamin complexes

A complex of vitamins B is used to improve the condition of hair. But for a different type of damage, a certain group of vitamins can be used. For example, vitamins A and E contribute to strengthening and moisturizing hair. B vitamins promote growth, increase strength and protection, curls become silk, fat content decreases and dandruff is eliminated. Vitamins PP improve blood flow and improve hair growth. Vitamin C gives shine and obedience. And finally, vitamin D eliminates dandruff and itching of the dermis of the head.

You can make a mask for softness of hair from components such as chicken yolk, one teaspoon of water, mustard powder, oil, as well as vitamins A and E. Apply to wet hair for ten minutes. Perhaps a burning sensation due to mustard powder, then you need to remove the product earlier.

However, it should be remembered that very damaged, almost lifeless hair must be treated only by a qualified, experienced specialist! Otherwise, with self-treatment, there is a very high risk of harming the curls even more and then the only way out of the situation is, at best, a haircut. Also, the best time for care procedures, in particular, preventive measures, is spring and autumn. These are periods in which hair is weakened as much as possible and lack vitamins.

Recovery mask

For this procedure, you need one chicken egg, flax oil and vitamins A, B or C. It is undesirable to use vitamin B and C. at the same time. After an hour, remove with water and shampoo.

Mask components

A tool for the return of color and natural shine

You need to mix apple and carrot juices and also add aloe juice. Keep the mask overnight and rinse off with water. A wheat mask is also suitable. To do this, you need wheat oil and honey. After half an hour, remove with shampoo.

For effective growth

You need to take one liter of barely warm boiled water and one fourth of black bread. Allow the mask to brew for about an hour, then apply to a dirty head, rinse off after half an hour.

Mask for soft hair


Reviews of hair masks for softness are almost all positive. They have an excellent effect on the condition of the hair follicles and on the general condition of the entire length of the strands. It is important to remember that the use of masks is necessary not only for medical, but also for preventive purposes. Since preventing dryness, brittleness and weakness of curls is much easier than treating advanced cases. A properly selected mask for soft hair will allow you to forget about any problems with hair. The hairstyle will always look perfect!


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