Tinted Capus Balm: customer reviews, color palette

The new hair color is the simplest, most effective and fastest image change. But you have repeatedly heard how oxides for lightening, persistent paints adversely affect curls. Want to experiment, but at the same time leave your hair healthy? A great choice is the “Capus” tint balm. There are a lot of reviews about this tool. So let's find out together whether to trust him, what negative consequences the use has, what color palette the manufacturer offers.

Product Feature

Before we get to the reviews on the “Capus” tint balm, we introduce the reader to the product itself.

All existing tonics for hair can be divided into two categories. Some, applied to unpainted, unclarified hair, emphasize the beauty of a natural shade, make it more saturated. Others are able to change the color by one tone. Of course, we must remember that tonics do not lighten hair, but, on the contrary, can only make them darker. Such products have a cumulative effect: with each use, the color on your curls becomes richer and brighter.

Tinted balm "Capus" not only dyes the hair in the desired tone. According to the manufacturer, the tool also has the following advantages:

  • Caring balm. With prolonged periodic use, restores the structure of the hair, makes the hair thicker.
  • Hair after use less electrified, become obedient, look beautiful even without styling.
  • UV filters. The balm contains components that protect hair from the scorching sun. Color will not fade or fade.
  • Gentle composition - does not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, the tonic does not harm the hair and scalp.
  • The tool does not penetrate deep into the structure of the hair - which means it is not able to harm it. However, therefore, to maintain the shade, the tint balm must be used regularly so that the color does not wash off.
tint balm capus purple reviews

Color palette

In reviews of the “Capus” tinted hair balm, one can often read complaints that the color turned out to be different from the one stated in the palette. To prevent such a nuisance from happening to you, remember that tonics are mainly for fair hair. To see a beautiful effect on black, brown, red, dark brown hair, curls, unfortunately, need to be lightened beforehand.

The color palette here is quite beautiful:

  • Garnet Red.
  • Copper.
  • Sand.
  • Brown.
  • Purple.
  • Dark eggplant.

We offer you to get acquainted with each of the shades.

tinted balm capus brown reviews


The lightest shade in the palette. If we look at reviews about the sandy tinted balm “Capus”, we will make sure that it is suitable only for blondes.

Looks great on bleached hair: not only gives a noble shade, but also makes curls lively, well-groomed. If you unsuccessfully lightened your hair (yellowness, greenish tone), then a sand tonic will transform them.

capus tint balm shortbread reviews


Reviews about the brown tinted balm "Capus" the most. The tool is popular, as it is suitable not only for fair hair, but also for dark chestnut, light brown curls.

Reviews of the brown tinted “Capus” balm (we also presented the photo of the tinting results in the article) indicate that the product is also used for dark-colored hair. It helps the shade stay saturated longer, makes the artificial tone more natural, emphasizes its beauty.

tint hair balm capus reviews


From the reviews about the brown tinted hair balm “Capus”, we will move on to a new tone. This is a great option for beautiful redhead girls. The natural shade always sets them apart in the crowd. Hue balm makes it more saturated, vibrant and multifaceted.

The reviews about the copper shade balm “Kapus” (in the case of applying to natural red hair) say that the product makes its color more effective, but does not create the impression of an artificial tone, it looks natural.

Pomegranate red

Tinted balm for bold experiments. Will make your curls a deep red color. Be careful: the shade significantly darkens the natural tone!

The resulting color is bright, expressive, beautifully shimmers in the light. Means for a radical image change, and not for light experiments.

Dark eggplant

That infrequent version of the tint balm that can transform brown and naturally dark hair. It is ineffective only on black hair. Looks great on curls painted in dark tones.

The resulting shade can hardly be called natural. After application, dark locks acquire a purple tint, which looks spectacular and mysterious. An excellent tool for creating an unusual image.

tinted copper capus balm reviews


Reviews of the purple “Capus” tinted balm indicate that the product can be used not only on light, but also on dark hair. How does it look on curls? Something similar to a dark eggplant, but the color here is lighter, soft and bright.

By the way, buyers note that a rather interesting effect is obtained if such a tinted balm is applied to dark blond hair or strands painted in mahogany color.

Review Reviews

Let's see how girls and women respond about the effect of the product, its application and quality:

  • When applied, the balm does not flow through the hair. Its consumption can be called economical: a third of the bottle is spent on medium-length hair.
  • The cost of the product is relatively low: 350-400 rubles per 250 ml bottle.
  • The smell is chemical, but still pleasant.
  • It fits perfectly on bleached hair, looks great on blondes. Suitable for giving saturation, brightness to dyed hair with a similar tone. Owners of dark, chestnut curls should think several times before use - the shade can turn out dirty, completely unexpected.
  • Means strongly dries hair, confuses them, as if a usual resistant paint. The manufacturer is cunning about the caring properties of the balm. After its use, hair requires additional care and protection.
  • Contraindicated in girls with damaged hair - makes strands stiff, promotes the appearance of split ends.
  • The color often turns out to be uneven, unexpected shades not declared in the palette. For example, a beautiful shortbread may turn incomprehensible red.
  • The balm is quickly washed off. Buyers note that the color fades noticeably after a single shampoo.
capus hair tint balm brown reviews


After reading the reviews about the “Capus” tint balm, the following advantages of the product can be distinguished, based on the opinion of customers:

  • Gentle composition (in comparison with persistent paints) - does not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  • Leaves a shine on the hair.
  • Beautiful shades in the palette.
  • The color intensity can be adjusted by exposure time.
  • A relatively inexpensive tint tool.
  • Economic use - tube, bottle lasts for a long time.
  • Bright and saturated colors on curls.
  • It perfectly hides imperfections after highlighting (greenish, violet shades that appear after clarification of hair dyed with henna or basma).
  • Nice smell.
  • Persistent in its category tool.
  • Helps to quickly change your image.

The disadvantages of the tool

In the reviews of the “Capus” tint balm, the noticeable shortcomings of the remedy have been mentioned more than once:

  • Long / quickly washed off - different authors have different opinions on the stability of the product.
  • Dries hair.
  • Does not paint over gray hair.
  • The tool looks beautiful only on fair hair.
  • Go to the bleached hair unevenly.
  • Sometimes the result differs from the one stated in the palette on the package.
  • It dyes not only hair, but also the scalp.
  • It is impossible to wash off cloth, clothing. Wash plumbing really, spending a lot of time and effort.
  • Sly promotion: the product contains no fruit acids, which the manufacturer speaks of.
  • Not suitable for sensitive scalp: irritation, itching, burning occurs.
  • Unsuccessful consistency - the product is inconvenient to distribute through the hair.
capus hair tint balm brown reviews

Proper use

So that the result does not disappoint you, you need to use the “Capus” tinted balm correctly. We recommend sticking to this algorithm:

  1. Protect walls, plumbing, your clothes from accidental splashes. Lubricate the skin of the face and neck along the hairline with fat cream so that the product does not stain it. Be sure to wear protective gloves.
  2. Wash your hair, pat it dry with a towel. The product is better to apply to wet, well-combed strands.
  3. Dilute the tint balm in a plastic container.
  4. Evenly and gently distribute the product along the entire length of the hair. Be careful: unpainted areas will ruin the whole effect.
  5. For the balm to work, it must be left on the head for several minutes. The duration of the wait depends on how dark, saturated the color you want to get. But it should not exceed half an hour!
  6. Wash the mixture off your head with warm running water. Rinse your hair until the water is clear.
  7. Then you just have to dry your hair. As the manufacturer assures, his product is a caring and restoring. Therefore, the use of additional balms, sprays, masks is not required.

Tinted Capus balm is a controversial product. On the one hand, an attractive color palette, promises by the manufacturer of a caring, restoring effect, convenient application. And on the other hand, the product is not suitable for every hair color, the result is often unpleasantly different from what is expected, the balm dries curls, makes them tough and naughty.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34413/

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