How to become successful in the modern world. Synonyms for success

The desire for success in the modern world has acquired the scale of a real mania. People attend trainings, take courses where they are taught the "basics of a successful life", storm the Internet in search of an answer to this question. Let's try to figure out what is this elusive and alluring success. And is there any scale to measure the success level of a particular person?

What is success?

It is obvious that each person throughout his life develops his own attitude to success and its main attributes. It seems to someone the main synonym for success is career advancement. And someone is confident in their success if order and harmony reign in his house.

goal setting

If we turn to official sources, we can find the following definition: success is the achievement of goals, a positive result of something and public recognition. In other words, synonyms for success are achievement, outcome and recognition. Consider these components in more detail.

End justifies the means

Setting a goal is easy. Every day we set dozens of small goals: from everyday moments to large and important decisions. But are these goals whose achievement can be called synonymous with success? Here are 5 principles for setting the right goals:

  1. Designate the circle of the most important things for you. Each one has his own. And defining it is very easy. If something in life begins to constantly occupy your thoughts, this subject serves as a guide for setting the desired goal.
  2. Develop a plan for its achievement and follow it, no matter what.
  3. Forget about indulgences and self-pity.
  4. Trite, but vital: do not lose heart and do not give up. Willpower is another synonym for success, but it acts exclusively on the inner front of your personal struggle.
  5. Do not stop. Reaching the first height, immediately grasp the second. The wave of energy and enthusiasm that brought you to the shores of one goal will easily dominate to the next victories. And there is not far to real success.
goal achievement

Was the game worth the candle?

And so we got to the result - the second synonym for the word "success". It would seem that you can relax and enjoy the work done. But ironically, most people at this stage feel despondency and emptiness. The first emotions firework has passed. The knowledge that you are a winner is organically integrated into the familiar picture of the world. And there comes a reassessment of values. A man asks global questions about the meaning of life and his role in it. Can this condition be called a synonym for success? Everyone decides for himself.

recognition of success

But now the next stage is approaching, breaking the shackles of doubt and satiety, demonstrating, for the sake of which, in part, everything was started.

Confession or envy?

So we are arranged: we love to hear praises and compliments that amuse our selfish ego and sense of self-worth. The criticality threshold at such moments drops to zero. And yet it’s worth considering: are the people who are near sincere? Indeed, luck and success - synonyms for well-being in the modern world - are not for everyone. That is why it is stupid and short-sighted to make public recognition a criterion of personal success.

success in harmony

What turns out? The goal is achieved, the result is, recognition is received. Congratulations! You are a successful person. Or is it still not?

Define this yourself by prioritizing your priorities. And perhaps then, in your understanding, success will turn from a frantic race to enjoying the very process of your favorite activity, which does not require great achievements.


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