Mask for swimming under water, children and adults

More and more modern people are overcome by longing in the stone jungle. Each of us is looking forward to a long-awaited vacation and begins to prepare for it in advance. Rest can be calm and mobile. Today we want to attract the attention of those people who love scuba diving. Many people know that this is the most original method to get acquainted with a world that is beyond our control. For such an activity, you will need a swimming mask. We will study all the subtleties of choice and operation.

How and from what

To begin with, it is worth knowing what basic parts an underwater mask consists of. There are three of them, get to know them better:

  1. Body. Basically, on each copy it is soft. Made of silicone or rubber. When choosing a mask, you must consider the color of the case. If it is black, it will create discomfort for your review. But the light body is not so good either. It creates a lot of bright highlights that can dazzle. The choice should be made based on your individual preferences. On sale you can find a mask with a protrusion for the nose and ear protection. It is better to give preference to an instance with a small free space, which does not exceed 300 mm 2 . The body of the mask should carefully fit the face, but not squeeze it.
  2. Rim. A real swimming mask cannot do without it. We will pay close attention to the portholes that hold onto the rim. If you intend to dive shallow, monoglass is enough. For all other cases, select the double view. If you have serious eye problems, this is not a reason to give up your favorite activity. Especially for such people, there are masks with diopters that will correct your vision. Here you will have to rely on a qualified seller to help you make your choice.
  3. The strap is fixing. This is another main component, without which there is not a single high-quality mask. The main role of the strap is to create tightness, as well as to fix the mask on the head. It must be regulated to a certain size. The fastening strap must have swivel buckles.

Such underwater mask consists of such details.

swimming mask

Advice! To purchase such equipment is only in specialized stores, the competence of which you are sure.


We continue our preparation for underwater adventures. The second major addition to the mask is the snorkel. Its main purpose is air supply, and the choice of such an attribute must be approached carefully. Before buying, we will study the nuances that are worth paying attention to.

Choose wisely

Tube for swimming is selected individually. Here's what should interest you first:

  1. The form. In the shops you can find various tubes, including those that completely repeat the bending of the face. The main advantage of such an accessory is that it does not interfere with the view when you are diving or spearfishing. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a good model of the tube should have a flexible segment, which is located near the mouthpiece.
  2. The size. First, pay attention to the thickness of the tube. Here you have to find a middle ground. Because it’s hard to breathe in too thin, and in large - it’s hard to expel large amounts of water. No need to choose too small size. Water will constantly get in and create unnecessary discomfort. The optimum diameter for a tube is 2.5 cm with an oval channel cross-section.
  3. Valve. Its presence eliminates the need for constant blowing of the tube, which must be done after each dive. The valve can be found in two types: poppet and ball.
  4. Additional fasteners. For diving, the swimming mask and snorkel must be one. Fasteners can be of two options: under the mask with straps and plastic clips or rubber rings. All must be regulated.
  5. Mouthpiece. It should be made of soft material from which the jaw does not leak. There are many types of mouthpiece, so everything is individual, you need to choose your option. Can be purchased dear. The material of such a mouthpiece after contact with water takes the exact shape of the mouth.

We examined the main criteria by which you need to purchase a handset. There are two more, but they are not so important. The first is color. It does not matter and does not affect the quality characteristics. Secondly, there are models equipped with a breaker. This function is minor, but can help get rid of excess water. We told you how to choose an underwater mask and snorkel.

underwater mask

For little fidgets

Children need to be accustomed to the beautiful underwater world from a young age. Parents should take care of this and buy the right swimming gear. A children's swimming mask is selected according to the same principle as an adult. The main thing is to teach how to handle it correctly, otherwise instead of pleasure, the child may get discomfort and get scared. For training, you must do the following:

  1. Teach your baby to hold his breath and breathe through his mouth.
  2. In the mask, your child must necessarily hold nasal breathing, otherwise the mask will constantly sweat.

If a child has poor eyesight, an underwater mask with diopters is ideal for him.

swimming tube

Baby tubes

This equipment differs from an adult in the first place in its size, but in terms of functionality it is the same. The only moment:

  • carefully choose a mouthpiece;
  • he should not form a malocclusion in a child;
  • The material for baby mouthpiece should be soft and elastic.

Storage and care

Diving equipment is not cheap. It should be treated with care and care. We touch on the topic of proper care. This is done easily:

  1. You can remove the protective film, which constantly sweats, using your favorite soda. She is poured into a mask and left for 4-5 hours.
  2. You can clean the portholes with dental powder.

Protect the mask from constant exposure to ultraviolet rays. Masks for swimming under water are stored in a special hard box that protects from high temperatures.

masks for swimming under water

Tube storage

With the care of the mask sorted out. The situation is the same with the pipe, but there are some differences:

  • remove dirt, because they can jam the valve for air;
  • rinse with fresh water after each use;
  • do not leave in the sun for a long time, the material is afraid of direct sunlight;
  • never store the handset that is not disconnected from the mask.

how to choose a mask for swimming

Useful Tips

The mask for swimming basically serves well and for a long time. You can not say about the pipes. This inventory is constantly being damaged. We will teach you how to deal with them.

  1. A common misfortune is the frequent wear of the fasteners that connect the mask to the pipe. Correct the situation will help new elements.
  2. Bite mouthpiece. Yes, yes, and the same thing happens. Do not despair: rather, go to the store and buy a new one.
  3. Clogged valves. This can be avoided by regularly flushing the tube.
  4. Mouthpiece offset. This breakdown occurs in case of loss of the locking element. Buy a new spare part and install in its rightful place.

children's swimming mask

We have examined in detail how to choose a mask for swimming. With high-quality equipment you can do what you love and accustom your children to the beautiful underwater world.


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