How to cook salmon?

Salmon meat is very tender and tasty, so it’s loved by almost everyone. To understand how to cook salmon, you need to understand that this is not the name of any one fish, salmon is a collective image. This includes trout, sockeye salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, etc. Salmon fish are perfect for almost all types of cooking: pickles, boiling, frying in a pan, in the oven.

How to cook salmon in order to get the maximum benefit and not to lose all of its most useful taste? Let's get started. My fish, clean, gut. We separate the tail, head and fins from the carcass, a wonderful ear will come out of these parts. The front end will go for steaks. This is the most delicious meat, it practically does not need any spices, it was slightly salted - and in the oven. Tasty, delicate, aromatic, juicy and incredibly healthy!

How to cook salmon in the oven to get the most out of eating this truly royal fish? You can, for example, cut fish into large pieces, sprinkle with lemon or orange juice (gives a unique charm to salmon!), Add cauliflower, pour on top of odorless oil, it is better to use olive oil in the oven. But here you must be careful, salmon can not be overexposed in the oven, otherwise you can spoil the fish, and it will become dry and stiff.

How to cook salmon with vegetables and potatoes, so that there is a lot and hearty? For this recipe you will need 0.4 kg of salmon, pieces of 5 potatoes, 2 onions. Cut salmon into slices, potatoes in small cubes, onions in circles. Thoroughly grease a deep frying pan with oil, then lay prepared foods in layers. Beat 2 eggs and a glass of cream in a separate container, pour on top and into the oven 180 degrees.

How to cook salmon in foil so that it does not lose juiciness? To do this, you need to take salmon fillet, 2 carrots, 1 onion, 100 grams of dry wine, 1 lemon, a bunch of herbs and half a packet of butter. The form in which we will bake salmon needs to be covered with a large piece of foil (so that it is enough to wrap it whole). Lubricate with oil and spread the fish. Top - carrots, straws, onion mugs, chopped greens and lemon slices. Fill with wine, wrap everything in foil and bake for 15 minutes, the temperature should be no more than 180 degrees.

Fish prepared in this way will be amazingly tasty, tender and aromatic, and besides, it will retain all its beneficial substances, and there are a lot of them in salmon fish! Especially nutritious and vitamin-rich meat of salmon (northern salmon). The meat of white fish, one of the most valuable fish among the salmon family, is considered the most delicious, fatty and tender . Smoked whitefish beef is especially delicious. Nelma is also delicious, a close relative of the white fish, her meat is also tender and very nutritious. Popular among salmon whitefish lovers, especially when smoked, they are tasty and tender.

But still, salted salmon is the most popular among Russians. It suits everything - to potatoes, to beer, to salad, to sandwiches with butter for breakfast, in general - there are many options for its use. Consider salting salmon to get the most delicious product. The easiest way: prepare the fish (peel, gut, wash). Mix salt with sugar (two times less sugar than salt). Then rub this mixture into the fish, sprinkle with dill (finely chopped) and sprinkle with the juice of 1 lemon. Then put under the press and put in some cold place. Done in three days.

Many housewives add cognac, ginger, tarragon, paprika, thyme to such fish. This is a matter of taste, each spice, each ingredient gives the fish a new note of taste, you can experiment. Some people think that salmon has a rather pronounced personal taste and does not need to be diluted with anything, and nothing to add. From the above, they add only salt and sugar to the fish, thus obtaining a salted tender fish. Well, if it’s absolutely unbearable, you can do this: cut the fish into thin layers, pour salt and put it in the cold for a couple of hours. You can eat and enjoy the most delicate taste. Bon Appetit!


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