Friesian breed of horses. Thoroughbred horse breeds

The Friesian horse breed is one of the oldest in Europe. Holland is considered her homeland, more precisely, her northern region of Friesland. It was here that the bones of the ancient type of heavy horses were discovered. Their descendants are considered modern friezes. However, history has somewhat changed the initial appearance of these animals. Over time, the Friesian horse breed acquired the blood of eastern and Andalusian brethren. This gave her versatility and agility. Friezes became suitable not only for agricultural work, but also for riding in a harness, as well as under the saddle. It is worth saying that the noble posture of horses of this breed is ideal for ceremonial processions.

Appearance story

For the first time, the Friesian horse breed is mentioned by Julius Caesar. In ancient times, these animals were universal, strong, but ugly. It is believed that the friezes came from a local Dutch horse and horse brought by the Celtic conquerors. As a result of the selection, the breed was ennobled. Already in the Middle Ages, friezes were a breed of heavy and large war horses. On them, the German and Dutch knights went on their crusades.

friesian horse breed

Since the times of Ancient Rome, Friesian horses have contributed to English horse breeding. They were the combat units of the Roman legions on the islands of Britain. Friesian horses were used not only in England. In Norway, they were also representatives of a breed that improved local horse breeding.


Andalusian and Barbary blood influenced the Frisians from 1568 to 1648. It was at this time that Spain occupied the Netherlands.

friesian horse breed Price

These horse breeds (see the photo below) were crossed with friezes, as a result of which the latter became especially stately and picturesque.

white friesian horse

Today, graceful and graceful animals attract the attention of many riding enthusiasts. The owners of private stables are also happy to purchase them.


In 1823, King William I instituted annual races called the Royal Whip Day. Only Frisians were selected to participate in them. The winner was awarded a golden whip.

Gradually, the knightly heavy cavalry lost its significance. The more agile and light Andalusian horse came to the fore . In this regard, friezes are increasingly less commonly used under the saddle. More and more in this breed began to see a carriage horse.

In 1985, the Friesian breed of horses replenished the Royal Stables. From this moment on, noble animals are adornment of the Golden Carriage team, in which Queen Elizabeth follows at the opening ceremony of the Parliament.

The opening of the World Equestrian Games in The Hague in 1994 was also not without these horses. Six friezes were harnessed to the royal carriage.

horse breed with photo

These noble and beautiful animals attracted the attention of director O. Stone. The horse of the Frisian breed was chosen for filming in the well-known historical Hollywood film "Alexander".


You can see photos of Friesian horses below. Describing their exterior, it is important to focus on the fact that these are large, massive, very bony, but at the same time elegant animals. The height at the withers is from one and a half meters and above. Friezes are somewhat tall and have a pronounced harness stock. Thanks to well-developed muscles, these horses are recognized as the best and most unusual in the world. For their elegance and beauty, they are often called black pearls. Is there a white Friesian horse? No, the color of this breed is exclusively black. The only acceptable one is a white small sized asterisk between the eyes.

how to draw a friesian horse

If you are wondering how to draw a Friesian horse, then, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with its description in detail. The head of the animals of this breed is quite long and large, having a straight profile. The eyes are dark and expressive. The ears are long. The neck is powerful and muscular, but at the same time high set and gracefully curved. The withers are well developed and long. The chest is moderately broad and deep. The case has a somewhat elongated shape. The back is long. The limbs are durable. The constitution of the Friezes, like all heavy horses, is loose. However, this, as a rule, is not noticed due to the harmony and high-leggedness of animals.

The shiny frieze hair is very short. Horses of this breed are characterized by a very thick and long mane and a magnificent tail. On the legs there are pronounced brushes that start high and with thick braids fall to the hooves themselves. Over time, this trait has migrated to other breeds, but it is called “Frisism”. Thick brushes on the legs give the horse a truly fabulous look.

The one who sees the Frisians for the first time can simply take a breath. These horses will certainly cause a feeling of grandeur and grandeur. No doubt they can be classified as the most beautiful. Tall, slender and spectacular, they proudly look at the world. At the same time, black giants are quite good-natured. They do not cause inconvenience to the rider with their ardor, and are also very comfortable in the saddle.


Frisian horses are amazing and peculiar not only externally. The uniqueness of the breed is manifested in the movements of these animals. They are characterized by gaits (high raising of the legs while running). On the one hand, such movements are considered unproductive. This is due to the fact that the horse spends a lot of energy on a sweeping run. That is why among heavy trucks, friezes are among the weakest. However, a high gait gives animal movements a beauty that is appreciated for dressage. Thus, the friezes occupy a unique niche located between the riding Spanish horses and draft cold-blooded breeds.


Horses, which belong to the Frisian breed, have an energetic and lively temperament. However, these animals do not have excessive heat. As befits a heavy truck, they are calm, submissive to the rider, good-natured and balanced.

friesian horse

Among the advantages of a unique breed is moderate unpretentiousness. Horses tolerate a change in climatic conditions, although, in comparison with heavy breeds of other breeds, they are more demanding on feed.

Modern tendencies

Horses belonging to the Frisian breed are popular when conducting competitions among teams of sleds. They are used for circus performances, as well as for dressage. The Friesian horse is popular with directors making historical films. Only this handsome black man can best convey the very atmosphere of the medieval period.

photo of Friesian horses

In addition to sports, friezes are often used at the box office. These animals are often kept in private stables. Due to its calm disposition and comfortable gait, this breed of horses is the best suited for those who are new to horseback riding.

Decent choice

Residents of Holland are proud that their country is home to the popular Friesian horse breed. Throughout the history of their existence, these animals have been repeatedly exposed to breeding and crossbreeding. To this day, breeding has not stopped. The breed is brought to perfection.

What should you choose if you have decided to replenish your stable with new animals? Different breeds of horses with photos of individual individuals can be viewed on sites offering profitable purchases. At the same time, it’s hard not to get the urge to become the owner of the handsome man-made frieze. But it is worth keeping in mind that this breed will require increased attention and care. Exercise must be performed with horses; they must not be deprived of attention. If you have little free time, then it is better to simply refuse this serious purchase. The Friesian horse needs frequent contact with a person. She sincerely becomes attached to the owner, while trying to please him in everything. Moreover, fidelity fidelity can be talked about endlessly.


Friesian horses are sold in all cities. If a potential buyer liked the horse, then the animal is delivered anywhere in our planet. It is worth remembering that the bulk of breeders operates in the Netherlands, from where the Friesian breed of horses came from. The price per animal can range from 10,000 euros to infinity. It all depends on the pedigree. But these horses are really worth it. The one who owns these elegant creations causes envy and admiration among others.

Seeing once the frieze, simply forgetting it will not succeed. Its beauty, spectacular appearance, a burning look, black color, graceful movements and proud posture will fall in love with everyone who is not indifferent to horses. Most people are addicted to this breed for life.


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