Tomato juicer: how and which one to choose

At the end of summer and autumn, many housewives realize that they just need a juicer for tomatoes. But if you have not had to deal with this device before, questions may arise about which juicers exist at all, which one is better to purchase and what the housewives with many years of experience say.

tomato juicer

Types of Juicers

Arriving at a household appliance store, you will notice how varied are juicers. Each is designed to perform specific tasks. But according to the principle of operation, they are divided into two types: centrifugal and screw. They are also manual and electric (grater rotates due to incoming voltage).

In turn, electrical appliances are divided into household (for home use), professional (cafes, restaurants, canteens) and industrial (for factories, etc.).

manual tomato squeezer

Juicer Features

Recently, manufacturers of juicers have been adding many additional functions to their devices that seem necessary and convenient. But before deciding to purchase such an upgraded device, think about what the main purpose of your purchase is. As a rule, many functions turn out to be completely unclaimed and practically never tested in practice. But at the same time, additional characteristics of the device increase its cost.

But there are also useful features that can be equipped with an automatic tomato juicer. For example, many people find it convenient that the grids or grilles of the device are able to peel or cool on their own during the process in order to avoid overheating. Such additions are really useful if you have to process large volumes.

do-it-yourself juicer for tomatoes

Which juicer is suitable for making tomato juice?

As a rule, centrifugal devices are not suitable for processing tomatoes. The resulting juice remains substandard and watery. In this case, the pulp of a tomato strongly clogs the sieve, and it can take a long time to clean it.

Many were convinced that the tomato juicer should be a screw type. Outwardly, it resembles a standard meat grinder. Such devices are able to finely grind tomatoes and squeeze them through a sieve. In this case, the pulp and seeds are well rubbed, and the result is a high-quality, saturated juice. It is much more convenient to use an electric juicer. It is easy to operate and faster in its task. But tasty juice can be obtained even if a mechanical or manual tomato squeezer was purchased.

The principle of screw devices

The screw manual apparatus for juice is very similar to a meat grinder, but its difference is that the juicer has a cone-shaped screw. That is why many craftsmen manage to make such a machine as a juicer for tomatoes from a meat grinder with their own hands. The main thing is to choose a suitable nozzle, which is easy to buy. To obtain juice, cut tomatoes are added to the bowl. During the movement of the screw, the juice and the cake are separated. Liquid passes through the grate. Residues go further and fall into the tank.

The mechanical version of the juicer is slightly different in design, and the juice is obtained by pressing vegetables. When the lever is pressed, pressure is created and the tomato releases juice.

tomato juicer reviews

In electric models, the engine rotates the grater, which grinds the fruits. Juice flows into a glass, which is included in the kit.

Pros and cons of auger appliances

The screw juicer for tomato type has the main advantage. From it you can get pure juice without seeds and peels. Also, the volume of the product obtained is the maximum possible. But these devices have disadvantages. Firstly, recently it has become problematic to find a manual or mechanical juicer, as their production is limited. Also, after receiving tomato juice, it is not easy for many to clean the grate of the pulp stuck in it. Sometimes during the process you have to periodically clean the grate, because its passages are clogged.

If you have a manual tomato juice squeezer, you are faced with a situation where a tomato lying in a bowl bursts and “shoots” with its juice. If the bowl for laying vegetables is shallow, it will not protect you and your walls from splashing. Therefore, you should choose models that are equipped with deep containers. Also, in order to avoid this unpleasant situation, it is recommended to first cut the tomatoes into four parts.

best tomato juicer

Tomato juicer: housewife reviews

Typically, in the autumn, individual families begin mass production of tomato juice, so many housewives have already gained experience and know which juicers are the most suitable. Various devices are used to obtain juice. The reviews show that automatic models quickly cope with their task, but provided that there are very few tomatoes, since the filters quickly clog.

Other housewives make juice with pulp, and for this they use a food processor, installing chopper knives in it. But many people love pure juice so that it can be drunk, therefore, as experienced chefs say, the best juicer for tomatoes is a manual auger. It copes well with large volumes, and grates tomatoes. If necessary, the cake that remains can be scrolled again. Thus, it is possible to squeeze out a maximum volume of juice from a certain number of tomatoes. It can be noted that such an aggregate can be adapted to obtain grape, apple juice and other fruits.


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