How to choose a frame for glasses by shape, by type of face, by color? Fashion frames

Glasses in the modern image of both women and men are not only a need for vision correction, but also a special element of style. The variety of shapes and colors is so great that you can get confused, which will lead to the wrong choice. Do not forget that such an accessory can not only decorate the face, but also change it beyond recognition. How to choose a frame for glasses and what criteria to follow, read on.

How to determine the shape of the face

Before choosing this accessory, you must correctly determine the shape of the face. Each person has his own individual characteristics. In some cases, the shape of the face is of a mixed type.

How to choose a frame for glasses? There are two methods: mathematical and visual. The first involves determining the shape of the face using measurements and calculations.

How to choose a frame of glasses to face

The visual method is quite simple. With its help, the following types of faces are determined:

  1. Oval. The most ideal face shape. It is slightly elongated in length, there are no sharp corners.
  2. Trapeze or pear. In this case, the forehead is narrower than the jaw.
  3. A circle. The face is approximately the same size in length and width.
  4. Rhombus. In this situation, the length of the face is greater than its width.
  5. Triangle or heart. The forehead is wide, the face narrows down to a rounded chin.
  6. Rectangle. The jaws, forehead and cheekbones are approximately the same width.
  7. Square. Slightly angular shape of the face, in the jaw area wider.
  8. The triangle is the other way around. The chin is large, a little rough. The forehead is narrower at the top.

The mathematical method is used to accurately determine the shape of the face using arithmetic. To do this, make several measurements. Depending on the ratio of the lines, the shape of the face is determined.

How to choose a frame for glasses

Experts recommend that you be guided by the following tips:

  • The main criterion in choosing glasses can be attributed to the shape of the face. Traditionally distinguish: round, oval, square, diamond-shaped, triangular and rectangular. However, any person is individual and the division into these species is of a general nature.
  • With an oval type of face, it is possible to choose any shape of glasses, and it will look right and beautiful. Chubby fit rectangular and square accessories. They improve proportions.
  • Oval and round shapes of frames are suitable for people with a square face. This will give softness and lightness to their appearance.
  • The basic rule: glasses should balance sharp facial features, which will visually lengthen or expand it.
Frames for glasses for women for sight

Accessories are selected for myopia and farsightedness as follows:

  • the specialist determines the quality of vision using special devices and writes out a prescription;
  • use glasses or lenses for adjustment;
  • people who suffer from myopia need lenses with a minus value;
  • the plus mark is applicable for people who have been diagnosed with hyperopia.

There are several degrees of visual impairment:

  • up to 3 diopters - weak;
  • up to 6 - average;
  • over 6 - high.

Buying such glasses is best in optics. In them, sales consultants will help make the right choice for the client. Many large stores have equipment, so you can check your eyesight on the spot.

Glasses shapes

In addition to classic accessories, other shapes are also made. Currently, there are fashionable frames that suit a certain style.

Forms of frames:

  1. Classical These glasses are suitable for daily use and are appropriate for any place and event. Not all women and men love experimenting with their appearance, which is why classic accessories are in constant demand.
  2. Cat-shaped glasses. Mostly they are chosen by young girls. This image gives lightness, coquetry and playfulness. These glasses will emphasize any style option, as well as soften the look of a woman in a classic suit.
  3. A round frame for glasses looks most attractive on faces that have a square or triangular shape.
  4. Oval. Many people like glasses for their versatility. They suit all face types.
  5. The triangular shape is quite rare. It is suitable for especially extravagant images.
  6. Butterfly glasses. Such accessories have not lost popularity for several decades. Most of all they are suitable for chubby women.
  7. The square shape of the glasses. They are not suitable for everyone. Accessories look perfect on oval-shaped faces.
Round eyeglass frame

How to choose a frame for glasses by type? Any person is individual, therefore there are no such accessories that suit everyone without exception. However, some experts consider the “aviator” a universal form. This is because glasses are suitable for both men and women. They can be worn with any face shape.

How to choose a frame for glasses

People usually spend a lot of time in them. Therefore, special attention should be paid not only to the frame for women's glasses for vision, but to the quality of the lenses, as well as the correspondence to the chosen style:

  • the frame should be very comfortable, not put pressure on the nose, ears or whiskey;
  • if possible, you should buy a few glasses: for home and office;
  • landing must be reliable so that the accessory does not move out and fall off while moving;
  • the frame should not touch the cheeks and not be higher than the eyebrows;
  • framing material should be selected dense and high quality;
  • all mechanisms should fit snugly and the bolts should be tightened securely.

The frame for women's glasses for vision must be chosen in accordance with the style, so as not to violate the general proportions. The same applies to men's and children's accessories.

How to choose glasses by the color of curls

The accessory must also match the color type. Therefore, it is necessary to be guided by several basic rules when choosing a frame:

  1. According to their color characteristics, each person usually belongs to a cold or warm color scheme.
  2. Any woman or man looks most attractive in clothes or accessories of a suitable shade.
  3. The frame should also match the color type.

The shade of the frame can be chosen according to the color of the hair. However, it should not exactly coincide and merge with curls, but also not be the exact opposite of them.

Frame Shapes

So, people with blond hair can be approached by a frame of glasses of dark, but not black color. For example, brown, light blue or blue.

Frames of both light and dark colors will suit women and men with dark hair. But directly blondes need to wear glasses that have a frame of bright colors.

People with curls of a gray, ash or pearl shade should wear accessories that have a dark frame. Light framing is able to further emphasize the color of the hair and the face will become pale.

Currently, there is a tendency to pick up glasses with fashionable frames that have bright or even acidic shades. Therefore, you should experiment with colors and choose what suits a particular person.

Eye color

How to choose the color of the eyeglass frame? In order for the accessory to please its owners, it is necessary to take into account the shade of the eyes. Even if the glasses will be in harmony with the oval of the face, but will not match the color of the mirror of the soul, then the choice is made completely wrong.

What shade of the frame is needed:

  • people with a green eye color are best framed by a green, orange, burgundy hue;
  • brown-eyed is best to choose a purple, red or coffee rim;
  • hazel eyes will go well with the frame of emerald color;
  • gray-eyed and blue-eyed people fit glasses with brown, dark blue and steel frames.
How to choose a frame for glasses by shape

If you use these tips when choosing frames, you will notice how stylish and good the glasses will look on your face.

Skin tone

How to choose a frame for glasses? For the image to be harmonious and complete, it is necessary that the color of the frame is in perfect harmony with the skin tone:

  1. Dark-skinned people should choose a frame of warm colors. It can be red, tortoise, copper, coral, cream, beige, etc.
  2. For pale skin, it is best to take frames in cool tones. These are white, amethyst, steel, purple, plum, silver, anthracite, etc.
  3. In order to revitalize withered skin, older people need to use a frame in red and purple.
How to choose the color of the eyeglass frame

Given these recommendations, the glasses will become a stylish accessory that emphasizes the identity of their owner.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the face

Fashionable frames should be selected taking into account the following features:

  • people with a small or short nose should wear glasses under the curve of their eyebrows;
  • owners of large facial features need to buy accessories that will not lie on the cheeks;
  • if the eyes are too close set, the frame should be chosen wide along the outer edges;
  • with miniature facial features, wearing volumetric glasses is not recommended, it is better to opt for more elegant models.

Given the individual characteristics of the face, you can choose the appropriate accessories and emphasize the image.

Universal rules

These recommendations should be used to choose a frame for any person, regardless of face shape, eye color and skin type:

  1. The top of the frame should not rise above the eyebrows, and the bottom should not touch the cheeks.
  2. The frame cannot be tight, otherwise the arms will leave marks on the face.
  3. Framing should not crush whiskey so that wearing glasses is not accompanied by a headache.
  4. It is best to buy more than one pair of glasses to change the image or replace them if they break or get lost.
  5. Before purchasing, you need to carefully inspect the frame so that it does not have deformations, cracks and scratches.
Fashion frames

All these subtleties will allow you to easily choose glasses, the frame of which meets all the necessary requirements.


The right choice of frames for glasses allows you to achieve the completeness of a stylish image. At the same time, the individual characteristics of the person must be taken into account.


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