Thicket - what is it?

There are places in wildlife that are best avoided. They do not bode well. You will definitely not be able to admire the natural beauties. One of these “undesirable” places is thicket. This word will be the subject of our article. We will reveal its meaning. So that you do not experience difficulties with its use, we will make some simple proposals. We also mention synonyms with which you can easily replace this noun.

What is it?

It is easy to guess that the meaning of the word "thicket" is worth looking for in the explanatory dictionary. So you can find out the true interpretation of this language unit. We will use Ozhegov’s dictionary. It states that the noun "thicket" is a word that can be endowed with two meanings:

Dense forest thickets
  • Frequent and dense forest, thicket. Imagine forest plantations that are overgrown with dense shrubs and young trees. It is difficult to get through the thicket. It is necessary to make a lot of efforts in order to pass through dense plantations. Thicket is a place that is desirable to avoid.
  • A dense mass of something, a great many. As you might have guessed, this is a figurative meaning. It indicates a huge amount, a pile of something. For example, the phrase "thicket of words" indicates some magnificent saying, verbosity (often unnecessary).

We fix in practice

It often seems when you memorize the vocabulary meaning of a word that its meaning is quite understandable, but after a short time it disappears from memory. To prevent the noun "thicket" from being forgotten, we recommend using it in sentences:

  • Tourists slowly made their way through the dense thicket.
  • I was once told that in this often several people disappeared without a trace.
  • You need to cut off the thicket of empty words and find the truth.
  • I heard that in the thickets you can get lost.
Children in the forest

A few synonyms

Now we will indicate a few words with a similar meaning. You can start the selection of synonyms only when you fully understand the interpretation of the word "thicket". This noun can be replaced by the following words.

  • Thicket. We quite unexpectedly got into such a dense thicket of juniper bushes that with great difficulty we managed to find a way out.
  • Debry. In the wilds of his silly sayings there was not a drop of common sense.
  • Pushcha. This is a protected forest, in which unique species of animals live.
  • Forest. The forest enveloped us with such a thick wall that there was not a single chance to find a way home.

You can apply the option that best suits the context.


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