"Twins" in English. The difference between historic - historical

In English, there are words that are very difficult to distinguish externally. At first glance, it may seem to a foreigner studying English as a second, or even third, that they have the same meaning, and therefore are interchangeable. However, not everything is so simple - pitfalls live in English grammar. Meet three pairs of such unusual adjectives.

Economic - economical

One of the most easily distinguishable verbal tandems. Economic in Russian sounds like economic, that is, relating to the economy, first of all, to science (for example, an economic growth - economic growth, an economic crisis - economic crisis).

Economic - economical

Economical, in turn, is economical, economical, in some cases even the treatment “economical” is possible (an economical engine - an economical engine (fuel consumption during operation is minimal), or even an economical wife - an economical wife (meaning “economical housewife” ").

Classic - classical

In this case, it will be somewhat more complicated than in the previous one. The fact is that in Russian both words sound like "classic." The difference is that to the first (with the missing suffix -al) you can pick up the synonym typical, that is, typical. One of the most popular phrases in the field of teaching, apprenticeships and students: a classic example is a classic (typical) example, a classic mistake is a classic (again, typical) error.

Classic - classical

Classical - classic, primarily in relation to art. In this case, we are talking about a closer understanding of the word. For example, classical literature - classical literature, classical architecture (music) - classical architecture (music).

Historic - historical

A couple of adjectives that are often the most difficult to understand when learning English as a foreign language. The historical - historical difference is worth a closer look. So, we will consider this question in detail.

Historic - historical. Difference

First of all, we denote the difference between the above words, the translation of which, in the same way as in the previous case, is identical. The difference between historic and historical in terms of meaning. In Russian linguistics, such words are called homonyms (this term denotes words that have the same appearance but different lexical meaning). It is important to remember that the necessary condition for identifying homonymy is that both meanings must be direct, if one of them is figurative, you have not homonyms in front of you, but a simple multi-valued word. For example, a string is a part of a musical instrument in a direct meaning and a part of a soul in a figurative.

Historic - historical

In the case of historic, there may be a historical moment - historic moment. It is used in the sense of "having a meaning in history, influencing its further course." Also historical (in the historical aspect) can be a decision (primarily political) - a historic decision.

Historical - having something to do with history. For example, a historical novel is a historical novel (a novel describing real historical events), a historical film is a historical film (a film based on real historical events), a historical museum is a historical museum.

As always, each rule has its own exceptions. Not without them, and here. In some cases, the noun history is used as an adjective: a history teacher is a history teacher, a history department is a history faculty.

The difference between historic and historical. Examples

  • The Moon landing is a historic event. (Some event that is crucial to the general course of the history of the state or of world history altogether - as is the case with the above example).
  • My entering the university is a historical event. (Any event that happened in the past. Although, who knows, maybe your admission to the university will directly affect the future of the planet).
  • Newton was a historic scholar. (The scientist who had a serious influence on the history of all mankind).
  • Mike is a historical scholar. (A scientist dealing with historical problems, establishing causal relationships of historical events, etc.).
  • The artifact was of historic significance. (It has great historical value).
  • The picture was of historical significance. (Important from the point of view of studying historical events, building a general picture of life in the past, but most likely not having real value).
    English language

What is the difference between historic and historical? Test

To summarize the above, and at the same time check whether you have learned the difference between historic and historical? For greater complexity, we add the third word history (if you remember, this noun acts as an adjective only in two cases).

We offer a small test for independent work:

  1. King Arthur was a real historic / historical / history figure, wasn't he?
  2. Helen works as a historic / historical / history teacher in the best school in her town.
  3. Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous historic / historical / history buildings in the Great Britain.
  4. Have you ever read an interesting historic / historical / history novel?
  5. Jim became a student of the historic / historical / history department of the University of Oxford.
  6. Gagarin's flight into space in 1961 is a historic / historical / history event.
  7. Has your mother been in Historic / Historical / History museum in Moscow.

And now we offer to check ourselves how accurate the answers were:

  1. King Arthur was a real historical figure, wasn't he? (In this case, the adjective “historical” is applied in a neutral sense, that is, the question is whether King Arthur has anything to do with real history, in other words: King Arthur is a real historical person?)
  2. Helen works as a history teacher in the best school in her town. (Probably, it makes no sense to explain anything here, and, admittedly, to justify the logic of the British in cases with exceptions is sometimes very, very difficult (and sometimes even impossible) - just remember the phrase a history teacher.)
  3. Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous historic buildings in the Great Britain. (Such a building as Westminster Abbey undoubtedly influenced the course of history, and it is not in vain that it is rightfully considered a historical monument.)
  4. Have you ever read an interesting historical novel? (A historical novel is a novel describing some historical events; it is unlikely that it could in any way influence the development of historical events.)
  5. Jim became a student of the history department of the University of Oxford. (Once again, an exception: remember the history department and nothing else, suddenly go to Oxford!)
  6. Gagarin's flight into space in 1961 is a historic event. (Gagarin’s flight into space is the first and, of course, historically significant).
  7. Has your mother been to Historical museum in Moscow. (The historical museum only provides an opportunity to get acquainted with significant historical events, but by itself does not affect their course in any way.)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34464/

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