Karakul - what is it? Skins of karakul: photo, price

The word karakul is usually understood to mean the fur of a young lamb of a karakul breed. But few people know where the origins of this concept come from. Like everything on earth, this fur has its own story, which originated a very long time ago.

Karakul - what is it?

Karakul in translation from Tajik means “dark lake”. It actually exists and is located in the north of the Pamirs. This is the largest lake in Tajikistan. It is from there that the breed of the same name takes its name.

astrakhan what is it
Astrakhan fur is the wool of a young lamb, which should not be more than three days old. With each subsequent day, animal hair coarsens and is no longer suitable for such products.

What is the difference between astrakhan fur and other types?

This kind of fur is very silky and thick. Its color is diverse, but black is considered the most common. It has a unique pattern of curls of wool. Gray karakul is distinguished by color transitions and more straight coat. Brown fur is less common, and the most scarce is white astrakhan fur, the price of which is several tens of thousands of dollars. There are several main types of astrakhan fur.

South African astrakhan

This fur is recognized as the most expensive of all types. His homeland is Namibia. Products derived from it are very light. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a unique flat curl of curl. Thanks to such a unique texture, it is very difficult to find such a rare fur. Karakul from Africa is an order of magnitude higher, and it is extremely difficult to find in an ordinary outerwear store.

Afghan astrakhan - what is it?

Afghan hides are large in size and shine. Products from this type of astrakhan always look like a single canvas, since the seams are completely invisible. Afghan fur does not shine like any other; a black coat in the sun looks especially beautiful.

Uzbek astrakhan

It is the cheapest of the above types. This type of natural fur is widely used for the manufacture of winter outerwear, such as fur coats, short fur coats, vests and coats.

Items from karakul

When choosing a fur coat, you can not bypass the side of the product made of astrakhan fur. This coat is durable and durable. It also has excellent thermal protection due to the density of the fur. The structure of the doodle is very thin, which facilitates the tailoring of the product. There are a huge number of styles and forms of various kinds of outer fur clothing. A karakul fur coat builds its mistress and gives it a unique unique style.

Advantages of Astrakhan fur coats

It is impossible to find two completely identical in color and relief fur products. This is because the pattern of the curls of the wool of each lamb is akin to the unique fingerprint of an individual person.

karakul fur coat

A karakul fur coat is perfect for countries with a cold climate. Despite the fact that the products look very elegant and elegant, they perfectly warm even in the most severe frosts. Among other things, thanks to the latest technologies in the methods of processing natural fur, today there is an opportunity to enjoy wearing warm, elegant and light coats from astrakhan fur. This type of processing allows you to get very thin products, which makes it possible to use the resulting material for the manufacture of other products, such as skirts and jackets.

In addition, astrakhan fur coats allow the human body to breathe and relieve excessive sweating. These products have a water repellent surface. This quality has become especially relevant in modern winters, which are replete with wet snowfalls and rain. Karakul does not completely fatten a woman, but on the contrary, emphasize the dignity of her figure.

Care for a fur coat from karakul

To maintain the condition of the fur coat and its shine, the following rules should be followed:

  • An astrakhan fur coat cannot be combed. The combing process destroys the structure of the fibers of natural pile.
  • Dry the product only on the coat hanger at room temperature.
  • Do not spray perfumes on a fur coat.
  • It is not recommended to carry a handbag on the shoulder.
  • Keep the fur coat only in a case that allows air to pass through.

How to care for astrakhan coat?

Before buying such a product, you should understand the answer to the question: “Karakul - what is it?”, Because each material has its own characteristics. As mentioned above, this type of fur is a fairly versatile material, and not only fur coats are made from it, but also other products.

To preserve the original appearance of the astrakhan coat for the product, certain care is necessary:

  • A karakul coat is very difficult to clean. If it is contaminated, the product should be taken to dry cleaning.
  • It is not recommended to wash or clean the product yourself.
  • Dry the coat at room temperature, covering it from direct sunlight.
  • Ironing an astrakhan coat is strictly prohibited.
  • This item cannot be stored in air-tight covers.

astrakhan photo

Today, karakul coats are of particular relevance, even mink crowding with the fashionable Olympus. To wear such a “work of art" means to follow the latest fashion trends and have an impeccable taste. These products can also be trimmed with other types of fur. Such coats are very different from astrakhan fur coats. They have a more rigorous and elegant style, pockets both patch and with flaps, bends and straps.

Fashion trends

The growing popularity of astrakhan coats is due to the fashion trend in vintage and the return of fashion to the Russian style. In addition, the practical qualities and presentable appearance of the product will not leave the most sophisticated fashionistas indifferent. Astrakhan coats can warm even in severe frosts. They conquered world fashion with their beauty and grace.

karakul coat
These products perfectly retain the heat of the human body. They are suitable for almost all age categories. Increasingly, modern fashionistas begin to wonder, “Karakul - what is it?” and, appreciating its many advantages, they are happy to acquire fur coats from this fur. Modern products have a wide range.

Like karakul fur coats, coats have a water-repellent surface and are perfectly adapted to changes in air temperature.

Faux fur is no worse

Along with natural astrakhan fur, there is, as an alternative, its unnatural analogue, which is gaining more and more popularity in the modern market.

artificial astrakhan

Artificial astrakhan fur is incapable of causing an allergy, it is more economical and cheaper than natural. The manufacture of various products from this material is less costly, and the production technology is much simpler. The popularity of faux fur is dictated by ethical considerations. This is due to the growing influence of the green society. In addition, this type of artificial raw material, thanks to the latest processing methods, is very similar to a real astrakhan fur. A photo, if you look, will not make it possible to find differences, and, most likely, only a real furrier can distinguish an analog from the original.

Features of the manufacture of faux fur

Fur is made using special machines and knitting machines. The composition of the artificial material includes a base (or soil) and a pile glued to the base.

This type of raw material is considered to be glued-on. In the manufacturing process, the pile (chenille) is glued to a cotton base (soil). The so-called fur for artificial astrakhan fur is made of twisted cotton threads. For greater resemblance to natural raw materials, chenille is twisted using special machines at a certain temperature.

astrakhan fur Price
Then the pile is laid in a special way and fixed to the base on one side with glue on a polyisobutyl base. Ultimately, you get a great analog astrakhan. What is it and all the distinctive features can always be checked with the seller in the store.

Where did the faux fur come from?

Artificial astrakhan fur appeared in the 60s of the 20th century. Its main colors are traditional black, brown and gray. There are several types of such fur:

  • For clothes.
  • For collars.
  • For lining.

This type of material has a curled wool structure. It has several advantages over natural astrakhan fur. Artificial products can be washed, but only at a certain water temperature (not higher than 45 degrees).

This fur is made in rolls of 50 cm wide. Its application is quite wide. Hats, coats, coats are made from it. In the Soviet Union, caps made of this type of fur were especially popular. This material is characterized by high strength, wear resistance and practicality. There is a kind of artificial karakul called smushka, which has a lighter weight.

karakul fur
For a long time, astrakhan fur, both artificial and natural, has been used by humans for the production of various kinds of products. For many centuries, man honed his skill in processing this fur. From the extraction of the skin of a karakul to the creation and decoration of its artificial counterpart, he went a long and difficult way, having achieved perfection in this matter. Fur has become an integral part of fashion trends. More and more fashion shows are using garment elements from karakul.


If you are still not sure whether a doodle is needed in your wardrobe, the photos presented in this article (and in various fashion magazines) will help you make the right choice. Graceful products not only emphasize your beauty, but also warm in the winter. Of course, as always, beauty requires sacrifice, and not only financial. Following the rules of proper care for the doodle, you can show off in a new fur coat for many years. Even if the price of such a fashionable novelty bites (from 30 thousand rubles for a short fur coat and higher, a product made of faux fur will cost much cheaper), but what can be compared with a feeling of one’s own beauty and grace ?!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34468/

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