How to open autoload in Windows 7, 8, XP

In startup, there are programs that automatically start when you log in. However, not all applications are needed at startup, so users have a desire to remove some of them, but in order to do this, you need to know how to open startup in Windows 7 and other operating systems.

Why do I need to disable programs at startup?

Along with the necessary software in startup, applications may appear after loading. Of course, some of them are very useful. For example, it is desirable that the antivirus be turned on immediately after loading the OS. There are also utilities necessary for the correct operation of Windows.

At the same time, you have the opportunity to independently add to the startup program applications that you often use and want them to turn on when the system boots. Of course, this is very convenient, but you need to understand that, including a computer, the OS will need more time to load. In other words, you cannot immediately start work, for example, open a Word document, since the OS will not be fully loaded yet.

Programs that are in autorun consume RAM, and in some cases also use an Internet connection, so you need to understand how to open autoload in Windows 7, 8, XP and disable some of them.

Autostart in Windows XP

There are several ways to see which applications are in Win XP autorun. The most popular is the use of the command line. To do this, press the Win + R buttons, in the window that appears, enter msconfig. Now click “OK” or press the Enter key.

how to open autoload through the command line

So, a window appeared on the screen of your monitor where you need to go to the "Startup" section. Here you can remove the checkboxes located opposite those applications that you do not need at startup.

how to open startup in windows xp

In addition to using the Win and R buttons, you can go to the Start menu and select the Run command. Here (in the "Start"), click "All Programs", and then find the "Startup" section. By clicking on it, you will see which programs are now running with the operating system.

Now that you know how to open autoload in Windows XP, you will have the opportunity to configure the launch of applications at your discretion.

Startup in the "seven"

In the seventh version of "Windows" to enter the startup is also very easy. You can use one of the methods mentioned above. For example, when you call the command line (Win + R) and enter the word msconfig in it, you will be able to disable programs that cause the OS to "slow down". To do this, you need to go to the "Startup" tab and remove the checkboxes near unnecessary applications.

how to open autoload in windows 7

However, such programs may be present not only in autorun, but also in the "Services" section. Go back to the system configuration (you already know how to do this) and go to the appropriate section. In order not to delete something you need, check the box next to “Hide Microsoft Services”. If you are a novice user, it is best not to touch anything in this section.

After completing all the steps, you will be prompted to reboot the system. You can do this right away or the changes will take effect the next time you start Windows.

How to open startup in Windows 8?

In order to enter the G8 autorun, you can use the same command - msconfig. At the same time, by opening the “Startup” tab, you will not see a list of the programs that are there, but they will offer you to click on the link in the “Task Manager”.

In the corresponding section, you can see all the applications that run simultaneously with the operating system. To disable any of them, click RMB on the program, select the desired action in the drop-down menu.

how to open autoload in windows 8

Here you can see the impact of a program on OS loading. And already on this basis, decide what to do with it.

You already remembered how to open autoload through the command line, but not everyone knows how to quickly call the device manager. You can do this by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl + Shift + Esc buttons.

Autoruns Program

If you don’t know how to open startup in Windows 7, XP or G8, then install a utility that allows you to see which applications are in startup. One of the most popular is Avtorans. It should be said that this program is absolutely free. You can download it from the official site.

how to open autoload in windows 7 using Autoruns

Despite the fact that the program is released in English, working with it is very easy. Running it, you will see many tabs. Open the Everythihg section to see what is in startup.

When it becomes necessary to get rid of a certain program in autorun, simply uncheck the box next to it.


So, you have learned how to open startup in Windows 7 and other popular operating systems. Now you will have the opportunity to choose which applications you need at startup and which ones you don’t have. At the same time, remember that utility programs cannot be disabled, as this will affect the operation of the OS.

If you look closely, you will notice that, in principle, the entrance to the startup is practically no different in different "OSes", but if you have difficulties, you can install a third-party utility.


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