"SportWiki" about glutamine: how to take, action, reviews

Glutamine is an essential conditionally essential amino acid for the body. Helps in muscle recovery, prevents destructive catabolism and fatigue in heavy training. Helps accelerate metabolic processes and enhance anabolism.


“SportWiki” defines this amino acid, which is important for the athlete, as conditionally irreplaceable, which is part of the protein molecule, and also an important component for supporting the immune system.

Glutamine in a jar

This amino acid is present in large quantities in human food and accumulates in the muscles. Muscle tissue consists of 60% glutamine, being the most "popular" amino acid in the human body. The second such amino acid in popularity is BCAA, which occupy about 35% of the protein in muscle tissue.

Popularity in Bodybuilding

Due to the fact that this amino acid is widespread, it can easily be found on the shelves of sports stores under the name "Glutamine +" or just glutamine. SportViki claims that on average for a month, glutamine can be found at a cost of about two thousand rubles per pound.

Glutamine Can

This supplement is also sold in pharmacies. But the fact is that in pharmacies the prices for such goods are higher, and this overpricing is unreasonable. It’s much easier to find such a supplement at a reasonable price in a sports nutrition store, and the consultant will definitely tell you how to take this supplement.


Glutamine Food

This amino acid is found in many foods. According to the encyclopedia of bodybuilding "SportWiki", the substance can be found in:

  • Animal squirrel (eggs, fish, meat).
  • Vegetable protein (soy, beans, vegetables).

Also, this amino acid is sufficient in cereals. In fact, a person who eats fully, has no problems with this substance. Deficiency occurs only when a person has closed access to meat products or plant sources of protein.


Novice athletes often look for information about glutamine (what it is and why it is needed). Its main functions are as follows:

  • Anticatabolic.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Acceleration of recovery of the body and muscles.
  • Source of energy.
  • Reproduction of muscle tissue.

Each of these functions is not explicitly expressed. This is due to the fact that the effectiveness of glutamine is noticeable only with a severe deficiency of any of these functions. Therefore, having good nutrition, you should not wait for an increase in strength results by taking glutamine.

Glutamine Formula

Also, doing irregularly and having problems with the immune system, glutamine may not necessarily improve the condition of the body. Most often, it is a reducing agent only when the load occurs excessively and for a long period. This effect is described in more detail below.


With stable high loads, immunity changes. Especially if it’s training related to exercises that use weight of about 80% of the maximum, which is mainly practiced in bodybuilding.

According to a 2007 study, loads of low and medium intensity strengthen the immune system and reduce the number of diseases per year. But long workouts, repeated three to four times a week, lead to a deterioration of all the body's immune systems. The period of weakening of the immune system can last up to 24 hours.

Immunity against

This condition is especially noticeable with loads lasting more than one and a half hours, poor oxygen supply (classes in the basement) and insufficient nutrition.

If the decrease in the activity of the immune system lasts more than nine days, the strength of the loads does not decrease, and the nutrition does not improve, then persistent immune dysfunction occurs.

This condition is rarely observed in professional athletes, since they additionally take hormonal drugs that help the body recover better.

During intensive workouts, it is extremely important to supplement glutamine, as it is most important for restoring the immune system.

Muscle growth

According to the SportWiki encyclopedia of bodybuilding, muscle gain with glutamine is not very pronounced. Many tests were conducted on different groups of people and there was no significant increase in muscle growth.

Glutamine for an Athlete

But in other studies, test results showed that glutamine intake during intense workouts resulted in an increase in muscle mass of 800 grams.

Also, this conditionally essential amino acid allowed the body to perform exercises longer. Directly influencing endurance, this supplement is able to increase the maximum weight that a muscle can lift. This means that if you are doing a bench press with a barbell of 100 kg, then, taking glutamine, after about two weeks you can add about 7 kg more on top. About 3% of the current weight is added in the first week of glutamine use.

Taking supplements

When asked how to take glutamine, SportViki replies: "About 6 grams per day." Glutamine works better if you take it in two passes: immediately after class and before you go to bed. If you take the supplement during training, it will quickly restore the body’s reserves and accelerate the anabolic effects. In addition, this is a good way to prevent various diseases, since one of the main effects of glutamine is to strengthen immunity.

Glutamine "SportViki" recommends taking before bedtime, as during sleep, growth hormone production is accelerated. This leads to the acceleration of all metabolic processes in the body, it is especially important during stable physical activity in the gym.

One of the most interesting properties of glutamine is the ability to stop dehydration. That is, the body removes water more slowly, due to which it is better redistributed throughout the body.

Also, absorption of water in the intestine is improved. Due to this, the water-salt balance improves and the body feels better. This is important during training, as problems with water-salt metabolism can lead to a deterioration in all athletic performance and fatigue.

The best time to take supplements

Newcomers who come to the sports nutrition store often ask: “Glutamine, what is it? And why is it needed? How to take it? "

As mentioned earlier, glutamine is an important amino acid that promotes recovery, it is best to take this conditionally essential amino acid on an empty stomach. Only after half an hour is it recommended to take a meal.

Athletes in the game

According to SportWiki, glutamine is fully absorbed into the bloodstream during this time. Scientists claim that during the maximum concentration of amino acids in the blood, growth hormone production increases. And this is what affects the acceleration of muscle growth.

Glutamine Harm

Glutamine - what it is and why it is needed, how to take it, product reviews are not all the questions that beginners ask when buying glutamine. The main question for buyers is how dangerous this supplement is for health.

This amino acid always comes with food into the human body from birth, so do not be afraid of the receptions of this amino acid. Also, additional portions of this substance in no way impair the functionality of the body.

Judging by the reviews, the athletes claim that they felt a worsening of sensations in the intestines after taking overdoses of glutamine - about 20 grams at a time. In fact, this is pointless, since no more than 8 grams are digested in one go.

In what form to take the supplement

In sports nutrition stores you can find many items with the name "Glutamine." The main difference lies in the form of supplementation. There is glutamine in powder form and in the form of capsules and tablets.

If it is inconvenient for you to dilute the powder in a liquid and take it during classes, in the morning or before bedtime, then you can choose capsules and tablets, but you should take into account that you need to take from five to eight tablets at a time.

And in the form of powder you need to take only one small spoon. In addition, additives in the form of a powder are cheaper and thus you can save at least twice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34471/

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