To mobilize is how? Meaning, sentences and synonyms

Of course, you don’t know what we are going to talk about a word that can describe our reality. Amazing, huh? On the one hand, writers (and not only them) write, compose. And you need only one word, so that everyone and everything becomes clear. We analyze today the verb “mobilize” - this is what gives the key to reality, if the word is correctly interpreted.


Man works with full mobilization.

Probably stronger than the meaning of the word, the reader wants to know why, in fact, the verb is the key to reality. Are we declared martial law, but we are sitting here and do not know anything? No, in fact, everything is not so scary. But to start a conversation, you must first find out what meanings we have at our disposal. Let's open the explanatory dictionary:

  1. Mobilize someone (or something).
  2. Having completed the necessary training, lift, inspire.

It is also necessary to clarify what mobilization is. We give its definition:

  1. The transfer of armed forces from a peaceful state to full combat readiness.
  2. Bringing someone (or something) into a state that ensures the successful completion of a particular task.

The first value also includes the draft of the military-laden population in the army during the war. Naturally, in such a situation, not only people, but also the economy is being reorganized into a military regime. Thank God, the first meaning of the word has not come in handy for a long time. But the second - yes, this is the key to reality. We’re told all the time to mobilize (this is the trend of such) strength for a particular task. And when we are not at work, we must look for opportunities for development. Therefore, the verb considered today is our helm.


Frame from the film "Starship Troopers"

Do not think that only adults know the requirement to mobilize all forces. Schoolchildren are also very familiar with this, when the time comes for exams, it does not matter whether it is simple or final. Okay, let’s leave this sad topic and translate abstract knowledge into concrete. In other words, we will make sentences with the word:

  • To solve the problem, you need to mobilize all your strengths, that is, recall the entire course that you studied. And for those who did not go, there is nothing to remember, and this is sad.
  • To successfully pass the rush job regime at work, it is necessary to mobilize all forces.
  • No, I do not believe that you are capable of simultaneously mobilizing and reanimating your knowledge of the subject and passing the exam.

By the way, if we talk about military mobilization and do not turn to the obvious historical facts, then you can scoop up from the well of science fiction and recall Robert Heinlein’s book “Starship Troopers”, based on which the cult film was shot in 1997. In the fight against alien life, people needed universal mobilization. The verb “mobilize” is something that sometimes awakens a creative imagination.


Girl portrays a workaholic

We examined the noun and verb, made sentences. What else do we need? We need synonyms for “mobilize”:

  • attract;
  • to inspire;
  • call upon;
  • to focus
  • inspire.

We hope the reader has enough of this modest list. The main thing here is to understand the essence of the word, and then there will be no problems. We have done everything in our power. True, all the resources for this did not have to be mobilized. And we also advise the reader not to overwork and rest more often.


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