Poet Vladimir Vishnevsky: biography, photo

The poet Vladimir Vishnevsky, whose biography and work will be discussed, is a figure that is undoubtedly original and recognizable among Russian writers. In addition to his poetic work, he is known as an actor, television presenter, showman, comedian, in other words, as a person working for the public. So, we will study his life in more detail.

Vladimir Vishnevsky biography

Writer childhood

Vladimir Vishnevsky was born in Moscow in August 1953, in the family of native Muscovite Evgenia Vishnevskaya and Ukrainian Jew Petr Geht, rocket engineer from Novograd-Volynsky. Until the age of eighteen, Vladimir bore the name of his father, but after he changed it to his mother, under which he became known to Russia as a poet and TV presenter.

According to the poet, from his parents he inherited only the best qualities: from his father - the ability to remember good, to thank and not to be rude, from his mother - a sparkling sense of humor, optimism and a penchant for literary activity.

Youth and the first poetic tests

poet Vladimir Vishnevsky biography

In principle, the biography of Vladimir Vishnevsky can be stated quite briefly. Having entered the Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute in 1969 (after unsuccessful attempts to get into the Literary Institute), the future poet successfully graduated from the faculty of Russian literature. During his student years, he began to bring his poems to the editors of periodicals, where they were published, but only occasionally. In those years, his work was mostly lyrical and satirical. He began to engage in permanent publication only in the 80s.

After graduation, Vladimir Petrovich Vishnevsky, whose biography we are considering, served for exactly a year in the Soviet army in Leninakan, worked as an ordinary mechanic. The nineteen-year-old first visited abroad - in Germany in the company of the construction team.

Vishnevsky - songwriter and TV host

Vishnevsky Vladimir Petrovich biography

Since the mid-eighties, the poet wrote songs to the music of famous Soviet composers, which as a result did not become widely known, but nevertheless entered the permanent repertoire of some performers. An interesting point in the biography of Vladimir Vishnevsky is that in the early 90s he was the host of various television shows: Skladchina, Vishnevsky Garden, Poet, Humor Park and others. One television project followed another, and Vishnevsky switched from channel to channel. Most recently, in 2017, he created an author’s project on the Sarafan television channel - “Useless words with Vladimir Vishnevsky”. It is worth noting that the poet is a member of the Eurasian Television Academy.

The invention of the original literary genre

The poet began to engage in literary activities since 1981, but began to publish constantly only in 1985.

Vladimir Vishnevsky, whose brief biography we are considering, received the greatest fame in connection with his invention of the author's genre - the one-man. All works of this kind - ironic satire and humor "for the wickedness of the day." They began to gain special popularity after the poet began to appear with them in various humorous television programs, for example, in the Full House with Regina Dubovitskaya. The poetic activity of Vladimir Petrovich Vishnevsky combines virtuoso improvisation and humor. In fact, his loneliness has already become an integral element of Russian folklore, almost instantly diverging to winged expressions. Sometimes expressions are so strongly woven into urban folklore that the author himself is no longer remembered. It seems that the poet has a one-oddness, as they say, for any occasion. According to Vishnevsky himself, he undoubtedly inherited this kind of wit from his unique mother.

Vladimir Vishnevsky short biography

To date, more than 20 poetry collections by Vladimir Vishnevsky have been published - “A Kiss from the First Hand,” “Fables of the Motherland”, “Moscow Registration”, “Farm Feed” and many other books.

From 1995 to 2011, the famous line of books “Being Interchangeable Ugly” was published.

More than once, Vladimir Vishnevsky was recognized as one of the most frequently cited writers of Russia due to the accuracy and accuracy of his poetic language. His poetry was included in the collection of “Stanzas of the Century”.

Vishnevsky actor

The beginning of the career of Vladimir Petrovich was 2001. In total, during his life he took part in the filming of more than 25 films. Among the paintings where he played the main role, it is worth mentioning the tape "Bomb for the bride" and "Love-service." Most often, Vishnevsky played minor and episodic characters - swindlers and scammers, and sometimes himself (detective "Clever Man").

Projects and awards of the poet

The poet is currently a member of numerous unions. Vladimir Vishnevsky is a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (as well as a similar Moscow Union) and the Guild of Actors of Russia. In addition, he is an active member of the Russian Academy of Humor, a member of the Russian Jewish Congress and a holder of numerous state awards for various civic and creative achievements.

Vladimir Vishnevsky biography and creativity

Since 2010, Vishnevsky, in collaboration with the artist Rybakov, has been implementing the idea of ​​the Isostishia project, which was presented at several major Moscow exhibitions.

Since 2014, Vladimir Petrovich has been conducting an authoring program to optimize Russian society, promoting the improvement of the Russian language and its modernization.

In 2015 he participated in the project “Be a poet”.

In 2017, he created a program for reading his favorite poems.

Among other things, Vladimir Vishnevsky voices audio books, which are very popular among listeners, especially among children, because the poet is mainly engaged in reading fairy tales and encyclopedias.

Vishnevsky also performs solo poetry programs, such as "Favorites for the Elect."

Personal life of Vladimir Petrovich Vishnevsky

He is married to Tatyana Yoffe, whom she met back in 1997 as a guest of the chief Moscow rabbi, his friend Adolf Shaevich (to which he devoted the corresponding ironic odnoshenie). The couple later had children, only in 2008 they had a daughter, who was named Vlada, so Vladimir Petrovich became a father at 56.

Currently, Vladimir Vishnevsky, whose biography you learned, lives with his wife in Moscow, is in demand and loved as a poet, TV presenter and showman. It is worth noting that after the speeches he willingly gives autographs, and anyone can buy a collection of poetry signed by Vishnevsky himself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34483/

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