Elf hairstyle: varieties, creation technique, photo

Modern youth are familiar with the computer game "The Witcher". It is especially popular among males. Moreover, not only children and adolescents play, but also men. Some of them are so addicted to the gameplay that they imagine themselves to be some kind of hero. For example, rebel elves. Especially many want to adopt their hairstyle. This article will not only describe its features, but also tell you how to make it.

elf people

Rebel Elf Hairstyle

The elves from the Witcher role-playing game are currently imitated by fans. They don’t wear the same clothes, but many people prefer the hairstyle of the rebel elf. Today it is one of the most fashionable and stylish options for men's haircuts.

In ancient times, male warriors had never had their hair short, but they came up with many options for styling them so that they would not interfere with work, travel, or war. In the universe of The Witcher, rebel elves came up with different ways to style their hair, given the length, but never cut it. Elf hairstyle is easy to repeat. Let's get acquainted with the technique of its implementation.

elf costume

How to make an elf hairstyle?

To grow long hair requires a lot of patience. Currently, it is found in men all over the world, like the original styling. There are several options for men's hairstyles from long hair:

  1. Top knot and shaved whiskey. Suitable for those who prefer long hair. The only rule is to regularly pick up whiskey.
  2. Shaved high whiskey and long hair at the crown. Gathering several strands from the forehead to the back of the head, they are braided into small pigtails. Then, on the back of the head, they form into one large braid and are tightly pulled by thin skin. Ordinary hair bands are also suitable.
  3. An excellent version of an elf hairstyle, which looks good both in a braided and in a loose state, can be achieved by cutting hair in the temple area. You need to start from the front of the head, smoothly moving to short hair on the back of the head.
  4. Network. Hair is braided into a braid only at the back of the head. This hairstyle is practical and convenient to use, one of the minuses is the complexity of its implementation, as it is quite difficult to braid short hair daily on its own.
  5. Loose long hair. One of the simplest options that do not require maximum hair care. The main task is to grow hair of a certain length so that you can then collect it in a tail.
  6. Another variety of elf hairstyles: the whiskey and the back of the head are cut short or shaved diagonally from one ear to the other. At the same time, medium-length hair is combed forward, and short hair remains unchanged.
  7. A braid or tail on the back of the head. This hairstyle is popular with men. It not only looks spectacular, but also very comfortable, because even in a loose state, the hair on the back of the head does not interfere.

Such haircut options are suitable only for strong-willed, courageous and strong men.

rebel elves


In the world of many video games, the elf hairstyle is the main men's accessory. However, in the real world, some are happy to copy images of fictional characters. But the stronger sex differently relate to this style. Some men who decide to grow their hair cut their hair after a while, as there is not enough patience for styling and care. Others do not accept this style at all. And those who wear elf-style hairstyles for a long time consider them convenient and practical.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34490/

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