Vibro massager for legs: types, working principle, selection rules

Nowadays, the problem of leg health is relevant not only for people of mature age - quite often the younger generation has to deal with it. Hypodynamia, poor ecology, malnutrition - all this does not affect the condition of the musculoskeletal system in the best way. Perhaps, each of us more than once had to feel such unpleasant things as swelling, heaviness in the legs and pain in the joints. These symptoms not only cause discomfort, but can also signal the development of dangerous ailments. Problems with legs deprive a person of the opportunity to fully enjoy life and often force him to lead a sedentary lifestyle, locking himself in the walls of his own home.

Fortunately, the situation is completely solvable. A foot massager can help here, with the help of which massage can be done at home without visiting treatment rooms and without involving specialists.

foot vibrator

Principle of operation

On the human foot, as you know, there are about 60 acupuncture points. Their proper stimulation helps not only reduce pain in the legs, increase blood circulation, restore joint mobility, but also improve the functioning of various biological systems. In medicine, the foot vibrator has long been used in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, being an excellent alternative to the professional hands of a massage therapist.

The high effect of the massage procedure is directly related to the principle of the massager. How does this device work?

The action of the massager has two directions at the same time: on the one hand, it warms the calf zone and feet, increasing blood supply and restoring the metabolism in the lower extremities, and on the other hand, it massages the treated areas, starting from the fingers and ending with the knees, thereby achieving relaxation and ease in legs.

foot vibrator with infrared radiation

Selection rules

Before you make a purchase of a foot massager, it is important to consider some points.

Firstly, it should be determined for which parts of the legs the device will be used. It can be exclusively feet, joints or the entire lower limb completely. Also, manufacturers offer more thorough devices that are designed to massage the feet, lower legs and hips at the same time. For those who work in a standing position, a foot massager suitable for acupressure on the principle of finger action on all areas of the limb is suitable. If the goal is a therapeutic massage, it is better to opt for a hydromassage.

Secondly, you need to choose the right type of massage. It can be tonic, relaxing, reflexive and compression. Based on this, a variety of massage device is also selected. More expensive models are equipped with the function of warming up, regular vibration, stroking and rubbing the legs. There must be an option to select the intensity and duration of the massage.

Based on the principle of action, mechanical, pneumatic, infrared, vibration and hydromassage are distinguished. Some models can combine several principles of work. Consider the most popular options.

Mechanical massagers

Such devices are called manual. They are affordable, easy to use and safe to operate, do not need power or use batteries. Also suitable for children.

Mechanical foot massagers are usually presented in the form of needle balls or roller wheelchairs made of wood, plastic or rubber. Acupressure is carried out by rolling the device with the feet and toes.

As a mechanical massage also use special massage slippers, in the sole of which are polymer granules. Wearing such shoes is a good alternative to walking on the sea sand. Recommended for the elderly in order to improve blood circulation, as well as the treatment and prevention of joint diseases.

manual vibrating massager

Pneumatic Massagers

The action of the devices is based on the compression force. Pneumatic massager is a kind of boots, consisting of several airbags. When filling them with air, the legs are compressed, metabolic processes are activated. The effect of the procedure and its orientation depend on the number of pillows - the more of them there are, the larger the leg area can be worked out.

Electric massagers

The most popular of all existing is an electric vibrating massager. As a rule, it is made in the form of a platform with many details. When you turn on the device, the parts begin to vibrate, having a beneficial effect on the legs. An electric vibro massager is well suited as an additional therapeutic agent for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The ability to change nozzles, adjust the mode of operation and act on different parts of the legs allows you to get a truly high-quality home massage.

The vibrating foot massager with infrared radiation, in addition to the acupuncture effect, gives a warming effect, thereby improving blood circulation and joint mobility.

Also on sale is a manual vibrating massager, with which you can massage not only your legs, but also other parts of the body. And the presence of infrared heating function makes it possible to use the device for the treatment of viral and colds.


Hot tubs are mini-jacuzzi. With their help, it is possible to stimulate biologically active points of the foot and achieve a relaxing effect. Moreover, the action of the whirlpool is directed not only to the legs, but also to the nervous and immune systems.

electric vibrating massager

To achieve maximum effect, various infusions of medicinal herbs or sea salt are added to the water. A good result from hydromassage can be obtained by alternating cold and hot water. This technique will help relieve fatigue and improve the condition of the skin.

The positive effect that a leg massager is capable of exerting, as well as a classic massage performed by a professional, is beyond doubt. Its main advantage is that for the procedure you do not need to spend time visiting specialized institutions and pay for the services of a massage therapist. Having become the owner of a massager, therapeutic therapy can be obtained without leaving home.


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