Wine "Men's Tears": composition, manufacturer, reviews

Wine "Men's Tears" refers to natural grape drinks. Its amazing deep taste and intriguing name - these are the reasons that caused frenzied popularity. Returning from a vacation in the south, many are not at a loss about what to buy as a present for loved ones or for themselves, but opt ​​for a couple of bottles of this dark aromatic wine.

wine male tears

Drink description

Among the features of the wine "Men's Tears" should include the following:

  • Fortress from 11 to 13%.
  • Deep dark color, garnet or red.
  • Blending from grapes of several varieties (Isabella, Moldova, Khachich).
  • Some manufacturers use blackcurrant juice for blending.
  • Insisted on barberry or cherry pomace.
  • Aged in an oak barrel.

This is one of the most delicious representatives of red semisweet wines of the south, which explains its frenzied popularity. You can buy this drink in southern cities such as Sochi and Adler. Most often sold for bottling in plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters.

Among the advantages of this drink should be attributed to the undoubted benefit for the body. So, doctors have proved that red wines not only improve mood, but also normalize the circulatory system and help in the fight against insomnia. And useful for stabilizing hormonal levels in women.

wine male tears composition

The composition of the wine "Men's Tears"

The next moment. The composition of the wine "Men's Tears" includes several varieties of southern grapes and various additives. So, you can find a drink with a blend of blackcurrant juice, blackberry or cherry. The grape variety most commonly used in production is Moldova. This is a table variety of the plant with large juicy berries in dense skin, painted in dark purple. The variety grows in the southern regions with a mild climate and is in great demand among experienced winegrowers.

Khachich, Isabella and wild grapes can also be used . The blackberry blend gives the drink not only an unusual taste, but also an amazing sweetness.

semi-sweet wine

About the benefits of red wine

Further. Producers of wine "Men's Tears" note that this drink, in addition to its amazing taste, also provides benefits to the body. Moreover, the healing effect varies for women and for men. So, with moderate use of a natural product, men reduce the risk of prostate cancer, heart attacks and strokes. Due to its composition, semi-sweet red wine helps solve the problem of the so-called “feminization” when men form a fat layer in the chest and abdomen. A grape drink reduces estrogen levels and helps deal with this nuisance. But at the same time, do not forget that alcohol should be consumed in moderation.

Semi -sweet wine allows women to improve the state of the nervous system, get rid of the effects of stress, and solve the problem of insomnia. Red wines normalize the thyroid gland, cleanse the blood, are a good preventive measure against the formation of kidney stones. Due to its moderate calorie content, this drink will not violate even the most strict diet. Therefore, a glass of "Men's tears" can afford and losing weight ladies.

wine male tears manufacturer

How to drink

Like any semi-sweet red wine, “Men's Tears” should be consumed in a special way. First of all, you need to enjoy the aroma of the drink, so when you open the bottle, do not rush to pour it into the glass. It’s better to let the wine breathe, and then to feel its amazing aroma. Only after this should tasting begin. Red southern wines are recommended to drink at a temperature of about 18 degrees.


To wine "Men's Tears" was beneficial, you should drink it in very limited quantities:

  • 1-2 glasses for women.
  • 2-3 glasses for men.

These are the maximum standards, but in general, for daily use for medicinal purposes, doctors advise to be limited to 50-75 ml. Then this delicious aromatic drink will be a wonderful way to prevent cancer and atherosclerosis, improve heart function and lower blood cholesterol. If excessive consumption of wine becomes a bad habit, then the body will not benefit from it.

wine men's tears reviews

What to drink with

Red wine “Men's Tears” can be served with seafood (oysters, fish), vegetable snacks, desserts, meat. Ideal drink in harmony with dishes of chicken, duck, turkey, rabbit. You can also serve it with oily fish (trout, salmon), sausages, blue cheese. Wonderfully shade the taste of the wine "Men's Tears" chocolate cake or cake.

But cream cheeses will not make a couple of tart drink, it is better to refuse them. Also, the products that go poorly with grape alcohol include salads with vinegar dressing and nuts - they will kill the taste of wine.

Consumer opinion

Wine "Men's Tears", according to customers, has an amazing taste. Guests of Adler or Sochi are trying to buy a couple of bottles for later. At the same time, it is noted that the drink well tolerates the road and does not lose its taste. As noted by connoisseurs of the drink, it has a pleasant tart taste with pronounced notes of cherry. However, consumers indicate that alcohol should only be purchased from trusted manufacturers. Otherwise, the smell of alcohol will be felt, and the taste will be very different.

It is possible to transport and store such a drink, as buyers note, in plastic bottles. His taste will not suffer from this, but it is advisable to consume wine in 2-3 months. Buyers indicate that they put the purchased bottles in a dark cool place, always in an upright position, and do not open the lid. If the wine is open, it should be consumed within a few days.

how to drink wine

How to buy

Most often, the wine "Men's Tears" is brought from southern cities, where it is made at home. In addition, the drink can be ordered over the Internet directly from manufacturers. The average cost of a bottle is from 300 to 500 rubles. When buying several bottles, sellers often make a discount, which can save a lot.

Wine with the mysterious name "Men's Tears" has a deep tart taste and rich aroma, women like it very much and, with moderate use, have undoubted benefits. That is why it is very popular.


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