Past Simple: irregular verbs and regular verbs

The grammar of the English language is in many ways different from the grammar of the Slavic languages, therefore it is difficult for most Russian speakers to give. This is especially noticeable when it comes to indicating the time at which an action or event occurs.

However, as noted by native English speakers, they learn the grammar of Slavic languages ​​with great difficulties, since there are more nuances and many exceptions to the rules.

The easiest to understand and learn in English are the times of the Simple group. By the way, simple translates as "simple."

Let us examine in detail the simple past tense.

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Simple Past Tense - Past Simple

The simple past tense in English is identical to the past tense in Russian. Its task is to indicate that an action has occurred in the past, while the emphasis is on the action itself, and not on the fact of its completeness (otherwise it would be a finished time - Past or Present Perfect, depending on context) and not on the process of implementing actions in the past (otherwise it would be a long past tense - Past Continious).

For the time Past Simple, related words and phrases corresponding to a given grammatical time can indicate. For instance:

  • Three years ago. - Three years ago.
  • Yesterday. - Yesterday.
  • Last year. - Last year.
  • Month ago. - Month ago.
  • In July. - In July, etc.

Irregular verbs of Past Simple English, like regular ones, should be in the second form, otherwise the structure of a simple sentence does not change.

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Past Simeple is used in:

  • Affirmative sentences.
  • Negative offers. They are formed with the help of the negating particle not, and adverbs are often used to indicate negation - never, no, and the like.
  • Interrogative sentences. To raise the question, auxiliary words are used, including modal verbs. Such auxiliary words include when (when), where (where), which (which), whose (whose) and the like. If a general interrogative sentence is proposed, then to which an affirmative or negative answer can be given, the auxiliary particle did, as well as modal verbs, are used.

What is the difference between irregular and regular verbs?

You need to know what forms of verbs are needed for Past Simple. Regular and irregular verbs in English have four forms:

  • Infinitive, commonly used with the to particle.
  • The second form of the verb is usually used to form the tenses of the Simple group.
  • The third form is used mainly in perfect times.
  • Fourth with -ing ending at the end. Used in long periods of the band Continious.

We need exactly the second form to form such a time as Past Simple. Irregular verbs are listed in the verb table, their forms need to be learned, in extreme cases - checked by the table.

Regular verbs are not included in this table, so you need to add the ending -ed to the infinitive form, so that from the infinitive of the correct verb to make a verb of the second or third form. It is worth noting that in the case of regular verbs, their second and third forms will be absolutely identical.

For example, the irregular verb to see (infinitive) will have the second saw form and the third one seen, while the correct verb to visit (infinitive) will look like visited in both the second and third form.

Moreover, there are irregular verbs in which the second and third forms also coincide. For example, the verb to have (infinitive) will look like had in both the second and third form.

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Regular verbs

English learners are usually happy when they have to complete exercises using the correct verbs. Due to the fact that there is no need to search or remember their exact shape, it is much easier to put them at the right time.

Moreover, in Past Simple irregular verbs and regular ones are used the same.


In Past Simple, irregular verbs are more difficult to understand and use than regular ones. This is because it is necessary to memorize their forms. At the same time, regular verbs require just changing the endings to change the form.

Irregular verbs Past Simple in English are simply put in the second form according to the table. Thus this time is formed.

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Features of the use of verbs in time Past Simple

Of course, it is difficult to learn absolutely the entire table of forms of verbs, and sometimes it may seem that it is impossible, since there are a lot of verbs. However, there are such words, the forms of which must be known without fail, otherwise you will be recognized as a person who does not know English very well. First of all, we are talking about the most common verbs that begin to be studied even in the elementary grades, as well as a number of modal verbs.

  • For times like Past Simple, irregular verbs should be in the second form. It is in the second column of the table.
  • The modal verbs to be, will, to have are irregular. Their second form is was, would, had respectively.
  • If the correct verb ends with the vowel letter -y, then it is replaced by -i. Then, the ending -ed is added to the resulting word. As an example: to cry (cry) - cried (cry).
  • If the correct verb ends with the vowel -e, then it is completely removed from the word, and the ending -ed is added to the rest. An example would be: to notice - notice. As you can see, in this word there is only one letter -e at the end.
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Past Simple is one of the simplest times in the English language that indicates an action or event that has occurred in the past. It is formed very simply: using the second form of the verb, while no additional verbs and words are required.

In Past Simple tense, irregular verbs and regular ones are used equally. The only difference is how the particular verb is put in the second form.


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