How to choose kinetic sand

Regardless of the age and gender of the child, games in the sandbox are favorite in the warm season. Kids build castles and “garages” for their cars, play with spatulas and buckets, sculpt “Easter cakes” and make all kinds of figures using “molds”. And they are very upset when it comes time to leave their favorite sandbox and go home. However, recently, parents have been able to arrange a sandbox right at home, in the kid’s room! True, the sand with which the baby will play is somewhat different from the usual in its characteristics. This is the so-called kinetic sand ( ) - an innovative development of Swiss scientists, absolutely safe and has gained immense popularity around the world!

How to build a sand castle in a kid’s room? Choose kinetic sand!

Contrary to the fears of many parents, it should be noted that kinetic sand is nothing more than traditional fine-grained quartz sand, obtained in real conditions. It makes up 98% of the total toy volume. The remaining 2 are harmless plasticizers, which are based on silicone - an absolutely harmless material for the body. It is thanks to silicone that kinetic sand becomes so interesting - it does not crumble, but flows through your fingers without leaving any marks on your hands. In addition, kinetic sand is much more viscous and dense - if you apply some force to it, then molded in a certain mold it becomes like plasticine - it becomes so dense and hard.

"Homeland" of kinetic sand - Switzerland. It was there that scientists figured out how to make a “clean” sandbox for the baby, allowing him to play with sand throughout the year. It is for this reason that the only environmentally friendly and harmless is the original kinetic sand produced in Switzerland. At present, analogues of this material have begun to appear, the quality of which can hardly be guaranteed.

Games with kinetic sand are no different from those with "real" sand, and therefore involve the use of the same molds, spatulas, buckets and other children's "tools". And if the baby decides to taste the sand, it’s okay, it won’t cause any harm to the body. The only thing that needs to be done is to give the baby more water - with its help, the sand will naturally leave the body much faster.


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