Sarva Lake: geography, fishing, prohibitions and restrictions

Lake Sarva is one of the most popular lakes in Bashkiria. Represents the exit of an underground river to the surface. In fact, this is a huge spring of clean water. Small in size but very deep. This place was chosen by divers and tourists. The distance from it to Ufa is only 120 km.

Geography of the lake

Sarva spring lake is located in the sparsely populated forest regions of the Republic of Bashkortostan on the territory of the Ufa karst plateau. The left bank of the lake is low, flat, and the right elevated, wooded.

It has the following geographical coordinates: 55 ° 14′15 ″ north latitude and 57 ° 03′57 ″ east longitude.

The dimensions of the reservoir: 30 x 60 meters and a depth of up to 38 meters. And according to some reports, it reaches 48 meters. Such a large value is associated with a karst funnel from which an underground river flows. To reach such depths with a modest size of the reservoir, the bottom should go under the water very steeply. Although there are also shallow rocky areas near the shore. The bottom itself is covered with pebbles and sand.

spring lake sarva

Now Lake Sarva in Bashkortostan is recognized as a hydrological natural monument of national importance. Around it dominate the hilly forest landscapes of the Ural Mountains, forests consisting of coniferous and deciduous trees.

Not far from this body of water is another larger spring lake called Krasny Klyuch.

Is it possible to swim in Lake Sarva?

Swimming is strictly prohibited due to the large depth and low temperature of the water. You can only sink to the bottom with oxygen tanks. Surfacing should only be gradual. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing caisson disease. Swimming alone is also prohibited. On the lake there was a case when one of the divers at the bottom began to lose consciousness, and only the timely help of other participants in the dive saved his life.

diving on lake sarva

It is even more dangerous to dive into an underwater cave, which is located at great depths.

The best time for diving is February and March. Later, due to melting snow, the water becomes more cloudy, and in the summer the turbidity may increase due to rains. In winter, the lake looks like a huge pearl.

Water features

The color at the lake is unusual - it is both bluish and emerald. Water has high transparency, but rather cold. Its temperature in summer is +5 degrees, and in winter +4 degrees. The lake is one of the non-freezing lakes.

You can see the bottom up to 10 meters deep. Therefore, it is not surprising that divers chose it. In terms of purity, the water is not inferior to Baikal. In addition, it has healing properties.

lake water

The underwater source hits with such force that it throws sand and pebbles from the bottom, which do not reach the surface of the reservoir and again go to a depth. It turns out a kind of waterfall, but only under water.

The hardness of lake water is small, less than three units. On average in Bashkiria, it is 10 units. A high content of fluorine, oxygen, and silver ions was found in water.

The water itself does not stagnate in the pond for a long time, it is constantly updated. Even in the driest period of the year, more than 1 m 3 of life-giving moisture per second flows from it. And in high water this value reaches 19 cubic meters.

Healing water is poured into a special container and sent for sale. She is known under the Nurimanovskaya trademark. The company Sarva is engaged in this.

The sources of lake water are the rivers Syroi Askan, Big Sharks, Saula with a total catchment area of ​​120 km 2 . The water flowing out of the lake forms a small river called Sarva, which is 17 km long and flows into the Saldybash river, one of the tributaries of the Ufa river.

How to get to the object

Sarva Lake is located in the Nurimanovsky district of Bashkiria near the village of Sarva, 120 km from Ufa. Getting to it is not difficult. From Ufa you need to leave by car and move in the direction of Pavlovo through Iglino. Upon reaching Krasnaya Gorka, turn right, and then continue along the gravel road for another 27 km to the village of Sarva. On its eastern outskirts is a lake. There is a shuttle bus from Ufa to Krasnaya Gorka.

Who lives in Lake Sarva

Waterfowl settled on the lake. There is also fish, but of a small size: pike, perch, grayling, burbot, gudgeon, gold and silver crucian carp. Catching her in the lake is quite difficult, but it does not stop many. Fishing is possible throughout the year.

sarva lake in winter

In the forests around the lake there are wolves, lynxes, foxes, wild boars.

Where can a tourist stay

You can sit by the pond in a tent or gazebo, which is located right on the beach. Burning fires at a distance of 50 meters from the coast is prohibited. No parking fees are charged.


Lake Sarva is one of the most beautiful and unique lakes in Bashkiria. This rather unusual water body is of great interest to scuba diving enthusiasts. But the descent under water requires special training, equipment, it is desirable to carry it out in a group.

Sarva is not suitable for a quiet family vacation, swimming in it is prohibited. Do not go here with your children. The ecological situation on the lake is favorable, there are no industrial enterprises nearby, and the water does not require additional purification and is suitable for drinking.


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