Constitution Day of Russia - history, features and interesting facts

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the highest state law, therefore, the day of the Constitution of Russia is a memorable date for the inhabitants of our country. On this day, December 12, 1993, the main law, which is in force to date , was adopted.

The Russian Constitution is the main legal document of the country, which enshrines the principles of government, defines the structure of governing bodies, defines the rights and freedoms of citizens. All state and social life, based on the norms of justice and order, is prescribed in this document. Changes are periodically made to the country's main document, and now the country lives according to its latest version.

Historical review

The first attempts to create elements of the constitution in Russia can be considered the times of the reign of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, whose power was limited to the “cross-kissing record”. But only a century and a half later, documents with constitutional content began to appear.

Despite the fact that the Empress Anna Ioannovna was limited by “conditions”, it is not necessary to talk about any serious laws governing the way of life in the Russian Empire. Having repressed almost all freethinkers in the Supreme Privy Council, Anna established an absolute monarchy.

Another attempt to introduce a constitution was already made under Catherine II. The famous writer Denis Fonvizin and an employee of the diplomatic corps Nikita Panin proposed this in 1773. Unlike Anna Ioannovna, Catherine II, learning about this, did not begin to repress anyone, she even thanked the leaders, but that was all.

Later, already Alexander I himself was thinking about introducing a constitution in the country, but nevertheless abandoned this idea. Under him, a little later, the Decembrists demanded that the fundamental law be adopted, following the example of the neighboring Kingdom of Poland. How this attempt ended is also well known.

And only under Nicholas II the first version of the likeness of the modern fundamental law was adopted. This manifesto was called "On Improving Public Order." Prior to adoption, it was changed several times and was finalized in April 1906. In fact, he became the first constitution. He did not exist long before the 1917 revolution.

History of the laws of the country

After that, the country's constitution was adopted and rewritten many times.

The current Constitution of the Russian Federation

It is worth noting that the adoption of the fundamental law is an important milestone and an obligatory component in the history of the civilizational development of any state and its people. In 2018, the holiday, the day of the constitution of Russia, will be celebrated on Wednesday, December 12. Compliance with the articles of the constitution ensures such behavior of the society, which leads to the development of the standard of living of both the individual and the state as a whole, contributes to the spread of the country's influence in interstate relations.

In the history of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, several facts can be distinguished:

  • adoption - December 12, 1993;
  • entry into force - December 25, 1993;
  • the main copy is stored in the Big Library in the Kremlin Palace.

So why is holiday constitution day important for Russia? The answer to this question should be sought in our history. As soon as the basic provisions of the constitution, in one form or another, were forgotten, unrest, civil strife and bloody civil conflicts began in the country. When it came to understand that it was time to stop the bloodshed, a representative institute from different layers of civil society gathered and adopted the basic law, according to which it was to live in the future.

Interesting Facts

In the history of the modern constitution of the Russian Federation, several periods and interesting facts can be distinguished:

  • in the period from 1993 to 2005, this day was not only considered a public holiday, but was also a day off;
  • the current basic law of the country has more than a thousand authors;
  • her birth lasted about 3.5 years;
  • in one year, from 1991 to 1992, about four hundred amendments were made to the constitution, the author of fifteen of them was the first President of Russia - Yeltsin B.N .;
  • Recently, in connection with the renaming of regions, more than ten amendments have been made;
  • during the inauguration, the president of the country swears an oath, I put my hand to any copy of the basic law, regardless of the year of publication and its quality;
  • in the text of the main law of the country there are no borrowings from foreign languages, it is written in Russian-speaking words;
  • twice the Constitution of Russia was able to visit space. In 1999, aboard the MIR station, in 2005 aboard the ISS. In total, she spent 329 days in orbit.

General ledger of Russia

The Presidents of Russia take the oath of allegiance to the country and people on a special copy of the constitution.

Inauguration of the President of Russia

On a red cover made of very thin lizard skin, there is a national emblem made of silver.

The very inscription "Constitution of Russia" is made of gold stamping. There is still no definitive information about which version of the constitution is set forth in this publication and why.

Master copy

Constitution Day is important for Russia also because the legislation of our country is based on it. All adopted laws must comply with it. After the State Duma adopted in 2004 amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as amended by the holiday calendar, the Constitution Day in Russia is celebrated only as a holiday, without a day off.

Celebrating Constitution Day

Constitution in society

Citizens of Russia, regardless of gender and age, must honor the Constitution of the Russian Federation. If necessary, changes to the basic law can be made by the President of the Russian Federation, the government, the Federation Council and the State Duma. Citizens of Russia can also submit their proposals for amendments, submitting them for discussion to elected bodies through people's deputies or representatives of regions in the Federation Council.

It should be noted that the functioning of society is impossible without knowledge and respect of laws, their daily observance and application in the surrounding society. That is why, honoring the day of the Constitution of Russia is necessary primarily for us, its residents. One cannot lose the memory of a document, the adoption of which made it possible to smooth out the troubled period in modern Russian history and begin to move towards a society of mutual respect and understanding. Of course, this did not happen right away, but the gradual evolution of civic identity and laws based on the country's main document made it possible to preserve the unity of the country.

The future of our constitution

There is no doubt that the Constitution of the Russian Federation is not a static document, and amendments will still be made to it, but it will be an evolving process. As the practice of any of the states of the Earth for the entire known period shows, soft forward movement is the most effective and painless process. Revolutionary bombings, no matter what the cause of them, led to the abolition of constitutional provisions.

1993 events

And in the end, both civil society and the country were thrown back along the stage of evolution. Sometimes the state simply ceased to exist. So let's appreciate what the main document of our country gives us, let us know not only our rights, but also our responsibilities. And let the day of the Constitution of Russia become a real holiday!


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