How to iron a sheet on an elastic band: simple methods and recommendations

Ironing bedding is an integral work of every good housewife who carefully and carefully monitors a set of bedding and keeps them neat and tidy.

How to iron a sheet on an elastic band? This will be discussed below.

how to iron a sheet on an elastic band

Why iron bedding?

Ironing sets of bed linen is necessary for a number of reasons:

  • High-quality heat treatment of linen disinfects the fabric.
  • With proper ironing, the sleeping set will retain a neat and tidy appearance for much longer .
  • Heat treatment eliminates the deformation of the laundry.
  • Ironing improves the tactile properties of the material, makes it softer
  • Well-ironed and neatly folded linens are much easier to place compactly in a chest of drawers or wardrobe.
  • Ironing is recommended for people with skin-allergic reactions, skin and infectious diseases.
how to iron and fold an elastic sheet

Rubber sheets

This new type of sheet has a number of features that, no doubt, every housewife will appreciate:

  • since soft material is used for sewing, the sheet on the elastic band does not wear out for a long time;
  • it is easy to wash and dry;
  • it can be used instead of a mattress cover, if one is missing;
  • during a night's rest, an elastic sheet does not move to the floor and crumple;
  • can be used for a baby bed, as it keeps its shape well, even if the baby is energetically moving and spinning;
  • such a product has a neat, attractive and aesthetic appearance.
elastic sheet

Such bedding can be matched directly to the size of the mattress. For example, you can buy a sheet on an elastic band 160x200 cm or a euro - 200x220 cm. Products are made, as a rule, from natural fabrics, such as cotton, linen, calico or satin. They are distinguished by softness, strength, durability. In addition, products retain their color and appearance for a long time. How to iron and fold a sheet on an elastic band? Consider this later in the article.

how to iron a sheet on an elastic band step by step

Preparing bedding for ironing

In order to iron the bedding in a quality manner, it is worth listening to some tips.

The place of ironing must be well lit. If there is a special board - great, if it is missing - it does not matter either. You can simply cover the table with a thick, heavy cloth that will not slip when ironed. If an ironing board is used, its height must be adjusted to fit your own height so that you do not have to bend during ironing, otherwise you can quickly get tired.

There are many more important nuances on the topic "how to iron a sheet on an elastic band":

  • An iron with a sprayer is good. But sometimes it is much better to use a spray bottle to moisten the laundry while ironing, putting gauze on top of the product.
  • After washing, it is best not to dry the laundry a little and to iron it slightly damp - then spraying may not be necessary at all.
  • Care must be taken where you place the iron when adjusting or turning the fabric over. Remember, in no case should it be placed horizontally on the product, since it can stick to the sole of the device or burn.
  • It is also important to ensure that water does not get on the iron, as this can cause a short circuit.
  • Before you run the iron on the next bed linen, you need to iron it by hand, thus checking for wrinkles and creases in the fabric, which will then be quite difficult or impossible to remove.
  • Do not iron the same parts of the product several times. If you see that everything is already smooth, then that's enough. Ironing is finished.

These small but practical and very useful tips will help you cope with ironing your bedding in minutes. And while doing all the work is just perfect.

How to iron a sheet on an elastic band?

how to iron a sheet on an elastic band

So, if you bought yourself such a sheet, washed it, but faced problems with ironing? Some housewives complain that it’s very inconvenient to iron it, it does not fit on the ironing board and is not ironed. But in reality, not everything is as sad as it seems at first glance! The most persistent and creative housewives have developed different ways to iron this bedding. Consider the main ones.

Method One - The Easiest

It is considered the simplest. Ironing sheets on an elastic band is as follows. The product is folded in half, then again in half, and then ironed. When folding it four times, you need to make sure that it does not form folds and creases. Since it will be difficult after that to smooth them back. Some experts in this way advise ironing bedding only with elastic in the corners.

The second method is the most painstaking

This method of how to iron a sheet on an elastic band is the most painstaking. It is necessary to start ironing from the center, gradually turning the fabric itself, moving in a circle. This option is quite long, but it allows you to smooth and heat-treat the entire surface with high quality, without creases and folds.

The original method number 3

It is considered the most original. With it, you can give the material a smooth and perfectly even surface. Consider how to iron a sheet on an elastic band step by step:

  • first, only the middle of the sheet is ironed;
  • then ironed, starting from one side of the sheet, moving gradually around the perimeter of the product;
  • after the sheets have cooled, they put it on the mattress and evaluate the result.

If the linen is tight to the mattress, even small creases will be invisible.

Fourth way

Before ironing the sheet on an elastic band, they pull it on the mattress and iron it without much effort, moving from the center. This method allows you to completely avoid the appearance of folds and creases and to perform a complete heat treatment of the product.

So, we examined how to iron a sheet on an elastic band. It is up to the hostess to decide which method to choose, but remember that the temperature regime of ironing must be set depending on the characteristics of the fabric from which the product is sewn.

Many even refuse to iron the sheets, because when pulled on a mattress, they straighten and smooth out well, but in this case there is no thermal treatment of the fabric, and, accordingly, disinfection.

Fold-up sheet

ironing sheets

Putting such sheets in the closet immediately after ironing is not worth it. It is better to let them cool slightly to room temperature.

So, after the stretch sheet is ironed, the question arises: "How to fold it?". Consider this process step by step.

  1. We turn out the sheet with an elastic band and carefully push our hands inward, straightening the lower and upper corners with our fingers.
  2. We move the corner from one hand to the one that is in the second hand so that in one hand we get two corners, as if worn one on the other.
  3. Poke your free hand back and find another corner below.
  4. In the same way, add it to the previous two, then the fourth and last corner. So, the four corners turned out to be inserted into each other.
  5. We straighten the resulting rectangle neatly and spread it on a flat surface.
  6. If there were two sides with an elastic band, then everything was done correctly.
  7. Now you can fold the sheet several times, like ordinary linen. The result is the following: the edges are pushed into each other, and the product itself is evenly folded.

At first glance, the process of folding this laundry looks rather laborious and complicated, but in fact, everything is much simpler. For the first time, it may be necessary to tinker a bit, understanding this folding technique, but next time this work will take about five minutes, no more. In this type of sheets, it is convenient to store the sheets on a shelf in the closet, they take up a minimum of space and do not wrinkle.


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