How to open a cafe from scratch? Organization of own business

Own cafe is a rather profitable business widespread in our country. But with only desire and initial capital in hand, a complex and long work remains. From this material you can learn how to open a cafe from scratch.


First of all, it is worth finding a room for a cafe. It should be in the center.

how to open a cafe from scratch
city ​​or in a busy area. The main thing is that there are no competitors nearby, otherwise you will not have to expect a good profit.

The room must comply with all safety requirements. It does not allow the presence of rodents and insects. The windows are reliable, the doors are durable. The size of the room depends on the type of cafe. At the initial stage, it is worth opening a small public catering, and expand it in the future.


The second step is how to open a cafe from scratch - paperwork. You will have to visit the tax service, the pension fund, and also register the business as a legal form. Next, it will be tested in Rospotrebnadzor, fire supervision and other services. The room must fully comply with all requirements.

what you need to open a cafe
Before you open a cafe from scratch, you need to get all the necessary documents. At this point, accuracy is important. If there is not even one paper, then at the first inspection the cafe will be closed, and the owner will fall under administrative responsibility.

Equipment purchase

What you need to open a cafe is equipment. First you need to equip the kitchen. At the first stage, one hob, oven, sink and table will suffice. In the premises for visitors it is worth installing a TV or audio system, as well as a bar counter. No need to buy a complete set of equipment from the very beginning. You have to spend a lot of money, which may not be justified in the future.

You will need to purchase tables and chairs, as well as the necessary equipment for serving and preparing meals. Dishes, cutlery, glasses and much more need to be purchased in small batches. The main thing is that everything should be in abundance.

Staff recruitment

The next step is how to open a cafe from scratch - this is to select staff. Required

I want to open a cafe
cook, bartender and waiters. In the future, you can hire a manager, but at first it’s better to independently perform this position in order to personally control the work of the staff. Employed employees should have sufficient experience and knowledge so as not to scare away the first visitors.

Customer acquisition

How to open a cafe from scratch and attract visitors? It is necessary to organize advertising. You can first offer customers a discount on certain dishes or drinks. Or make a price cut in the morning. To do everything right, you should contact the advertiser who will help to promote the institution.

You said to yourself: β€œI want to open a cafe!” Now you need to start searching for money. To organize the work of a small institution, you will need about a million rubles. And this is a large amount for the average resident of the country. And do not forget to create a certain design in your cafe that will appeal to visitors of all ages.


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